Bandaging & Taping Flashcards
Acute Low back pain taping indication
Acute low back pain
Acute Low back pain taping contraindication
Open wounds, cuts, blisters
Lumbar spine taping indications
- Lumbar dysfunction and pain.
- Avoidance of painful lumbar flexion or postures.
- Application following Mulligan lumbar sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGs) or McKenzie extensions.
Lumbar spine taping contraindication
Check skin reaction to tape and tell the patient to remove it if an adverse skin reaction occurs. Tape should not be left on for more than 48 h.
Anti-pronation taping indications
- Foot, ankle and lower-limb injuries caused by hyperpronation.
- A diagnostic tool to assess the value of functional orthotics.
Anti-pronation taping contraindication
Do not apply for plantar fasciitis in the absence of rear foot pronation, or rigid feet with a normal or high-arch/cavus foot.
Contraindication for taping
Acute swelling
Contraindication for bandaging
Wounds, infections, arterial vascular disease
Indications for bandaging
- Protects the injured area (dislocated or fracture)
- Holds the dressing and splints in place (for burns or large open wounds)
- Exerts external pressure to prevent or reduce edema
- Restricts or limits motion
- Reduces pain
- Improves circulation and healing
- Reduces post surgical swelling
- Shapes limb for prosthesis
Indication for FABER
open wounds or burns, retard add and IR tightness which may develop when pt tends to hold the arm in this protection position & minimize or prevent contracture
Indication for EADIR
prevent placement of the UE in abd and/or ER, which may cause further aggravation of orthopedic type of injuries or dislocation.
NOTE: Most common MOI for sh dislocation is ABER
Indication for velpeau
Fractured clavicle or shoulder dislocation
Indication for DF assist
Facilitate heel stroke during gait on stroke patients c extension synergy or any patient c dorsiflexion problems
Indication for Hip spica FABER
Difficulty or problems with EADIR (e.g. OA)
Indication for hip Spica EADIR
To limit FABER
Figure of 8 for ankle indication
Ankle sprain
Low dye taping indication
- Plantar fasciitis
- Medial arch strains
- Tendinitis
- Stress syndromes caused by overpronation
- Shin splints associated with overpronation
Taping for plantar fasciitis indication
- Plantar fasciitis
- Longitudinal arch sprains
- Acute or chronic midfoot sprains
- Flat feet or fallen arches
- Medial knee pain caused by flat feet
- Bone spurs
- Shin splints
- Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) – chronic or acute
Inferior tibiofibular joint taping indication
Inversion trauma of the ankle resulting in a positional fault of the inferior tibiofibular joint.
When a mobilization with movement (MWM) has restored pain-free function.
Inferior tibiofibular joint taping contraindication
In acute stages, ensure that taping does not prevent a reduction in swelling by being too tight or encompassing the leg.
Also rule out the possibility of an avulsion fracture of the fibula.
Prophylactic ankle sprain indication
- Preventive taping to protect lax ligaments and ‘weak’ ankles
- Final stages of ankle sprain rehabilitation, when less specific ligamentous reinforcement is sufficient
- Chronic inversion sprains
- Chronic medial sprains (reverse heel locks)
Open basket weave indication
- Acute (inversion) lateral ankle sprain
- Acute (eversion) medial ankle sprains: reverse strips to support medially damaged structures
- Acute postcast removal
- Splinting for suspected ankle fracture: use less tension and apply equally to both sides
- `Acute ankle contusion: apply tension to injured side
Open basket weave contraindication
Not able to WB
LCL Knee sprain taping indication
- LCL sprains: 1st and 2nd degree
- Post immobilization of 3rd-degree LCL sprains
- Can be combined effectively with taping techniques for MCL or multiple knee ligament injuries
MCL knee sprain taping indication
- MCL sprains: 1st and 2nd degree
- Post immobilization of 3rd-degree MCL sprains
- For medial meniscus injuries: emphasize spiral strips which cause internal rotation of the tibia
McConnell Taping indication
Patellofemoral pain syndrome; patellofemoral alignment
Taping for patellofemoral pain indication
Patellar tendinitis, PFPS, Osgood-Schlatter, Jumper’s knee
Patellar tendon strap indication
Patellar tendonitis, Osgood Schlatter, Chondromalacia Patella
Overactive upper trapz indication
when the upper trapezius muscle is judged to be overactive, with reduction of that overactivity clinically desirable.
Acromioclavicular strap taping indication
ligamentous sprain of the AC joint
Acromioclavicular strap taping contraindication
Hx of sensitive skin
Overactive upper traps contraindication
Allergic reaction, open skin wounds
Lat epi indication
lateral epicondyle pain, tennis elbow
Thumb spica indication
Thumb sprain
Inferior radioulnar joint taping indication
Wrist pain, pain in supination or pronation of the wrist, post Colles fracture, If a dorsal glide of the ulna corrects painful movement, relieves pain
Finger taping (Buddy)
Minor trauma to fingers on the field of play (ex. ball hitting the extended finger, jabbed/jammed finger), hyper flexion
Finger taping Buddy Contraindication
Suspected Fracture, ligament tear, avulsions of tendinous components
Finger sprain (X-taping) indication
For palmar ligament sprain, hyperextension/hyperflexion of the finger, post-immobilization, pain, stiffness of the fingers, jammed/stubbed finger, MCL or LCL sprain of the finger
Finger taping X taping Eval
Extension / flexion is limited
Buddy taping eval
Can the pt hold equipment, grasp, throw and catch?
Inferior RU eval
full range of motion at the wrist and pronation and supination should be pain free
Thumb spica position
Palm down with the thumb slightly flexed and the phalanges are adducted, forearm on towel
Inferior RU position
Pt sitting or standing with arms relaxed and resting over a table c towel. The wrist and the arms should be held in a neutral position.