Bandura Flashcards
What are the theories Bandura agrees with?
The operant conditioning theory and the classical conditioning.
What are the two new things he adds to expand his theory?
- Behaviour is learned from the environment through observational learning.
- Whether we imitate or not depends if we know we want to change a behavior.
Unlike Skinner, what does Bandura believe in?
Unlike Skinner, Bandura believes humans actively process information and think about the relationship between their behavior and their consequences. Observational learning would not occur unless the person is aware that their previous behavior needs to change.
What is the famous experiment that proves Bandura’s theory?
The Bobo doll experiment carried out by Bandura shows how children are vulnerable to mediating learning as they will only change behavior when they feel like it needs to change. In this experiment, the Bobo doll is violently played around with by the adult so the child imitates the adult as they look up to them and want to mirror their actions.
What are some general examples of observational learning theory?
Examples can include social and anti-social behavior, feminine and masculine. These models can be provided by anyone close to the child such as the family or school or teachers.
What conditions are required for children to learn by watching others?
- Attention
- Motivation
- Physical skill
- Opportunity to reproduce actions
- Encoding and retrieving the information
What is self-efficacy?
The belief that you will be successful.
How can adults play a role in developing self-efficacy?
- verbal praise
- rewards
- safe environment
- encouraging
What is social modeling?
People choose role models who reflect self-efficacy