B4.1 - biomes and adaptations (5o) Flashcards
what is coral?
corals form due to the symbiotic relationship between coral polyps and photosynthetic algae called zooxanthallaes
what is the distribution of coral reefs?
coral reefs are found in less than 1% of the ocean’s surface area, indicating that a specific combination of abiotic factors are required for their formation
what are the conditions required for coral reef formation?
- shallow water depth = required to provide photosynthetic zooxanthallae with sunlight because this can only penetrate water to relatively shallow depths.
- neutral pH = provides sufficient calcium carbonate compounds to make coral polyps, avoiding bleaching.
- correct salinity = maintains equilibrium between coral cells and the surrounding.
- freshwater run-off, such as from rivers, can form areas of ocean where salinity is too low for coral formation.
- clarity = water free from sediment or pollution is required to support light penetration.
- temperature between 20 and 28 = maintains a functioning relationship between polyps and zooxanthallae and to avoid bleaching
how are abiotic factors determinants of terrestial biome distribution?
for any given temperature and rainfall pattern, one natural ecosystem type is likely to develop
why do ecosystems within a biome have similar communities?
- ecosystems within a biome share similar abiotic conditions, which causes similar communities to develop
- populations within ecosystems of the same biome therefore experience similar selection pressures, leading to convergent evolution through natural selection
what is a biome?
a biome is a group of ecosystems with similar communities
what is the difference between biomes and ecosystems?
unlike an ecosystem, all organisms are not interacting with each other in a biome
what are the climate conditions and communities present in a tropical forest?
climate conditions:
- warm (20 - 25)
- high annual rainfall
- nutrient-poor soil (as plants are not deciduous)
- very high biodiversity of animals and plants
what are the climate conditions and communities present in a temperate forest?
climate conditions:
- 4 seasons and no extreme temperature
- 750 - 1500 mm of rain per year
- leaf drop and decay enrich soil nutrients
- deciduous broad-leaved trees dominate
- rich variety of animal species
what are the climate conditions and communities present in a taiga?
climate conditions:
- range of -42 to 20 degrees with very cold winters
- 300 - 900 mm of rain per year
- dominated by conifer trees
- animals are adapted to a very cold climate
what are the climate conditions and communities present in a grassland?
climate conditions:
- temperature varies with latitude (-25 - 30)
- semis -arid (500 - 900 mm of rain per year) with possible seasons
- grass species dominate vegetation
- no trees due to a lack of water
- animal species are dominated by grazers and a few of their predators
what are the climate conditions and communities present in a tundra?
climate conditions:
- cold (-40 - 18)
- low precipitation (150 - 250 mm per year)
- long dark periods in the winter
- no trees due to a lack of water and short growing season
- soil is mostly frozen
- animals migrate or hibernate
What are the climate conditions and communities present in a hot desert?
climate conditions:
- hot temperatures during the day
- very low annual rainfall (<300mm)
- sparse vegetation
- plants often have spines for leaves
- animals often burrow and are only active during cooler nights
why do similar communities occur in the same type of biome even if 2 areas are geographically separated?
convergent evolution
- this leads to organisms having similar analogous structures, which are similar in function, but have different genetic origins
how is the cactus adapted to life in hot deserts?
- thick waxy cuticle = reduces water loss by evaporation
- leaves covered in bristles = a defense against grazing
- a long taproot = to retrieve deep water
- large shallow root system = to absorb the occasional rain water efficiently
- stores water in the stems = to maintain water supply for the dry periods