Background Flashcards
What Freud’s psychosexual name and pleasure source for the age group 0-2
Name: Oral
Pleasure Source: Mouth–sucking, biting, swallowing
What Freud’s psychosexual name and pleasure source for the age group 2-4
Name: Anal
Pleasure Source: Anus–defecating or retaining feces
What Freud’s psychosexual name and pleasure source for the age group 4-5
Name: Phallic
Pleasure Source: Genitals
What Freud’s psychosexual name and pleasure source for the age group 6 - Puberty
Name: Latency
Pleasure Source: Sexual urges sublimated into sports and hobbies. Same-sex friends also help avoid sexual feelings
What Freud’s psychosexual name and pleasure source for the age group puberty onwards
Name: Genital
Pleasure Source: Physical sexual changes reawaken repressed needs. Direct sexual feelings towards others lead to sexual gratification
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 1-3 years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt. Children learn either to be selfsufficient in many activities, including toileting, feeding, walking and
talking or to doubt their own abilities.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 3-5 years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Initiative vs. guilt. Children want to undertake many adult like
activities, sometimes overstepping the limits set by parents and
feeling guilty.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 6-11 years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Industry vs. inferiority. Children busily learn to be competent and
productive or feel inferior and unable to do anything well.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 12-18 years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Identity vs. role confusion. Adolescents try to figure out
“Who Am I?”. They establish sexual, ethnic, and career identities, or
are confused about what future roles to play.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 19-35 years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Young Adulthood
Intimacy vs. isolation. Young adults seek companionship and love
with another person or become isolated from others.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 35-50 years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Generativity vs. stagnation. Middle aged adults are productive,
performing meaningful work, and raising a family, or become stagnant
and inactive.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from 50+ years? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Integrity vs. despair. Older adults try to make sense out of their lives,
either seeing life as a meaningful whole or despairing at goals never
reached and questions never answered.
Which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development occurs from birth to 1 year? What is the developmental task or conflict that occurs during this stage?
Trust vs. mistrust. Babies learn either to trust or to mistrust that
other will care for their basic needs including nourishment, sucking,
warmth, cleanliness and physical contact.
What occurs during the sensory-motor stage of Piaget’s cognitive development?
Age: 0-2
- differentiates self from objects
- recognize themselves as an agent and act intentionally
- obtain object permanence
What occurs during the Pre-operational stage of Piaget’s cognitive development?
Age: 2-7
- Learns to use language and represent objects with images and words
- egocentric–don’t understand others point of view
- classify objects by a single feature
What occurs during the Concrete operational stage of Piaget’s cognitive development?
Age: 7-11
- can think logically about objects and events
- classify objects according to several features and can order them in series
What occurs during the Formal operational stage of Piaget’s cognitive development?
Age 11+
- can think logically about abstract concepts and test hypotheses
- become concerned with the hypothetical and future problems
According to Havinghurst’s theory, What occurs during early adulthood?
- Finding mate
- having children
- managing a home
- starting a profession
According to Havinghurst’s theory, what occurs during middle age adulthood?
- Achieve civic and social responsibility
- achieve economic standard of living,
- raise teens
- developing leisure activities in retirement
- reduced income
- ties with peers
what is primary appraisal?
determining if the stressor is a risk or threat
what is secondary appraisal?
evaluating your resources and coping mechanisms for responding
What is problem focused coping?
Problem-focused coping involves handling stress by facing it head-on and taking action to resolve the underlying cause.
What is emotion focused coping?
Emotion-focused coping involves regulating your feelings and emotional response to the problem instead of addressing the problem.
What are the four determinates of success or failure in the attribution model?
Ability (Stable-internal) Effort (Unstable-internal) Task difficulty (stable-external) Luck (Unstable-external)
What are the two dimensions of the attribution model?
Stability (stable/unstable)
Locus of control (internal/external)
What are the four influences in self-efficacy theory?
Performance accomplishments
vicarious experiences
verbal persuasion
physiological arousal
What are the four steps of the experiential learning model?
What are the six stages of behavior change in the transtheoretical model?
Pre-contemplation-don’t recognize problem
Contemplation- recognize problem
Preparation/commitment–see a need to change and start making goals
action–carry out goals to change
maintenance–see benefits of new behavior
Termination–no longer a desire to do past behavior
Change in behavior is most like to occur if the person has the following:
Behavior capability–skills and knowledge to do the behavior
outcome expectance–belief that the change will be beneficial
what are the 5 levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
- Physiological needs
- Safety needs
- Need for love and affection
- Achievement
- Self-actualization
what is the traditional diversity factor?
original culture has been retained in the client
What is the marginal diversity factor?
an uneasy mixture of original and other cultures
what is the bicultural diversity factor?
acceptable comfort with original and newly acquired culture
What is the assimilation diversity factor?
adopting and internalizing values, beliefs, and behaviors of dominant society