B4 Revision (Expanded) Flashcards
What are the components in Blood?
Blood is made from Plasma, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells and Platelets.
What is Plasma?
Plasma transports all of our blood cells and some substances around our body, such as waste carbon dioxide and how it is carried to the lungs. Small, soluble products of digestion passed into plasms from the small inestine and are transported to the individual cells.
What does Plasma consist of?
Plasms consists of salts, enzymes and antibodies (they help fight infections).
What are Red Blood Cells?
Red Blood Cells are the cells that pick up oxygen from our lungs to carry it to there it is needed. They are shaped like discs, being pushed in on both sides which gives them an increased surface area to volume ratio for diffusion. They do not possess a nucleus, making more space for the haemoglobin (Red Pigment that binds to oxygen).
What are White Blood Cells?
White Blood Cells are much more larger than Red Blood Cells but there are fewer amounts of them. Unlike Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells possess a nucleus. White Blood Cells are used as one of the body’s defence system and some will form antibodies again microogranism, others engulf and digest invading bacteria and viruses.
What are Platelets?
Platelets are very small fragments of cells and do not possess a nucleus. They are very important in helping blood to clot from a wound.
What is a Clot?
Blood clotting is a series of enzyme-controlled reactions that result in converting fibrinogen into fibrin, producing a network of protein fibres that capture lots of red blood cells and more platelets to form a jelly-like clot that stops bleeding you to death. Clots do dry and hards to form a scab, protecting the new skin as it grows and stops bacteria from entering the body though the wound.
What is the Aorta?
The Aorta is where Oxygenated-Blood is pumped to the body.
What is Pulmonary Artery?
The Pulmonary Artery is used to transfer Deoxygenate-Blood to the lungs to Oxygenate.
What is the Pulmonary Vien?
The Pulmonary Vein is used to transport Oxygenate-Blood (from the lungs) to the heart, which then pumps to the body.
What is the Vena Cava?
The Vena Cava is used to tranport Deoxygenate-Blood to the heart (Right).
What are the Valves used for?
Valves are used to prefent the Backflow of blood in the heart.
How many chambers are there in the Heart?
There are Four Chambers in the Heart.
What is a Leaky Valve?
When a valve is unable to open up or has become stiff (not opened fully) for enough blood to flow through the valves in the heart, making the heart less efficient and people without treatment will suffer lack of oxygen (breathless) and may potentially die.
What is a STENT?
A Stent is a small mesh tube that holds open passages in the body, such as weak or narrow arteries. Stents are often used to treat narrowed arteries that supply the heart with oxygen-rich-blood. Stent holds open the narrowed arteries to allow sufficient blood to flow to the heart.
What is a STATIN?
Statins are a group of medicines that can help lower the bad cholesterol, statins reduce the productions of it inside the liver. Statins come as tablets that are taken once a day and are prescribed by your doctor.
What are Arteficial Pacemakers?
It is an electrical device that is used to correct incorrect heart rate. The device is implanted into your chest so you will need surgery for this. The weight of Artificial Pacemakers are between 20g and 50g and are attached to your heart by two wires. The Artificial Pacemaker sends strong but regular electrical signals to your heart that stimulate it to beat properly.
What is an Arteficial Heart?
People use Artificial Hearts as a way to wait for donor hearts that is a tissue match to prevent them from dying before the transplant or to let a diseased heart a rest. To have this, you need surgery to implant this. Yes, it is reliable but the risk of blood clotting is high in an artificial heart because of that doctors prescribe medicine to prevent this. The cost for Artificial Hearts are very high which does mean they are not widely used in patients.
How do you ‘prevent’ Leaky Valves?
Mechanical Valves is the solution to replace Faulty Valves. You’ll need surgery to have this implanted in you and by having a Mechanical Valve you’ll need to have Prescribed Medicine to prevent Clotting.
You can also use a Biological Valve (Valves from Pigs, Cattle, or human Donors) and you do not need Prescribed Medicine but the Valves only last about 12-15 Years.
What is an alternate way to ‘prevent’ Leaky Valves?
You can use a Biological Valve (Valves from Pigs, Cattle, or human Donors) and you do not need Prescribed Medicine but the Valves only last about 12-15 Years.
Will you need the use of Prescibed Medicine for a STENT?
Yes, this is to prevent Clotting.
Will you need the use of Prescibed Medicine for STATIN?
Yes, and these Prescribed Medicines must be taken one a day.
What is the Diaphragm?
It is a strong sheet of muscle.
What is the Trachea?
Known as the windpipe, it begins under the larynx and runs down the sternum. The trachea divides into two smaller tubes called bronchi : one bronchus for each lung.
What is the Larynx?
Known as the voice box, it is an organ in the top of the neck that involves breathing, it produces sound and protects the trachea against food aspiration. The larynx houses the vocal folds and manipulates pitch and volume.
What is the lung(s)?
The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest. It provides us with oxygen and oxygenates our blood.
What is the Bronchus?
A large airway the leads from the trachea (windpipe) to a lung. The bronchus branches into smaller tubes called bronchioles.
What is the Alveoli?
It is located in the lung and has a very large surface area, causing the rate of diffusion of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide more effective. The Alveoli has a rich supply of blood capillaries. This maintains a concentration gradient in both directions. The blood coming to the lungs is always relatively low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide compared to inhaled air.
What is the Cytoplasm?
Is a thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane. It is mainly composed of water, salts and proteins. This is where chemical reactions takes place.
What is the Cell Membrane?
It is found in all cells and it separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment. This means the cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell.
What is the Nucleus?
It is where the DNA (Chromosomes) are stored.
What is Chloroplast?
Is a plant cell that converts light energy into glucose, known as photosynthesis. This is also why the leaves appear green.
What is Mitochondria?
Is found in large numbers in most cells, this is where respiration and energy production occurs.
What is Permanent Vacuole?
This is part of the plant cell that stores cell sap. (This cannot be found in animal cells.)
What is the Cell Wall?
It is made from cellulose fibres and this is the wall of the plant cell, where the plant cell keeps its shape and where its protection is located.
What is the Phloem?
The phloem tissue transports sugars made by photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Phloem is a living tissue - the phloem cells are alive. The movement of dissolved sugars from the leaves to the rest of the plant is called translocation.
What is the Xylem?
The xylem tissue is the other transport tissue in plants. It carries water and mineral ions from the soil around the plant to the stem and leaves. Mature xylem cells are dead.
What is Photosynthesis?
It is the process when a plant creates glucose as its source of food for its survival.
What are Cells?
The specialised cells in multicellular plants are organised into tissues and organs.
Epidermal tissues
Used to cover the surfaces and protect them. These cells ofter secrete a waxy substance that waterproofs the surface of the leaf.
What is Palisade mesophyll tissue?
Contains a lot of chloroplasts, they carry out photosynthesis.
What is Spongy mesophyll tissue?
Contains some chloroplasts for photosynthesis but also has big air spaces and a large surface area to make diffusion of gases easier.
What are Plant organs?
Specialised tissues such as palisade, spongy, mesophyll, xylem and phloem are arranged to form organs: leaves, stems, roots.
If there is more Temperate, the Transpiriation Rate will…
If there is Air Movement, the transpiration…
What is transpiration?
Where the stomota opens up to allow diffusion to take place (let air in the plant) during this water vapour evapourates from the cells and more water is pulled up from the xylem to take their place
Examples of plant tissues
1) Epidermal tissues (cover the surfaces and protect them)
2) Palisade mesophyll (contains a lot of chloroplasts therefore can carry out photosynthesis)
3) Spongy mesophyll (contains some chloroplasts for photosynthesis but also has big air spaces and large surface area to make diffusion more easier)
How do you make gas exchange more efficient?
Provide with a large surface area of the aveoli, capillaries have a rich supply of blood and capillaries are one cell wall thick which allows diffusion take place in the shortest posible distnace