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Vertebral Column Mobility depends on what 4 things?
- IV disks – thickness
- Z joints – orientation of articular surfaces
- Ribs – present?
- Surrounding soft tissue – tension of joint capsule, mm, ligs.
How much LUMBAR flexion, extension, rotation?
Flexion: 60 deg
Extension: 35 deg
Rotation: 5 deg
How much THORACIC flex, ext, rotn?
Flexion: 45 deg
Extension: 35 deg
Rotation: 35 deg
How much CERVICAL flex, ext, rotn?
Flexion: 40 deg
Extension: 75 deg
Rotation: 45-50 deg
Lateral Flex: 35-45
How much lateral flexion is in the LUMBAR and THORACIC?
20 deg
Ori: superior nuchal line, E.O.P, nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C VII – T XII
Ins: lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
N: CN XI (accessory), C3 and C4
Fn: elevation, retraction, depression, and upward rotation of the scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
Ori: SP of T VII – L V, sacrum, supraspinous lig, and thoracolumbar fascia
Ins: depth of inter-tubercular groove
N: Thoraco-dorsal
Fun: ext, add, and medial rotn of the arm. If arm is stabilized, then the mm can lift up the lower trunk
Rhomboid Minor
Ori: C7 – T1
Ins: medial border of scapula at border or root of spine
Fn: Downward rotation + retraction
Rhomboid Major
Ori: T2 – T5 (upper thoracic)
Ins: medial boarder of scapula, below the spine
Fn: downward rotation + retraction
Serratus posterior sup.
Ori: spinous processes of C VII – TII, and nuchal ligament
Ins: upper boarders of ribs 2-5
N: T1-T4
Fun: elevation of the ribs for inspiration
Serratus posterior inf
Ori: SP of T XII – L II, and supraspinous lig
Ins: lower boarders of ribs 9-12
N: T9 – T12
Fun: depression of the ribs as in expiration
Splenius Capitus
Ori: nuchal lig and SP of C VII – T IV
Ins: superior nuchal line (lateral 1/3) and mastoid process
N: midd and lower cercial spinal nerves (posterior ramus)
Fun: lat flex and ipsil. rotn of the neck and head.
Splenius Cervicis
Ori: SP of T III – T VI
Ins: TP of CI – CIII
N: midd and low cervical spinal nerves (dorsal ramus)
Fun: ext, ipilat torn of the head and neck
What is the prime mover for shoulder extension?
Latissimus Dorsi
What 3 mm make up the Erector Spinae
- Ilio-costalis (lumborum, thoracic, cervicis)
- Longissimus ( thoracic, cervicis, capitis)
- Spinalis (thoracic, cervicic, capitis)
* * extend and stabilize the vertebral column **
What muscles occupy the bony gutter between the SPs and TPs (stabilizers of vertebral column)?
- Semispinalis (thoracis, cervicis, capitus)
- Multifidus
- Rotatores (longus and brevis)
Name the 3 mm that make up the sub-occipital triangle
- Obliquus capitus superior
- Obliquus capitus posterior
- Rectus capitus posterior major