B5 Communicable Dieases Flashcards
What is health?
Health is defined as a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being; not merely the absence of illness or infirmity.
state some causes of ill health
The leading causes of ill health or early death are drug use disorders, heart disease, depression, lung cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
describe the difference between
communicable and non-communicable
Communicable diseases are the diseases which passes from one individual to another individual. Non-communicable diseases are the diseases which does not spread from one person to another person.
state that pathogens are
microorganisms that cause disease.
A pathogen is an organism that causes disease. Your body is naturally full of microbes. However, these microbes only cause a problem if your immune system is weakened or if they manage to enter a normally sterile part of your body. Pathogens are different and can cause disease upon entering the body.
describe ways that pathogens can
be spread
Pathogens can be transmitted a few ways depending on the type. They can be spread through skin contact, bodily fluids, airborne particles, contact with feces, and touching a surface touched by an infected person
describe viruses cause disease
Viruses cause familiar infectious diseases such as the common cold, flu . They invade living, normal cells and use those cells to multiply and produce other viruses like themselves
Describe how bacteria cause diseases
There are two ways bacteria can harm the human body:
- toxicity – the bacteria produce toxins which damage specific tissues in the body.
- invasiveness – the bacteria multiply rapidly at the site of infection and overwhelm the body’s defence mechanisms. The bacteria may then spread to other parts of the body.
explain why communicable
diseases spread rapidly following a
natural disaster
Natural disasters may lead to infectious disease outbreaks when they result in substantial population displacement and exacerbate synergic risk factors (change in the environment, in human conditions and in the vulnerability to existing pathogens) for disease transmission.
What are Measles?
Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very unpleasant and sometimes lead to serious complications.
What are the sympotoms of measles?
The main symptoms of measles are a fever and a red skin rash. It is spread by the inhalation of droplets from coughs and sneezes and is very infectious.
What is HIV?
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens your ability to fight everyday infections and disease.
What are the symptoms for HIV?
Many people do not realise they are infected with HIV, because the virus only causes a mild ,flu-like illness it remains hidden inside the immune system until the immune system can no longer deal with infections.
What is TMV?
It is a widespread plant pathogen that affects around 150 species if plants including tomatoes and tobacco plants. It causes a distinctive ‘mosaic’ pattern of discolouration on the leaves as the virus destroys the cells.
What are the symptoms of TMV?
It affects the growth of the plant because the affected areas of the leaf do not photosynthesise.
It spreads by contact between diseased plant material and healthy plants, and insect can act as vectors. The virus can remain infectious in the soil for about 50 years
What is Salmonella?
Salmonella is spread through undercooked food and poor hygiene.
What are the symptoms for Salmonella?
Symptoms include fever, abdominal cramps , diarrhoea and vomiting caused by the toxins produced by the bacteria. In the Uk, poultry are vaccinated against Salmonella to control the spread of disease.
What is Gonorrhoea?
Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease.
What are the sympotoms for Gonorrhea?
. Symptoms include discharge from the penis and vagina and the pain on urination.Treatment involves using antibiotics,although many strains are now resistant. Using condoms and limiting sexual partners prevents spread.
What is the Rose Black Spot?
Rose black spot is a fungal disease spread in the environment by wind and water.
What are the sympotoms for Rose Black Spot?
It damages leaves so they drop off,affecting growth as photosynthesis is reduced.Spread is controlled by removing affected leaves and chemical sprays,but is not very effective.
What is Malaria?
Malaria is caused by parasitic protists and is spread by the bite of female mosquitos
What are the symptoms for Malaria?
It damages blood and liver cells,causes fevers and shaking and can be fatal.
Spread is reduced by preventing the vectors from breeding and by using mosquito nets to prevent people from being bitten.