B3L//23// Flashcards
We had a great time with my Afghan friend Ahmad.
Pasamos un gran rato con mi amigo afgano Amad.
NOT Tuvimos un gran tiempo - very english translation.
I was really upset.
Estaba realmente molesta.
NOT molestada -
the adj is molesto, the past part is molestado
here upset is an adj, thus molesto
for some verbs, the ad isn´t the same as the past participle, this is one of those cases
That project only lasted for two years.
Ese proyecto solo duró (por) dos años.
you can say por dos años, or just dos años
In Afghanistan, I also worked for the Asian Development Bank.
En Afganistán también trabajé para el Banco Asiático de Desarrollo.
This money was printed and recorded only two days ago.
Este dinero fue impreso y registrado hace solo dos días.
impreso and registrado are ADJ
to print - verb imprimir
printed - adj. impreso
printed - past participle - imprimido
María and Josefina were talking and María said, “you can use applesauce in place of oil to make a cake”. Josefina replied, “how interesting, I had never heard that before.”
María y Josefina estaban hablando y María dijo, “puede usar puré de manzana en vez de aceite para hacer un pastel”. Josefina contestó: “qué interesante, nunca lo había oído antes”. (había oído = pluscuamperfecto de indicativo)
(HAD never heard = past progressive, pluscuamperfecto de indicativo)
per Daniela this is the best way to say this - if you say no he visto algo como esto it is like I haven´t seen it yet and it is not common to use haber this way
I have been trying to understand the difference between present perfect and past perfect but sometimes they confuse me. I have had this problem before.
He estado tratando de entender la diferencia entre el perfecto de indicativo y el pluscuamperfecto de indicativo, pero a veces me confunden. He tenido este problema antes.
The boy has had the same problem before and has not been able to resolve it.
El chico ha tenido el mismo problema antes y (el chico is implied) no ha podido resolverlo.
The pharmacy is closed for vacation.
La farmacia está cerrada por vacaciones.
sort of like - that´s already a win
Aquí que ya es ganancia.
The protesters were arrested by the powerful.
Los manifestantes fueron detenidos/ arrestaron por los poderosos.
manifestantes - not manifestados!
I am not feeling very good.
No me encuentro muy bien.
No me siento muy bien.
But do NOT say No estoy buenísima. to try and say I am not so good. buenísima is for apariencia física - like - hot, smoky, great, etc. Anoche ella estaba buenísima. BUT no estoy bien is estado de salud. usually it is estar bien, ser bueno but buenísima is an exception
I haven´t been feeling very well.
No me he estado sintiendo muy bien.
I have a cough drop in my mouth.
Tengo una pastilla para la tos en la boca.
The woman had a hair cut like mine.
The woman´s hair was cut in the same style as mine.
La mujer tenía un corte de pelo parecido al mío.
La mujer tenía el pelo cortado al mismo estilo que el mío.
Your eyes open a bit.
Los ojos se abren un poco.
no such word as abierten!
the present and past participles are abriendo and abierto respectively
It is a series about three women and when they were children…
Es una serie sobre tres mujeres y cuando eran niñas…
la SEH-ryeh
It was set during the time of the revolution.
Estaba ambientada en la época de la revolución.
la época is used for a period of time, tiempo is for weather also for time but more like clock time or a moment or a day