B11 Hormonal Coordination Flashcards
11.8 What is IVF treatment
It stands for In vitro fertilisation and it is a form of fertility treat,ent used if obiducts have been damaged or blocked by infection.
11.8 What are reasons for couples not having a family?
- Problems with the male and female reproductive systems.
- Obesity
- Eating disorders
- Age (menopause)
11.8 What happens when there is a lack of ovulation
- Some women do not make enough FSH to stimulate he maturation of eggs in the Ovaries.
- Artificial FSH can be given as a fertility drug, which also stimulates oestrogen production.
- Artificial LH can also be given to trigger ovulation.
- Women who suffer from a lack of FSH can be treated in this way.
11.8 When are fertility drugs used in IVF?
- The fallopian tubes are damaged.
- If a donor is required
- If there is no obvious case for infertility
- If the man produces little sperm.
11.8 Steps of IVF treatment
- Fertility drugs are used to make lots of eggs mature at the same time for collection.
- The eggs are collected and placed in a special solution in a Petri dish.
- A sample os semen is collected and the sperm and eggs are mixed in the Petri dish.
- The eggs are checked to make sure they have been fertilised and the early embryos are developing properly.
- When the fertilised eggs have formed tiny balls of cells, 1 or 2 of the tiny embryos are placed in the womb of the mother. Then, if all goes well, at least one baby will grow and develop successfully.
Advantages of Fertility treatment
Gives women and men if infertile have a chance to have a baby of their own.
By using donor eggs from younger women or donor sperm increases the success rate.
Mature eggs can be stored until the couple would like to have a couple.
Disadvantages of Fertility treatment
- It is expensive
- Not always successful
- The child is not biologically your child
- Frtility drugs have health risks for the mother
- IVF is emotionally and physically stressful
What does the brain do in the Endocrine system
It contains a sensitive centre called the hypothalamus, which controls the pituitary gland.
What does the adrenal gland do?
It produces adrenaline which prepares the body for rapid activity by increasing the heart rate and level of sugar in blood and diverting blood to muscles and brain.
What does the ovary do in the Endocrine System
Produces oestrogen which cause changes at puberty and helps the menstrual cycle.
What does the testes do in the endocrine system
Produces testosterone which causes the changes at puberty amd stimulates sperm production
What does the pancreas do in the endocrine system?
Produces insulin which controls blood sugar levels.
What does the thyroid gland do in the endocrine system?
It produces thyroxine, which controls the rate of metabolism
What happens in a negative feedback loop generally?
- Many hormones are controlled in your body by a Negative Feedback loop.
- This helps to maintain a steady state in the body.
- If a factor increases in the body, a change takes place.
- Negative feedback response opposes a change.
What happens after you eat a meal? (This revolves around insulin and glycogen)
- When you eat a meal, your blood sugar rises.
- Your pancreas secretes insulin
- Insulin allows glucose to move from your blood, into your cells.
- Glucose can be converted into glycogen.
- Glycogen is then stored into the liver and muscles.
- If glycogen stores are full, glucose is converted into lipids and stored.
What is thyroxine.
It stimulates the basal metabolic rate and plays an important role in growth and development.
What happens when thyroxine levels rise
TSH levels fall, thyroxine levels return to normal
What happens when thyroxine levels fall?
TSH levels rise, so thryroxine levels return to normal.
What is the Menstrual Cycle?
It happens every month when an egg is released by an ovary (obulation). The uterus wall thickens, in anticipation of a fertilised egg. If the egg is not fertilised, the uterus lining nd the egg are shed. This is called menstruation.
What happens day 1-7 in the Menstrual Cycle?
- The menstruation cycle starts with the first day of a woman’s period.
- This is the name given to the time of the month when the lining of the uterus comes away and exits through the vagina as blood.
What happens day 7-13 of the Menstrual Cycle
- Around day 7 the blood flow stops.
- The lining of the uterus begins to build up again.
- At this time, FSH causes an egg to start to mature in one of the ovaries.
What happens day 14-17 of the Menstrual Cycle
- The egg can last up to 3 days after it is released from the ovary.
- During this time the egg travels down the oviduct and into the uterus hoping to be fertilised.
What happens on day 18-28 of the Menstrual Cycle?
If the egg is not fertilised then oestrogen and progesterone drop and the linig of he uterus begins to break down.