Area Control Error (ACE)
The instantaneous difference between a Balancing Authority’s net actual and schedule interchange, considering the effects of Frequency Bias, correction for meter error, and Automatic Time Error Correction (ATEC), if operating in the ATEC mode.
Automatic Time Error Correction (ATEC), is only applicable to Balancing Authorities in which inter connection(s)?
in the Western Interconnection.
Reporting ACE
A Balancing Authority’s ACE measured in MW, which includes the difference between the BA’s Net Interchange Actual and it’s Net Interchange Scheduled, plus its Frequency Bias obligation, plus any known meter error.
Regulation Reserve Sharing Group
2 or more Balancing Authorities that collectively maintain, allocate, and supply the Regulating Reserve required for all member Balancing Authorities to use in meeting applicable regulating standards.
Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE
At any given time of measurement for the applicable Regulation Reserve Sharing Group, the algebraic sum of the Reporting ACE’s of the BA’s participating in the Regulation Reserve Sharing Group at the time of measurement
Automatic Time Error Correction (ATEC)
The addition of a component to the ACE equation that modifies the control point for the purpose of continuously paying back Primary Inadvertent Interchange to correct accumulated time error.
BAL-001 has 2 requirements, what are they?
Control Performance Standard 1 (CPS1) and Balancing Authority ACE Limit (BAAL)
BAL-001 Requirement 1 or CPS1 measures_____.
how well a BA is able to control its generation and load management programs, as measured by it’s ACE, to support it’s interconnection’s frequency. The time period is over a rolling one-year period.
BAL-001 Requirement 2 or BAAL replaced (1)_____ and it’s purpose is that(2)______.
(1) CPS2
(2) A BA shall operate such that its clock minute average of Reporting ACE does not exceed its clock minute BAAL for more than 30 clock minutes.
Balancing Authorities maintain load-interchange-generation balance and support interconnection frequency in real-time using this equation.
Area Control Error (ACE)
ACE is calculated =
(NIa − NIs) − 10B (Fa − Fs) – IME
True or False
An ACE value of zero means a BA is not meeting its obligation and has 0 MW of generation.
False, an ACE value of zero means the BA is meeting its obligation in regards to generation-load and interconnection frequency
True or False
A positive ACE values means that the BA is exceeding its obligation and over generating.
True or False
A negative ACE values means that the BA is exceeding its obligation and over generating.
False, a negative ACE value indicates that the BA in not meeting its obligation and is under generating.
Time Error
caused by accumulation of Frequency Error over a period of time.
What are the two methods of Time Error Correction?
1) Frequency Offset Method
2) Scheduled Offset Method
Frequency Offset Method
The BA offsets its Schedule Frequency (Fs) in the ACE equation by plus or minus .02 Hz
To correct a fast time error by using the Frequency Offset Method, the Scheduled Frequency (Fs) for the ACE equation should be adjusted to?
59.98 Hz
To correct a slow time error by using the Frequency Offset Method, the Scheduled Frequency (Fs) for the ACE equation should be adjusted to?
60.02 Hz
To make time error correction the BA’s offsets the NIs portion of the ACE equation by 20% of the Frequency Bias. He/She is using what time error correction method?
Schedule Offset Method