Basal ganglia disorders Flashcards
Huntington Disease (HD)
ages the indirect pathway (no brakes!)
Autosomal dominant; age of onset is 3rd to 4th decade
Huntington Disease (HD) impairments
Chorea, oculomotor problems, dystonia, ataxia, dysarthria, dysphagia, cognitive issues
Parkinson Disease (PD)
Damages the direct pathway (no accelerator!)
Symptoms develop after age 50 years
Parkinson Disease (PD) impairments
Bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, postural instability, poor balance, poor coordination, depression, cognitive issues
neurotransmitter for Cortical motor areas produce excitation of the striatum
neurotransmitter for Substantia nigra to the striatum adjusts the signals to the output nuclei
Basal ganglia inhibits 3 areas:
Motor thalamus, Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN) and midbrain locomotor region
Basal ganglia chart
•Loss of dopamine to putamen causes
- Reduces activity in motor areas of the cerebral cortex
- Decreases voluntary movements
Loss of acetylcholine-producing cells in PPN disinhibits the reticulospinal tracts
•Excessive contraction of postural muscles
Toxic Parkinsonism
Agent orange, pesticides, permethrin, CO, synthetic heroin MPTP
increased muscle tone with resistance to passive stretch
Cogwheel Rigidity
your muscle will be stiff, like in other forms of rigidity. But you might also have tremors in the same muscle when it’s at rest.
Festinating gait
decrease in step length and heel strike resulting in small steps and shuffling
INCREASED step cadence
Freezing gait
abrupt stopping of movement without intention to do so
Often triggered by visual stimuli
Resting tremor
involuntary, rhythmic shaking movement
slowed bodily movements; including slowed alternating movements such as finger tapping, making a fist, hand dexterity, and gait
less movement: often seen in facial expressions
Diagnosis requires 2 of 4 cardinal features
Akinesia (hypokinesia and bradykinesia)
Postural instability/impaired balance or coordinationSubtle onset; including flexed posture of head, shoulders, and hips