B.27. General properties of NSAIDS. Acetylsalicylic acid. Flashcards
what is the mechanism of NSAID’s?
inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes:
COX-1–> constitutive expression. in platelets, kidneys and GI, where it acts to synthesize TXA₂ and prostaglandins
COX-2–> inducible expression. in the brain and at site of inflammation.
what are the effects of NSAID’s?
anti-platelet (aspirin)
antipyretics (fever reduction)
is Aspirin reversible or irreversible inhibition?
irreversible inhibition of COX enzymes
*most NSAID’s are reversible
how is Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) given?
what are the dose-dependent effects of Aspirin?
low dose (<300mg)-->anti-platelet aggregation effect (post MI prophylaxis) medium dose (300-2400mg)--> analgesic and anti-pyretic effects (prostaglandins PGE₂ ↓) high dose (2400-5000mg) --> anti- inflammatory effect (prostacyclin ↓)
what type of elimination does aspirin have?
when giving low-dose aspirin, what order elimination does it have?
first order–> T1/2 3-5 hours
what are the adverse effects of Aspirin?
GI irritation --> PUD, GI bleeding renal damage --> AKI, interstitial nephritis Tinnitus vertigo hearing loss ↑ bleeding time chondrotoxicity hyperuricemia (low- medium dose), uricosuria (high-dose) NSAID's induced asthma--> "aspirin asthma" hypersensitivity reaction hyperthermia uterus relaxation (labor prolongation) Reye syndrome (children)
when is Acetylsalicylic acid contraindicated?
pregnancy (closing botallo duct)
children (Reye syndrome), unless they have Kawasaki’s disease
Misoprostol can be used for
prevention and treatment of NSAID’s-induced GI irritation/ulcers
it’s a prostaglandin PGE₁ analogue
management of acute overdose of aspirin
gastric lavage
activated charcoal
ventilation support
symptomatic management of acid-base and electrolyte imbalance
↑ urine volume and urine alkalization may enhance renal elimination
what is the effect of activated charcoal on aspirin
alkalinization of the serum pulls the aspirin from the CNS
what type of acid-base disturbance does Salicylate toxicity present with?
respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
what causes “Aspirin asthma”?
increased levels of leukotrienes
why can Aspirin cause GI bleeding?
because the prostaglandins cytoprotective effects ↓
when giving high-dose aspirin, what order elimination does it have?
zero-order–> T1/2 up to 15 hours