B5 Communicable Diseases Flashcards
Microorganisms that cause diseases
Communicable diseases
pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that can be passed from one person to another e.g.tuberculosis and flu.
Non- communicable diseases
can’t be transmitted from one person to the other e.g. heart disease and arthritis.
State of physical and mental well-being not just an absence or disease
Other factors that affect health
Diet- not getting the right nutrients
Stress-too much can link to heart disease, mental problems and some cancers
Life situation-financially, gender, children, ethnicity etc.
How do health problems interact?
often one problem makes another worse e.g. viruses-can trigger changes that lead to cancers like human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer and severe physical ill health can lead to depression and other mental illness
Ignaz semmelsis
Semmelweis was a 1850s doctor who discovered that the fever was caused by some kind of infectious agent as medical students went from dissecting a dead body to delivering a baby without washing their hands and many women died from childbed fever few days after giving birth so he made them wash their hands and the deaths were reduced
Louis pasteur
showed that microorganisms caused disease. He developed vaccines against such diseases such as anthrax and rabies.
Joseph lister
Joseph Lister started to use antiseptic chemicals to destroy pathogens before they caused infection in operating theatres.
Preventing infections hygiene:
Simple hygiene is one of the most effective ways these include:
Washing hands especially after using toilet,cooking,contact animal.
Preventing infections isolating infected individuals:
especially a serious disease so fewer healthy people come in contact with the infected so it is less likely pathogens will be passed on.
Preventing infections destroying or controlling vectors:
like mosquitos who can carry a range of diseases but by controlling or being destroyed it can be prevented or reduced.
Preventing infections vaccination:
when doctors introduce a small amount of a small amount of a harmless form of a specific pathogen so your immune system is prepered this is succesful way for protecting large numbers of humans and animals.
Measles how is it spread and what are the symptoms
The main symptoms are a fever and a rash.
Spread by the inhalation of droplets from coughs and sneezes and is very infectious.(it is a virus)
HIV what are the symptoms and how does it spread
Symptoms are it causes a mid, flu like illness then attacks the immune system until it is so badly damaged it can’t cope with infections or other cancers and the patient has now developed aids.
It is spread by direct sexual contact, exchange of bodily fluids such as blood with sharing needles or unscreened blood in transfusions and from mother to child in breast milk.(it is a virus)
TMV what are the symptoms and how is it spread
Symptoms are the distinctive ‘mosaic’ pattern of discolouration on the leaves and it affects the growth as the virus destroys the cells.
It is spread by contact between diseased plant material and healthy plants, and insects can act as vectors.(it is a virus)
Salmonella what is it, what are the symptoms and ho is it controlled
Salmonella are bacteria that live in the guts of many different animals and can be found in raw meat, poultry, eggs and egg products they disrupt the balance of the natural gut bacteria.(bacteria)
Symptoms are fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea.
In the UK poultry are vaccinated against salmonella and by can be controlled by not undercooking raw meat, washing anything that could be contaminated with it.
Gonorrhoea what is it, what are the symptoms and how is it contolled
Gonorrhoea is an STD spread by sexual contact with an infected person.
Its first symptoms are a thick yellow or green discharge from the penis or vagina on urination but 10% of males and 50% of women get no symptoms at all it can cause long term pelvic pain, infertility and ectopic pregnancies.(it is a bacteria)
It is controlled by antibiotics but orginally penicillin it can also be prevented by barrier methods of contraception e.g condoms and reducing the number of sexual partners.
Rose black spot what are the symptoms, how does it spread and how is it treated
Symptoms are purple or black spots that develop on the leaves the leaves then often turn yellow and drop early which reduces the area of leaves for photosynthesis.(it is a fungal disease)
It is spread in the environment carried by the wind and spread over the plant after it rains drips of water splash from one leaf or plant to another and over winter as dead leaves on the stems.
It is treated by removing and burning affected leaves or by chemical fungicides or special types of roses bred but it can’t prevented or cured.
Malaria what are the symptoms and how can it be controlled
Symptoms are recurrent episodes of fever and shaking and it can be fatal weakening the affected person over time.(it is a protist disease)
It can be controlled in other ways like:
Using insecticide- impregnated insect nets to prevent mosquitos biting humans and passing on the protists.
Using insecticides to kill mosquitos in home and offices.
Preventing the vectors from breeding by removing standing water and spraying water with insecticides to kill the larvae.
Travellers can take antimalarial drugs that kill the parasites in the blood if they are bitten by an infected mosquito
What are the differences between bacteria and viruses
Bacteria are single celled living organisms much smaller than animal and plant cells and are used in making yogurt,cheese, treating sewage and making medicine and have major benefits in your body.
Viruses are smaller and generally have regular shapes. Causes disease in every type of organism. In plants they and fungi are most common pathogens.
Bacteria and viruses cause most communicable diseases.
Some bacteria is pathogenic.
How pathogens cause disease
Bacteria divide rapidly by splitting in two (binary fission) they may produce toxins (poisons) that affect your body and make you feel ill and sometimes directly damage your cells.
Viruses take over the cells of your body. They live and reproduce inside cells, damaging and destroying them.
How are pathogens spread and how can pathogens enter your body
- By air when humans cough, sneeze or talk other people breathe in droplets with the pathogens and pick up the infection also happens with plant diseases.
- Direct contact between an infected organism and a healthy one e.g. STI’s plants left behind infect a new crop and animals can cat as vectors of plant and animal diseases carrying a pathogen between.
- By water e.g, fungal spores spread plant diseases and raw or contaminated food or water cholera, salmonellosis etc.
One the pathogens get into the body
They will reach the second line of defence the white blood cells in the immune system
Role of white blood cells-ingesting microorganisms
Some white cells take in pathogens digesting and destroying them so they cannot make you ill.
Role of white blood cells-producing antibodies
Some white blood cells produce a specific antibody that destroy a particular type of pathogen and these can be made quickly if that pathogen gets in your body again.
Role of white blood cells-producing antitoxins
Some white blood cells produce antitoxins which cancel out the toxins released by pathogens
How does your body try and prevent pathogens
getting in?
Microbes and dirt can enter through your nose. Airways are lined with cells that produce mucus which traps dirt and microbes. Enzymes in tears break down microbes. Also help remove dirt from the eye. Tiny hairs called cilia move with a wave motion to carry trapped microbes and dirt up towards your mouth. Stomach acid destroys many, but not all the microbes in our food and drink. Urine flushes microbes out of the bladder and uretha. Skin is the first line of defence and forms a barrier to microbes. Glands also produce an antiseptic oil that kills many microbes. When skin cut, blood clot form a scab which stops microbes and dirt entering the body
What is meant by droplet infection
When humans cough, sneeze or talk other people breathe in tiny droplets with the pathogens and pick up the infection e.g. flu, tuberculosis and the common cold can be prevented by sneezing or coughing into your hand and washing it after or into a tissue
What are the differences between bacteria and viruses
Bacteria are single celled living organisms much smaller than animal and plant cells and are used in making yogurt,cheese, treating sewage and making medicine and have major benefits in your body.
Viruses are smaller and generally have regular shapes. Causes disease in every type of organism. In plants they and fungi are most common pathogens.
Bacteria and viruses cause most communicable diseases.
Some bacteria is pathogenic.
What is a protist
An example of a microorganism
Harmful chemical produced by a microorganism
Other discoveries that helped semmelweis, louis pasteur and joseph lister about microorganisms
As microscopes developed you could see pathogens more clearly which confirmed this discovery
What are different ways your body works to protect diseases
The different body systems work together to help protect you from diseases e.g. some green coloured enzymes in white blood cells destroy the cold viruses and any bacteria trapped in the mucus when you have a cold and the dead white blood cells, bacteria and viruses are removed in the mucus making it look green.