B2 Flashcards
promise (pr)
che c’è?, cosa c’è?, che succede?, qual è il problema?
what’s the matter = what’s wrong ?
matter = mett@
tenersi/avere luogo
to take place
prendere una decisione/decidersi
make up one’s mind
“he made up his mind to attend the meeting”
I haven’t made up my mind where to go yet.
“Which one do you like best?” “I don’t know – I can’t make up my mind.”
hold = meaning
a) grasp = tenere/stringere
b) cointain = This container holds four litres of liquid.
c) embrace = abbracciare/stringere a sé
d) on phone: wait = Can you hold for a minute ?
mean = meaning
a) signify = significare/voler dire
b) mean to do st = avere intenzione di fare qualcosa/ volere
I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.
Did I just step on your foot? Sorry. I didn’t mean to.
c) mean st = say sincerely
I really mean it when I say you’re beautiful.
perceive (pr)
falce (sikol) = one hand, short
falce (saith(f)) = two hands, big / to scythe = falciare
superare/surclassare/ fare meglio
to outdo
overcome difficulties = superare/farcela
withstand situation = resistere/reagire
to cope (koup)
You are going through a difficult emotional time, but you will cope.
to plead
to overcome (@uv@kam)
We can overcome the forces against us!
Possiamo vincere le forze contrarie!
urgent (@@j@nt)
gesso per la gamba
plaster cast
un posto dove vivere
a place to live
per lungo tempo/per anni etc.
Non gioco a scacchi da una vita
Non ci vediamo da tanto tempo
= for a long time/for ages
I haven’t played chess for ages/for a long time
We haven’t seen each other for a long time
This is the best holiday I’ve had for a long time
negli ultimi giorni/ in questi ultimi giorni
in the last few days
a) liking, interested in, or wanting (to do) something very much
b) very interested in someone, especially romantically
keen on something:
She’s keen on playing tennis.
He doesn’t seem all that keen on being here, honestly.
keen on someone:
He’s rather keen on a girl in his school.
prendere fuoco
to catch fire (fai@)
starter (stat@)
carry out
a) carry st out = effettuare/eseguire/portare a termine
b) mettere in pratica
The executor of a will carries out the wishes of the deceased.
girare/viaggiare per
to tour (tu@)
fare spese/fare shopping
to shop
riporre nel bagaglio/borsa
to pack st away
a) guardarsi intorno
b) ispezionare controllare
c) guardare in giro/esplorare
d) cercare in giro qualcuno/qualcosa
look round/around (somewhere/something)
a) ‘ve been looking around everywhere, but I can’t find my reading glasses.
Mi sono guardato attorno dappertutto, ma non riesco a trovare i miei occhiali da lettura.
b ) Safety inspectors will be looking around the factory today.
Oggi gli ispettori della sicurezza daranno un’occhiata in giro per la fabbrica.
d) look round for/about s/st
I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find my reading glasses. I misplaced my keys, so I'll have to look around for them. Ho perso le chiavi, dovrò cercarle.
fare male/essere dolorante
figurative (bramare/desiderare)
to ache (eik)
Audrey’s legs ached after the long hike.
b) After many years abroad, Bob ached for his homeland.
wait vs wait for vs wait to vs can’t wait for/to
a) time –> wait = wait for
have you been waiting long ? = have you been waiting for long ?
wait 5 minutes = wait for 5 minutes
b) direct object = whom/what –> always for
wait for us outside the cinema
c) wait + to infinitive = verbs
I’ll wait to hear from you
d) When we are very excited about something that is going to happen, we use the phrase can’t wait for + noun phrase or can’t wait + to-infinitive:
I can’t wait for tonight. I’m having a party! (I’m really looking forward to tonight.)
We can’t wait to go to Barcelona in June. (We’re really looking forward to going.)
fare produrre un suono ad una campana
to make a bell produce a sound
to convey
to set (m+c)
a) mettere/collocare
He set the glass on the edge of the table.
b) solidificarsi/indurirsi
This jelly will set in four hours.
c) to put into a specific state or condition
The new director has set a lot of changes in motion in our department.
d) If a story, film, etc. is set in a particular time or place, the action in it happens in that time or place:
e) sun = tramontare
f) to establish or decide something:
The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students.
g) to get something ready so that it comes into operation or can be used:
[ + to infinitive ] The heating is set to come on at 5 p.m.
Have you set up the DVD player?
spasmodico/convulso (a strappi, a singhiozzi)
to shed
a) fare la muta
b) to get rid of something you do not need or want:
900 jobs will be shed over the next few months.
c) to allow tears or blood to flow:
She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.
d) to release a virus or bacterium from a cell or body into the environment where it can infect other people:
a) moving or behaving in a way that is not regular, certain, or expected:(irregolare/imprevedibile)
b) person = unreliable (inaffidabile)
c) results = incosistent (vago, incostante)
to regularly spend large amounts of money
to spend money like water
temporary job during vacation
holiday job (hol@dei)
play (about/around) with sth
a) to think about or try different ways of doing something:
We’ve been playing around with ideas for a new TV show.
b) to keep touching or moving something, often when you are bored or nervous:
Stop playing with your hair!
The workers grumbled when they were told to work overtime this week.
to grumble
sistemare i capelli/andare dal parrucchiere
tagliarsi i capelli
to have/get someone’s hair done
I’m leaving at 4 to have my hair done.
to have/get someone’s hair cut
Right. I’m going to get my hair cut for my event, whatever it may be.
dice vs chop vs slice
Dice means cutting something into squares
Chop means to cut (in big or small pieces)
slice means to cut (in thin strands).
mio nonno è morto prima che io fossi nato. non l’ho mai incontrato
my grandfather died before I was born. I never met him
(perché non è più possibile incontrarlo nella mia vita)
to plan, prepare for, or organize something:
to arrange (@reindj)
a) arrange something for something
The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.
b) arrange for + noun
She’s arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.
c) arrange to + verb
They arranged to have dinner the following month.
d) arrange that
I’d deliberately arranged that they should arrive at the same time.
a quattro zampe
on someone’s hands and knees
Lui era a quattro zampe sul pavimento
He was on his hands and knees on the floor
a) vasto/ampio
b) indiscriminate
to go fast
to exceed speed limits
to speed = andare di fretta/correre
The dog sped down the hill.
superare i limiti di velocità/guidare troppo veloce
Don’t speed, or the police will take away your license.
(consume completely, exhaust)
to use st up
I used up nearly everything in the
refrigerator for this meal.
Mary used up all my gas and didn’t refill the tank.
to pay out
a) (yield a financial reward) = rendere/fruttare
It will take five years for your investment to pay out.
b) pay st out = yield a sum of money
This slot machine will pay out a fortune if you hit the jackpot. My pension fund will pay out enough to live on.
c) spend a sum of money = sborsare
I paid out a lot of money for this expensive computer.
to spoil
food: go bad = andare a male/guastarsi
sono alto un metro e 80
I’m one metre eighty (tall)
gironzolare + ?
walk around/about
I didn’t have a place to go. I was just walking around.
b) walk around st = girare attorno a qualcosa
You’ll have to walk around the mountain to get to the other side.
essere disposto/propenso
to be willing to
I’m willing to finish the report myself, but you’ll have to give me more time
negli ultimi dieci anni
for the past 10 years
nel giornale
nel sito
in the newspaper
on the website
passare/andare oltre
passare davanti a/ superare
go/move past - pass by
The crowd watched as the parade went past.
La folla osservava il corteo che passava.
pass by
Amy went past Joe’s house on her way to the church.
Mentre andava in chiesa Amy è passata davanti a casa di Joe.
It's hard to pass by a mirror without looking at your reflection.
mat (mat)
pure (pr)
divertirsi/passare un buon momento
to enjoy yourself/herself etc.
to have a good/nice time
avere difficoltà a fare qualcosa
have trouble/have trouble doing st
I have trouble remembering passwords
these days
synonym ?
oggigiorno/al giorno d’oggi
No one can afford to go to the movies these days. Times are tough these days.
= nowdays(z)/ currently (karrently)
non leggevo molto in passato, ma ora lo faccio
I didn’t use to read a lot/much, but I do now
work on/at/in
work on:
a) Work on” is appropriate for something you’re physically on top of.
“I work on a boat. I work on an oil rig. I work on a roof.”
It’s also appropriate for job “locations” that are plots of land rather than buildings.
“I work on a farm. I work on a construction site.”
b) “Work on” is also a phrasal verb used when talking another an ongoing project.
work at:
“At” and “in” can sometimes be used interchangeably. “I work at/in a hospital.”
But generally, “at” is used for abstract job locations. When the physical location is not specified.
“I work at a game development company. I work at a publisher. I work at a law firm.”
work in:
a) “Work in” is used for places you can go inside of.
“I work in an office. I work in a submarine. I work in a kitchen. I work in someone’s house.”
b) You can also say you work IN an abstract/general field or profession.
“I work in sales.” “I work in construction.” “I work in education.”
to have more than enough time available
to have plenty of time
Don’t rush into marriage. You’re young; you have plenty of time.
how long is the play on for ?
spettacolo teatrale = play
1> “How long does the play last?”
The answer could be something like “Two hours with an interval after the first hour.”
2> “How long is the run?”
(a “run” when we are talking about plays is how many nights the play is being performed for)
The answer could be something like “It’s on until the 18th of September.”
quanto a lungo starai in un posto/vacanza etc. ? (di solito per viaggi in posti lontani, o che richiedono più giorni)
How long are you going for ?
to walk into s/st
a) enter: on foot
b) (bump against: [sb] or [sth])
A woman walked into me in the street and didn’t even apologise.
c) (encounter unexpectedly)
I just happened to walk into your brother at the store. He looks great!
champion (pr)
pantaloni a zampa d’elefante + ?
narici ?
narici dilatate/allargate?
flared (fle@d) trousers
dilatato/allargato (narici) = open wide
narici = nostrils (nostrls)
hour vs hours
dollar vs dollars
When using a number to describe the duration of something (like a flight), you typically use the singular form of “hour” in the compound adjective.
for ex. a 2-hour flight
When using a number to describe the price of something, you typically use the singular form of “dollar” in this context.
ex. “I bought a 10-dollar bag of groceries.”
quanto spesso hai visitato i tuoi cugini quando eri negli States l’anno scorso ?
How often did you visit your cousins when you were in the States last year?
Il lavoro di Sharon è terribile in questi giorni. Non so cosa le sia successo. Ha perso interesse in tutto di recente.
Sharon’s work is tettible these days. I don’t know what has happened to her. She has lost interest in everything recently.
to sort out
a) organize, plan
Julia intended to go home early in order to sort out the dinner arrangements.
b) arrange/put in order = riordinare
c) problem/difficulty: resolve (rizolv)
Non le permettevano di ascoltare la radio o andare alle feste nel villaggio
they didn’t allow her to listen to
the radio or go to parties in the village.
to get a job = ?
to find work
pungere/bucare (not sting)
to prick
to collect
a) to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby:
She collects dolls.
b) to go to a place and bring someone or something away from it:
Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.
collect someone/something from: somewhere I’ll collect you from the station.
c) to bring something together from different places or over a period of time:
collect something up:
After the party I collected (up) bottles from various parts of the house.
dall’altra parte/sull’altra estremità
on the other end
a) collega/pari
b) socio/membro
c) assegnista/borsista
a) in front
b) in a race: in testa/avanti
c)making more progress than someone else:
way ahead All the children in the class are doing well, but Sophie is way (= far) ahead.
(migliore/più bravo di = ahead of)
d) having more points, votes, etc. than someone else in a competition, election, etc.:
Barcelona was ahead after ten minutes.
e) ahead of st = prior to/earlier than
Thank goodness we finished that project ahead of the deadline.
to lurk
a) (wait hidden)
The cat lurked in the bushes, waiting for potential prey.
b) figurative (danger, etc.: be present) = annidarsi/nascondersi
When you become a parent, you start to notice danger lurking everywhere
a) disordini/scontri = violent unrest
b) (difficult change) = sconvolgimento/cambiamento radicale
unrest (n)
a) social: agitation = agitazione/malcontento
b) (personal: restlessness, unease) = irrequietezza/inquietudine
to see/observe =?
to behold (hould)
to suit
a) stare bene addosso
Yes, that dress suits you well.
b) be OK with st = andare bene a
What time would suit you? We can go out to eat Friday night. How does that suit you?
c) to adapt
We can suit the training to fit your needs.
to refrain
a) (choose not to) = astenersi/trattenersi
b) refrain from st/from doing st = (avoid, abstain from/avoid doing)
to be sound
a) essere valido/logico/sensato (un argomento/ipotesi etc.)
This line of reasoning seems to be sound, but it falls short on two important counts.
b) valido/solido
we believe the report to be sound.
come to be
a) venire al mondo/in esistenza
b) (arise, happen) = avvenire/verificarsi
How did it come to be that British and American English spell ‘colour’ differently?
don’t bother
non disturbarti/non serve che ti disturbi
straight away = informal ?
right away
inviare/spedire via posta
to send out
volantino/brochure (pr?)
leaflet (liflet) (anche fogliolina)
ho l’aria condizionata, il riscaldamento centralizzato e un balcone
I have air conditioning, central heating and a balcony (balk@ni)
to be short of st
lacking (a corto di/senza)
I need to go shopping: we’re short of bread and milk.
A) (eager, diligent)
Alice is a keen student and never misses a class
B) (enthusiastic)
Do you like romantic comedies? Personally, I’m not keen.
C) keen + noun = appassionato /patito
My mother's a keen chess player.
D) keen on st = appassionato di/patito di
She’s really keen on cycling, so let’s get her a new bike.
E) keen on doing st = desideroso di fare qualcosa/ non vedere l’ora di fare qualcosa
I'm keen on going to a rock festival sometime during the summer.
a) avido, insaziabile, entusiasta (avid)
He is an eager reader of mystery novels.
b) eager to do st = impaziente di/bramoso di/zelante (keen, desirous)
I am eager to show you my new house.
c) eager for st = essere impaziente/non vedere l’ora
I am eager for spring after being cooped up in the house all winter.
a) fear (n)
A feeling of dread settled over Robert when he heard noises in the empty house.
b) dread st/ dread doing st = temere
I’m dreading tonight’s party. I won’t know anybody there.
I always dread giving speeches.
speak someone’s mind
to say what you think about something very directly:
He’s certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
avere il tempo di fare qualcosa
comprare i biglietti per la partita
to have time to do st
to buy tickets for the match
NOT the
a) pavement/sidewalk
b) percorso/sentiero per camminata
manutenzione/revisione dell’auto
avere l’auto revisionato
car service
to have/get the car serviced
punctually (pr)
brufolo/foruncolo (pimple)
macchia/chiazza (stain)
insects (markings):
The most common ladybird in Britain has seven spots.
cultivate (kaltiveit)