back pain + sciatica Flashcards
low back pain
acute low back pain should improve within…
sciatica recovery time
management aims for lower back pain
- identify serious underlying pathology
- speed up recovery
- reduce risk chronic lower back pain
- manage Sx in chronic LBP
caused of mechanical back pain
muscle/ligament sprain facet joint dysfunction SI joint dysfunction herniated disc spondylolithesis scoliosis degenerative changes
causes of neck pain
muscle/ligament sprain
cervical spondylosis
waking up with a unilaterally stiff and painful neck due to muscle spasm
red flag causes of back pain
spinal fracture - major trauma
cauda equina - saddle anaesthetsia, incontinence, bilateral neuro signs
ankylosing spondylitis
spinal infection - fever, Hx IVDU
causes of back pain which are unrelated to spine
pneumonia ruptured AAA kidney stone pyelonephritis pancreatitis prostatitis PID endometriosis
sciatic nerve - nerve roots
sciatic nerve - exitrs posterior pelvis through
greater sciatic foramen
sciatic nerve - divides into
tibial nerve
common peroneal nerve
(at knee)
sciatic nerve - sensory function
lateral lower leg and foot
sciatic nerve - motor function
posterior thigh
lower leg and foot
sciatia - presentation
unilateral buttock pain radiating down leg
motor weakness
sciatica main cause
lumbosacral nerve root compression
- herniated disc
- spondylolithesis
- spinal stenosis
bilateral sciatica
red flad for cauda equina syndrome
examination findinfs - localised spinal tenderness
spinal #
examination findinfs -bilateral neuro signs
cauda equina
examination findinfs -bladder distension
urinary retention - cauda equina
examination findinfs -reduced anal tone
cauda equine
Ix - spinal fracture
X-ray or CT
Ix - suspected cauda equina
emergency MRI
Ix - ankylosing spondylitis
inflammatory markers - CRP, ESR
X-ray (bamboo spine)
STarT back screening tool
risk of patient presenting with acute back pain developing chronic back pain
managing acute lower back pain - first steps
- exclude serious underlying cause
2. StarT back tool
Mx acute back pain - pt at low risk of chronic back pain
self management education reassurance analgesia staying active, mobilisation
Mx acute back pain - pt at med/high risk of chronic back pain
group exercise
Mx acute back pain - analgesia
- NSAIDS first line
- codeine as alternative
- benzodiazepines for muscle space (short term up to 5days)
Mx acute back pain - analgesia NOT to use
opioids antidepressants amitryptiline gabamentin pregabalin
Mx chronic lower back pain from facet joints
radiofrequency denervation
sciatica - pain Mx
sciatica - specialist Mx options
epidural corticosteroid infections
local anaesthetic injectins
radiofrequency denervation
spinal decompression