Bacteria ID Flashcards
Largest group of pathogenic bacteria that is opportunistic
Can be spread by eating contaminated beef
E. Coli
Main reservoirs include: chickens, eggs, unpasturized milk, ground meat, and fish
Causes food poisoning or Typhoid F+
Found in soil, water, on plants, in humans and animals
Lg % of hospital infx by way of IV bags (Glucose/Dextrose)
Subgenus of Salmonella
Largely seen in sheep
Normal flora in human intestines
Swarms on BAP
Common contaminant in dog and cat mouths and is isolated from dog and cat bites
Snuffles in rabbits
Poses an occupational risk to vet staff
W/in the repro tract of bovine, swine, goats, and humans
Eradicated from bovine from immunization of calves
Poses an occupational risk to vet staff
Spread through contact with wild rabbits, rodents, or vectors
C/S: skin lesions and severe resp dz
Francisella tularensis
Causes cholera in humans
Comma shaped
Kennel cough in dogs
Dermatitis with blueish green purulent discharge
Primary pathogen of birds, reptiles, and amphibians
Fruity smell
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Widespread in fresh water, sewage, and soil
Causes dz in fish, reptiles, and amphibians called Red Leg
Species include: Bacillus,Listeria, Corynebacterium and Clostridium
Causes anthrax
one of the most pathogenic bacteria known to man
Produces an exotoxin that affects cardiovascular system
C/S: bleeding from all orifices, blood will not clot, no rigor mortis
Dx: blood draw from ear vein, DO NOT OPEN CARCASS
Bacillus anthracis