Bacte Doc Alyca Flashcards
The test is used to initially differentiate the specieStaphylococcus:
Coagulase Test
KS, 20 years old, was admitted due to high fever,rash with desquamation of the hands and soles ofthe feet, and hypotension. On further history, she iscurrently on her third day of menses and prefers touse tampons. What is/are responsible for thesymptoms of the patient?
Toxic shock syndrome toxinEnterotoxin
YS, 3 days old, delivered via Normal SpontaneousVaginal Delivery in your hospital was admitted tothe neonatal ICU because of generalized rashesthat appear burn-like. What is the toxin that isresponsible for the sloughing of the epidermis thatproduces a burn-like effect to the patient?
Exfoliative toxin (Epidermolytictoxin)
What is the organism responsible for the symptomsof YS?
Staphylococcus aureus
What is the diagnosis of YS?
Scalded skin syndromeRitter’s disease
In the lab, you received a wound swab for culture.On gram staining, you see gram-positive cocci inclusters with numerous polymorphonuclear cells inthe background. On cultivation on SBA,isolatesproduced smooth, yellow-orange colonies that arebeta-hemolytic. What is the pigment responsible forthe color production of the isolates?
MJ, 27 years old, sexually active, is currentlyexperiencing painful urination, low back pain, andurinary frequency. On consult, she was diagnosedwith urinary tract infection. What is the organismresponsible?
Catalase-positive, coagulasenegative, novobiocin resistant(S. saprophyticus)
CS, 35 years old, female, known smoker, alcoholicbeverage drinker, and IV drug user has beendiagnosed with acute endocarditis since 2015. Whatis the risk factor present in the history thatpredisposes the patient to develop the disease
IV Drug user
The organism that is responsible for the disease hasthe following characteristics:
Gram-positive cocci in clusters,beta-hemolytic on sheepbloodagar, ferments mannitol,coagulase positive, catalasepositive
What is the most common heart valve involved?
Tricuspid valve
What is/are the type of coagulase thatis/are being detected on the Tube Coagulase Test
Free coagulase
Staphylococcus aureus produces the followinginfections:
Risk factors associated with coagulase- negativeStaphylococci:
Slime layer
This facilitates the attachment of the organism to theimplanted medical devices
Slime layer
It gives Staphylococcus epidermidis the ability toacquire resistance to most antimicrobials:
Slime layer, biofilm
Habitat of Group A Streptococcus:
Upper respiratory tract of humans
This virulence factor is not present in any otherStreptococci Lancefield groups:
M Protein
Organism/s that produce a positive CAMP Test:
Listeria monocytogenes
Streptococcus agalactiae
Approach to identification of Listeria monocytogenes
Tumbling motility on nutrientbroth
Umbrella pattern on semi solid media at room temperature
Cold enrichment
Bacillus anthracis will present/s with:
Cutaneous anthrax
Gastrointestinal anthrax
Injectional anthrax
This organism is the most common bacterial causeof Acute pharyngitiis
Gram-positive cocci in chains, beta-hemolytic on sheep blood agar, Bacitracin sensitive, PYR positive (S.pyogenes)
This test is used to differentiate Group BStreptococcus from other streptococcal species
You are on duty at the microbiology laboratory andreceived 5 mL of CSF for gram-staining, culture andantibiotic susceptibility testing. On gram staining,you saw gram-positive lancet shaped cocci. Whattest is used to detect the capsule of the organism?
Quellung test
Catalase-positive, coagulase negative, novobiocin resistant
S. Saprophyticus
Catalase-positive, coagulase negative, beta-hemolytic, mannitol fermenter
S. areus
Indole positive, methyl red positive, VP negative,citrate negative, lactose fermenter
E. Coli
Gram-positive cocci in cluster, catalase positive,coagulase negative, novobiocin sensitive
S. Epidermis
Gram-positive cocci in chains, beta-hemolytic onsheep blood agar, Bacitracin resistant, PYR negative
S. Agalactiae
Gram-positive cocci in clusters, non-hemolytic onsheep blood agar, catalase positive, coagulasenegative, Novobiocin sensitive
S. Epidermidis
Gram-positive cocci in clusters, beta-hemolytic onsheep blood agar, ferments mannitol, coagulasepositive, catalase positive
S. Aureus
String test
Factor/s that limit sterilization, disinfection, ordecontamination:
Exposure time
Organic load
Presence of biofilm
Physical method/s of disinfection:
Anticoagulant/s used in the microbiologylaboratory:
This/These agar media is/are found to work best forrecovery of Bordatella pertussis:
Acceptable specimen sites for Bordatella pertussisculture:
Nasopharyngeal swab only
Clinical specimen/s unsuitable for anaerobic culture:
Expectorated sputum
Rectal swabs
Vaginal swabs
Approach to identification of Clostridium tetani:
Rods with terminal spores
Swarming colonies
Clostridium botulinum is/are acquired by:
Improperly preserved foodhoney
Mycobacteria that occur in humans that is/arecapable of causing tuberculosis
Mycobacterium bovis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium africanum
This/These finding/s is/are seen in tertiary syphilis:
Rashes on the palms and soles of the feet
DNA viruses
All DNA viruses that have linear DNA except
Papilloma virus
Hepadna virus
Case analysis:RA, 30 years old, female, came in because of anulcer on her right arm for 7 days. On further historytaking, she works in a ranch mostly tending tosheep.Organism present: Bacillus anthracisYou performed gram-staining on the woundsample, what do you expect to see?
Gram-positive rods in singlesor serpentine chains
What is virulence factor that is primarily responsiblefor death is found in the organism (B. anthracis)
Lethal factor
CO, 27 yrs old, male, came in because of diarrheaand abdominal pain. The patient claims that he onlyate reheated takeout food last night consisting ofChinese fried rice and spring rolls. What toxins areresponsible for the symptoms of CO?
Hemolysin BL
Case analysis:AL, 5 years old, female, came in with complaints offever, pharyngitis, and dysphagia. On physicalexamination, you note a pseudomembrane on thenasopharynx.What is/are the selective media/s that is/are used toisolate the causative organism
Cystine-tellurite blood agar
Modified Tinsdale agar
Case analysis:AL, 5 years old, female, came in with complaints offever, pharyngitis, and dysphagia. On physicalexamination, you note a pseudomembrane on thenasopharynx.
what is/are the component/s present inthe selective media, that is inhibitory to normalmicrobiota?
Potassium tellurite
This medium is used to stimulate the growth of thecausative organism and the production ofmetachromatic granules
Loeffler’s medium
Components of the loefflers medium
What compound is present if there is a redcolor on the Voges Proskauer test?
SP, 34 years old, female, came in due to vomiting,abdominal pain, and bloody stools. On furtherhistory taking, she claims that she attended abirthday barbecue yesterday where they wereserving burgers, hotdogs, and potato salad.What toxin is producing the bloody stools?
Shigella-like toxin
What is the most likely causative organism of thecase?
EHEC Enterohemorrhagic E. coli: Bloody diarrhea, hemorrhagiccolitis, HUS (Hemolytic uremicsyndrome)
The patient most likely contracted the organism via:
Undercooked meat
Case analysis:PC, 83 years old, male, alcoholic, has beenadmitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for twoweeks. During the first week of his stay, heexperienced productive cough with thick bloodysputum described to be currant-jelly like in colorand consistency.
What is the risk factor present that predisposes thepatient to develop the disease?
Prolonged ICU stay
Case analysis:PC, 83 years old, male, alcoholic, has beenadmitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for twoweeks. During the first week of his stay, heexperienced productive cough with thick bloodysputum described to be currant-jelly like in colorand consistency.
What is most likely the causative agent?
PC, 83 years old, male, alcoholic, has beenadmitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for twoweeks. During the first week of his stay, heexperienced productive cough with thick bloodysputum described to be currant-jelly like in colorand consistency
what are the characteristics of this organism?
Contains a large polysaccharide capsule
This organism has a predilection to the gallbladder:
S. Typhi
What test is used to differentiate Proteus mirabilisfrom Proteus vulgaris?
P. Vulgaris Indole test result?
P. Mirabilis Indole test result?
What is the principle of the correct test in Indole test
Tests the ability of theorganism to producetryptophanase and deaminatetryptophan to indole, pyruvicacid, and ammonia
What organism is associated with complicated UTI?
Proteus mirabilis
This pigment is the key to identification ofSerratia marcesens:
Case analysis:AL, 25 years old, male, came in due to complaints ofabdominal cramps and fever for the past 4 days. Hesaid that he developed watery stools that eventuallybecame bloody stools since yesterday.What is the most likely organism that will beisolated?
Shigella dysenteriae
This is a blue phenazine pigment that is producedby this organism in order to damage cells
Case analysis:RS, 80 years old, male, alcoholic, smoker,hypertensive, and diabetic has been admitted in theICU for 5 days, he is currently attached to aventilator, and is experiencing cough with productive sputum.
What is the most likely organism isolated onsputum?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Case analysis:RS, 80 years old, male, alcoholic, smoker,hypertensive, and diabetic has been admitted in theICU for 5 days, he is currently attached to aventilator, and is experiencing cough with productive sputum
What is the risk factor present that predisposes the patient to develop the disease?
Attached to ventilator
This serotype is associated with cholera pandemics:
Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype ElTor
What type of motility is seen on dark-fieldmicroscopy of Vibrios
shooting star motility
Tumbling motility
Corkscrew motility
Darting motility
What is being released during cell lysis in yourstring test?
This is method will kill all forms of microbial lifeincluding endospores
This is the safest method of sterilization
This method of sterilization is used forglassware:
Dry heat
You noticed sparks from the wall socketused to plug in the refrigerator causing a fire tobreak out in the laboratory. What type of fireextinguisher should you use?
Type c
In case of a fire remember RACE. What does Amean?
What is the most commonly used biologic safetycabinet?
Class 2
These are pieces of DNA that move from onegenetic element to another and is unable toreplicate independently:
transposable elements (jumping genes)
Case analysis:DN, 25 years old, male, sexually active, came in dueto penile discharge. Physician requested a gramstain and culture of the penile discharge.77. On gram staining of the penile discharge, thisfinding is considered to be diagnostic:
Gram-negative intracellulardiplococci (N. gonorrhea)
Case analysis:DN, 25 years old, male, sexually active, came in dueto penile discharge. Physician requested a gramstain and culture of the penile discharge.77.
What is/are the carbohydrate utilization pattern/s ofthe organism?
Ferments glucose only
What attenuated strain of mycobacteria is present inthe BCG vaccine?
Mycobacteria bovis
This is the causative agent of Hansen disease:
Mycobacterium leprae
This organism is the causative agent for the majorcause of preventable blindness worldwide:
Chlamydia trachomatis
Case analysis:AA, 27 years old, male, sexually active, complains ofbeefy, erythematous, painless lesions that bleedeasily.What is the most likely isolated organism?
Klebsiella granulomatis (granuloma inguinale ordonovanosis)
Described to cause community-acquired atypicalpneumonia that can occur singly or cause outbreaksin families and military recruit camps:
Mycoplasma pnuemoniae
These are fungal infections that involve the hair, skin,and nails without direct invasion of deeper tissues:
superficial mycoses
This dermatophyte is capable of invading the hair,skin, and nails:
The diagnostic tissue phase of this organism is large,thick-walled yeast with multiple buds, resembling aship’s wheel:
Paracoccidioides basiliensis
The mycelial form of this fungus is a daisy head orflowerette of microconidia
Sporothrix spp.
What is the causative agent of a characteristic rashthat is described to be dewdrop on a rose petalappearance?
Varicella zoster virus (Chickenpox)
On histopathology, this causative agent willdemonstrate giant cells with Owl’s eye inclusions
This is antigen that tells us how infective the patientis and its presence connotes high infectivity
Appearance of this antigen will connote that thepatient is immune or cured
This part of the viral structure surrounds andprotects the nucleic acid
Protein coat
This step in viral replication is also termed asadsorption
Enveloped, single-stranded, negative sense RNAvirus that causes an acute generalized infectionaccompanied with a maculopapular rash. Bluishwhite spots can also be found on the buccalmucosa of the patient
Measles virus
Based on your answer in number 86, what is thecharacteristic cytopathic effect seen:
Warthin-Finkeldey bodies
Case analysis:ML, 38 years old, male, sexually active, came in dueto a painful ulcer found on his genitals, he alsonoted several lesions surrounding his genital areaand inguinal lymphadenopathy.
What do you expect on gram staining of the ulcer?
Slender, coccobacillarydescribed as school of fish
Case analysis:ML, 38 years old, male, sexually active, came in dueto a painful ulcer found on his genitals, he alsonoted several lesions surrounding his genital areaand inguinal lymphadenopathy
what is the most likely organism isolated?
Haemophilus ducreyi
Case analysis:ML, 38 years old, male, sexually active, came in dueto a painful ulcer found on his genitals, he alsonoted several lesions surrounding his genital areaand inguinal lymphadenopathy
this organism is a normalinhabitant of the human upper respiratory tract?