Bacterial Cells Flashcards
What type of cells are bacteria?
What is the flagellum?
Tail like organelle that rotates for movement.
There can be more than one flagella
What is Bacterial chromosome
Ring of DNA in the cytoplasm in an area called the nucleoid
What is the cytoplasm in bacteria?
Jelly like organelle that contains soluble materials
What is the ribosomes in bacteria?
Organelle that carries out protein synthesis and is free in cytoplasm.
It is smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes (70S compared to 80S)
What is the mesosome in bacteria?
Infolding of the cell membrane which is the site of respiration
What is the capsule in bacteria?
A layer of slime surrounding the cell
What is the bacterial cell wall made of?
What is the bacterial cell wall made of?
What is the plasmid in bacteria?
Small circular additional piece of DNA
What is endosymbiosis
When an organism lives within the body or cells of other organisms, usually in a mutualistic relationship.
- It is believed that before, prokaryotic cells entered eurekaryotic cells to form mutualistic relationships evolving into the mitochondria and chloroplasts today
What is the Endo symbiotic theory?
Some eukaryotic organelles were once prokaryotic cells. Evidence:
- all the same size
- divides by binary fission
- have own circular DNA
- have own ribosomes that are 70S