Back And Abdominals Flashcards
Name the muscles in the second back layer
Levator Scapula, Rhomboid Major & Rhomboid Minor
Name the muscles in the first back layer
Latissimus Dorsi & Trapezius
Name the muscles in the third back layer
Serratus Posterior Superior & Serratus Posterior Inferior
Name the muscles in the 4th back layer
Splenius capitis & splenius cervicis
Name the muscles in the 5th back layer
Iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
Name the muscles in the 6th layer of back muscles
Semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores
Serratus posterior superior
O: spinous processes of C7-T3
I: ribs 2-5
Fx: elevation of ribs
nn: intercostal nerves
Cervicis & Capitis
O: nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C7-T3 or T4
I: capitis: mastoid process and lateral third of superior nuchal line
I: cervicis: tubercles of transverse processes of C1-C3 or C4
Fx: alone: laterally flex necks and rotate head to side of activated muscles
Together: extend head and neck
nn: posterior rami of spinal nerves
Semispinalis (6th layer or transversospinalis)
O: transverse processes of C4-T12
I: (3 parts - thoracis, cervicis, capitis) fibers run superomedially to occipital bone & spinous processes in thoracic and cervical region spanning 4-6 segments
Fx: extends neck and back in cervical/thoracic region and rotates contralaterally
nn: posterior (dorsal) rami of spinal nerves
Multifidus (6th layer or transversospinalis)
O: sacrum, transverse processes of T1-T3 & articular processes of C4-C7
I: fibers run obliquely and superomedially to entire length of spinous processes, located 2-4 segments sup. to proximal attachment
Fx: stabilizes vertebrae during local movements of vertebral column
nn: posterior (dorsal) rami of spinal nerves
Rotatores (6th layer or transversospinalis)
O: transverse processes of vertebrae
I: lamina & spinous processes of vertebrae located 1-2 segments superior to origin
Fx: stabilize vertebrae and help with extension & rotatory movements
nn: posterior (dorsal) rami of spinal nerves
Minor deep layer back muscles: 3 muscles (6th layer or transversospinalis)
Interspinales, intertransversarii & levatores costarum
Rectus abdominis
O: pubic symphysis & pubic crest
I: xiphoid process, and ribs 5-7
Fx: flexes trunk, and compresses abdominal viscera, stabilizes and controls tilt of pelvis
nn: thoracabdominal nerves (ant. Rami of T6-T12)
External oblique
O: external surfaces of ribs 5-12
I: Linea alba, pubic tubercle, and anterior half of iliac crest
nn: thoracabdominal nerves (T7-T11)
Internal oblique
O: thoracilumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of iliac crest, inguinal ligament
I: inferior border of ribs 10-12
Fx: compresses and supports abdominal viscera, and flexes rotates the trunk
nn: thoracoabdominal nerves (T6-T12) and 1st lumbar nerve
Transversus Abdominis
O: internal surfaces of ribs 7-12 costal cartilages, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest…
I: Linea alba, and pectin pubis via common tendon shared by internal oblique
Fx: compresses and supports abdominal viscera
nn: thoracoabdominal (T6-T12) and 1st lumbar nerve
Levator scapula
O: transverse processes of C2-C6
I: superior medial border of scapula
Fx: elevates scapula
nn: dorsal scapular nn.
Rhomboid Major/ Minor
O: minor: inferior border of nuchal ligament, C7 & T1 spinous process
Major: spinous processes of T2-T5
I: minor: small area of medial border of scapula, above the scapular spine
Major: medial border of the scapula from scapular spine to inferior angle
Fx: retract scapula, elevate medial border of scapula (downwardly rotating), hold scapula against rib cage
nn: dorsal scapular nerve
Serratus posterior inferior
O: spinous processes of T1-L2
I: ribs 9-12
Fx: depression of ribs
nn: intercostal nerves
Serratus anterior
O: first 8 ribs
I: medial border of scapula
Fx: pull scapula forward around thorax
nn: long thoracic nerve
Erector Spinae muscles
- “I” Iliocostalis (lumbar, thoracic & cervical sections), “love” longissimus, “spaghetti” spinalis
“I love 5 layer spaghetti”