Back Pain and ergonomics Flashcards
Symptoms of back pain
Impaired balance
Leg weakness and /or numbness
Back pain affects 12-33% of adults
11% report limitations with daily routine
Chronic back pain
3 months or longer in pain. not acute
recurrent pain
recurrent episodes of back pain. not sure what the difference is between chronic pain but some doctors will use these words.
when the nerve root is impinged. like sciatica
Nerve compression as nerve leaves the spine
Cervical or lumbar regions
Repetitive strain, contact sports, sedentary habits and routines
Pain, numbness or tingling
Spinal stenosis
narrowing of the spinal farima typically related to arthritis. sometimes bone calicifations can occur and rub on the nerves and cause pain and numbness.
Facet arthropathy
inflammation or arthritis in the structures of the facets
age related degenerative, can include compression of the disc (especially lumbar) related to arthritis and osteophyte formation. can impinge nerves, artery, veins and soft tissue structrues
when one of the lumbar vertibrae slips and slides over another. More pain with extension.
Herniated disc
nucleaus pulpusis or outer layer of disc between the vertebrae the disc fluid starts to seep out. buldge can be small or big.
Compression FX
can happen from impact. The person may not even know they had it.
non specific low back pain
it is a symptom not a diagnosis. sometimes the team has to do a bunch of tests to figure out what’s going on.
The medical management of low back pain
often narcotics or anti-inflammatory drugs to lessen inflammation so the patient can keep moving.
lumbar laminectomy
fairly common surgery. they remove part of the lamina of 1-3 vertibrae. that will allow access to the spine so they can clean out arthritis and then they fuse the spine back together
spinal fusion
put in rods to keep things in place. it minimizes ROM in that section. Bone will grow into the hardware
where the disc is removed
4-12 weeks post surgery depending on surgeon and procedure
Log roll
take pain meds as required/
Avoid same position for more than 30 minutes
Walk daily
No bending or picking up > 10 lb
No lifing about shoulders (cervical surgery)
No vacuuming, sweeping , housework for at least 3 weeks
No driving until medically cleared
No strenuous activity for 10 weeks
OT Assessment of Low back pain
ADL - AmPac or Barthel
Motor function - strength, ROM, fine motor (pinch, dyno, 9 hole peg, box and blocks)
Sensation - not with trunk, just UE
functional mobility - can they roll in bed, scoot up, scoot down. sit to stand. on and off toilet in and out of shower.
pain - how much pain, when it occurs. is it constant? what relieves it? ice? tens?
endurance -
Environment - look at home and see if there are any barriers.
explore habits, routines and life roles - What do they want to get back to doing?
Work station assessment - Rapid office strain assessment ROSA
Score of 5 or > is high risk and requires intervention
Assesses workstations
Office chairs
Monitor placement
Mouse position phone use
Upper limb movement back support
intervention for back pain and post op back pain - acute care hospital.
bed mobility, ADLs - eating and toileting. showering is not top priority.