Back Muscles Flashcards
Actions of Serratus Posterior Inferior
Depresses ribs 9-12
Innervation of Latissimus Dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve.
Function of Latissimus Dorsi
Extends, adducts and medially rotates the upper limb.
Actions of trapezius
The upper fibres of the trapezius elevates the scapula and rotates it during abduction of the arm. The middle fibres retract the scapula and the lower fibres pull the scapula inferiorly.
Innervation of Trapezius
Motor innervation is from the accessory nerve. It also receives proprioceptor fibres from C3 and C4 spinal nerves.
Innervation of Serratus Posterior Superior
Intercostal nerves.
Action of Levator Scapula
Elevates scapula
Actions of Serratus Posterior Superior
Elevates ribs 2-5.
Rhomboids actions
Retracts and rotates the scapula.
Innervation of Levator Scapula
Dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboids innervation
Dorsal scapular nerve
Innervation of Serratus Posterior Inferior
Intercostal nerves.