B2 Cancer (page 38) Flashcards
What is Cancer caused by?
uncontrolled cell growth and division.
What is the uncontrolled growth and division mean with cancer?
it is a result of changes that occur to the cells and results in the formation of a tumour ( a mass of cells).
Are all tumours cancerous?
No, they can be Benign or malignant.
What is a ‘Benign’ tumour?
This is where the tumour grows until there’s no more room. The tumour stays in one place (usually within a membrane) rather than invading other tissues in the body. This type isn’t normally dangerous, and the tumour isn’‘t cancerous.
What is a Malignant tumour?
This is where the tumour grows and spreads to neighbouring healthy tissues. Cells can break off and spread to other parts of the body by travelling in the bloodstream. The malignant cells then invade healthy tissues elseware in the body and form secondary tumours. Malignant tumours are dangerous and can be fatal - they are cancers.
Risk Factors can increase the chance of what?
some cancers.
Anyone can develop cancer. Having risk factors doesn’t mean that you’ll definitely get cancer, what do it mean?
it means that you’re at an increased risk of developing the disease.
why have cancer survival rates increased over the years?
this is due to medical advances such as improved treatment, being able to diagnose cancer earlier and increased screening for the disease.
What Risk Factors for cancer can be associated with life style?
Smoking, obesity, UV exposure, Virial infections
Why is smoking a risk factor for cancer?
it’s a well known fact that smoking is linked to lung cancer, but research has also linked it to other types of cancer too, including mouth, bowel, stomach and cervical cancer.
Why is Obesity a risk factor for cancer?
Obesity has been linked to many different cancers, including bowl, liver,and kidney cancer. It’s the second biggest preventable cause of cancer after smoking.
Why is UV exposure a risk factor for cancer?
People who are often exposed to UV radiation from the sun have an increased chance of devloping skin cancer. People who live in sunny climates and peoplewho spend a lot of time outside are at higher risk of the disease. People who frequently use ultra violet light sun beds are also putting themselves at high risk of devloping skin cancer
(UV mean ultra violet radiation)
Why is a Viral Infection a risk factor for cancer?
Infection with some viruses has been shown to increase the chances of developing certain types of cancer.
For example, infection with hepatis B and hepatitis C viruses can increase the risk of devloping liver cancer.
The likelihood of becoming infected with some types of viruses sometimes depends on what?
depends on lifestye - e.g. they can be spread between people through unprotected sex or sharing needles.
apart from Risk factors associated with life style, cancer can also be associated with what?
Sometime you can be more suscepible to cancer if what?
if you inherit faulty genes passed down in the DNA.
give an example of inherited faulty genes, regarding mutations (changes), in the BRCA genes have been linked to what?
(BRCA gene mean breast cancer gene)
Mutations (changes), in the BRCA genes have been linked to an increased likelihood of developing breast and overian cancer
Can UV (ultra Violet) radiation still harm us if it is cloudy rather than sunny?
How can reduce the risk of UV radiation?
We can take steps to reduce the risk, by keeping covered up outside and wearing sun block.
What are tumours the result of? (1 mark)
Body cells dividing ou of control (1 mark)
List three lifestyle factors that can increase the risk of devloping cancer? (3 marks)
Any three from:
UV exposture
viral infection
(1 mark for each correct answer, up to 3 marks)