Baroque Works Flashcards
Name an Italian Baroque Opera
The Coronation of Poppea by Monteverdi
Coronation of Poppea
- genre
- composer
- date performed
- librettist
- plot summary
Italian opera seria Monteverdi 1642 Busenetto based on an episode in Roman history- Emperor Nero (castrato) plans to depose his wife Ottavia (Mezzo soprano) and marry his mistresss Poppea (soprano). After much plotting and intrigue, the opera culminates with Poppeas corronation
Describe the coronation scene (coronation of Poppea)
including performing forces and two specific musical features
the final scene
opens with a chorus sung by the consuls and tribunes as they crown poppea
2 part imitative stylefeatuers recitative-like passages
stile concitato
coronation of poppea
what follows the chorus ?
a short instrumental sinfonia that allows for the characters to depart from the stage
nero and Poppea remain
describe Nero and Poppeas duet
“Pur ti miro”
instrument introduction sets the tender mood
the form is ABBA
A section- ground bass consisting of a four-note descending line.
imitation between the two voices as they exchange a series of endearments
B section- free bass, more harmonic variety
short motives are exchanged imitatively.
B returns,
A returns
sonata in D major
harpsichord sonata
early 18th century
sonata in D major key time tempo structure texture
d major 3/8 time non presto ma a tempo ballo (courtly dance tempo) rounded Binary predominantly homophonic
Sonata in D major
describe the A section and the musical features
melodic figure that is repeated creatin a symmetrical phrase structure
harmonic structure based on tonic, subdominant and dominant
homophonic texture anticipates classical style
features: running passages, repeated notes, trills and leaps
modulates to A major, ends with codetta
Sonata in D major
describe the B section
opens with the same melodic figure as A section but in A major
suprising dissonances, modulates to D minor
second theme of part a returns in D major
ends with coda
give two examples of idiomatic writing in Sonata in D major
and two technical challenges
idiomatic for harpsichord: running passages, repeated notes
technical challenges: trills, leaps between notes
how does the form of Sonata in D major foreshadow elements of sonata form
The return of one theme from the A section after the b section, like the recapitulation of sonata form
a concerto by bach
Brandenburg concerto no. 2 in F major
Brandenburg concerto no. 2 in F major genre composer date performing forces
concerto grosso
1721 dedicated to the set
continuo (ripieno) and concertino: violin, oboe, recorder and trumpet
describe the first movement of the Brandenburg concerto no. 2 in f major
- ritornello themes
- mood
- texture
-ritornello theme made up of 4 motives played by the ripieno
the opening ritornello dominates the entire work, serving as a unifying element
motives 1&3 built around outline of tonic triad
motives 2&4 characterized by scale type movement
-mood is cheerful and bright
-concertino soloists take turns presenting the concertino thee between ritornello themes, creating a dialogue effect
sequential imitation is used
name a suite by handel
water music suite in D major
water music suite in D major
- composer
- date
- # of movements
- performing forces
22 movements, arranged into 3 suites
Baroque orchestra -strings, continuo, trumpets, horns, oboes and bassoons
Water music -Allegro
- key
- form
- tempo
d major
loose ABA1
describe Allegro from the water suite
a non-dance movement included for variety
use of brass creates a regal, fanfare atmosphere
opening ascending motive outlines tonic triad, answered by descending scale passages
B section more active with brass and strings in dialogue
A returns shortened
brief cadenza-style passage links to next movement
Describe the Hornpipe from the water suite
A section opens with a old ascending figure
repeated note motive repeated sequentially
high brass and low brass in imitation
B section modulates to b minor, less active. absence of brass creates contrast from A section
A returns
Hornpipe from water suite key time form tempo
D major
3/2 time
ternary ABA1
An English Opera
Dido and Aeneas, Purcell
what is the background of Dido and Aeneas
originally written for a performance by the students of a girls school in London
Dido and Aeneas composer style date librettist
blended styles- regal character of French overture, lyricism of English vocal style, dynamic string writing of Italian Tradition
first performance 1689
What is the plot of Dido and Aeneas based on?
tate’s “Brutus of Alba” and the ancient poem Aeneid.
tells the story of Trojan prince Aeneas (baritone) who becomes shipwrecked where Dido (soprano) is queen. They fall in lov, but Aeneas must continuo on his quest as he is destined to be the founder of rome.
Overcome with grief, Dido kills herself in the final scene.
describe the recitative “Thy Hand Belinda” (dido and aeneas)
final act of scene three, C minor features word painting: descending vocal line symbolizing death and grief. Melisma on Darkness chromaticism on Death
describe the Aria “When I am Laid in Earth” (dido and aeneas)
dido sing this aria following the recitative
G minor, 3/2 time
opens with an instrumental descending chromatic line.
ground bass- 5 measure pattern repeated 11 times.
descending melisma on “laid in earth” =word painting
Name a cantata
Cantata No. 80 Eine Feste Burg ist unser Gott by JS Bach
cantata no. 80 composer genre first perfomed&revised date based on librettist language English title
Bach cantata 1715, revised 1744 somewhat based on a chorale by Martin Luther Franck German A mighty fortress is our god
cantata no. 80
overall structure
performing forces
8 movements
SATB soloists, SATB chorus, strings, continuo, pairs of oboes
revision by his son WF Bach added trumpets and drums
name the movements of Cantata no. 80
and the effect of this structure
- Chorus (choral fugue)
- Duet (soprano and bass)
- Recitative and arioso (bass solo)
- Aria (soprano)
- Chorus (unison chorale)
- recitative and arioso (tenor)
- duet (alto and tenor)
- Chorus (4 part)
the full chorus in 1, 5 and 8 provides an arch-like structure and supports the smaller movements in between
First movement of cantata no. 80
choral fugue
D major
implied allegro (no tempo markings)
describe the choral fugue of cantata no. 80
(first movement)
shows Bach’s contrapuntal mastery by taking luthers original chorale tuen and creating a fugue
each phrase is presented as a fugal exposition
the opening tenor melody is an embellished version of the original chorale melody
second and fourth phases serve as counter subjects as they begin on the dominant
Name two musical features of first movement of cantata no. 80
word painting “dreadful plans” chromatic dissonance
fifth movement of cantata no. 80
chorale for unison choir
d major
allegro 6/8 time
describe the fifth movement of cantata no 80
strings and oboes play a melody based on the opening of the chorale melody
bach used all 3 types off oboes
trumpets added by WF create a grand effect
SATB chorus in unison,
march-like effect well suited to the text
chorus and instruments alternate phrases
eighth movement of cantata no. 80
d major
describe the 8th movement of catata no. 80
final movement
performed by SATB chorus, oboes, strings and continuo
original melody in sopranos with harmonic support from other voices
instruments double the vocal parts