B - Lesson 8 Material Management Flashcards
The proper management of [?] in the laboratory is often a challenging task.
reagents and supplies
However, creating and adopting systems for [?] can enable cost savings in addition to ensuring supplies and reagents are available wh en needed.
purchasing and inventory control
The procedures that govern the management of purchasing and inventory should be designed to confirm all [?] are of good quality, and that they are used and stored in a manner that preserves their integrity and reliability.
reagents and supplies
Because lab efficiency and productivity are compromised when supplies unexpectedly run out or expire, it is critical to strike the right balance between maintaining the [?] and avoiding stock outages.
lowest necessary inventory levels
This can be best accomplished through the evaluation of historical data on [?].
supplier lead times, testing demand, and validation times
is a critical, or essential, component of the quality management system
Purchasing and inventory management
Efficient and costeffective laboratory operations need the uninterrupted availability of [?].
reagents, supplies, and services
Inability to [?], even for a short time, is very disruptive to clinical care, prevention activities, and public health programs
Careful management of inventory helps to prevent [?], which can occur if reagents and supplies are stored improperly, or if reagents become outdated before they can be used.
Establishing a purchasing and inventory management program will ensure that:
•supplies and reagents are always available when needed;
•high quality reagents are obtained at an appropriate cost;
•reagents and supplies are not lost to improper storage or kept and used beyond expiration.
[?] for obtaining reagents and supplies vary considerably between laboratories.
Some laboratories may purchase directly, but, in many countries, a [?] is in place, with a central stores area that distributes directly to the laboratories.
national procurement system
Also, in many places, [?] have a major role in the procurement of supplies and reagents.
The [?] for managing the reagents and supplies must take into account these variables
laboratory system
The challenge of inventory management is [?] of supplies and reagents in stock with their expiration dates .
balancing the availability
The lifespan of reagents can vary from a [?].
few weeks to a number of years
It is important to continuously monitor the [?] to make sure needed reagents are always on hand and have not expired.
expiration dates
However, it is too costly and wasteful to [?].
Equipment and supplies received or accepted from donors must meet the clients’ and [?] of the laboratory.
operational needs
Managers may sometimes need to [?], but this should be done in a diplomatic way to ensure future offers are not discouraged.
refuse donations
Successful purchasing and inventory management requires that [?] be established for managing all critical materials and services.
policies and procedures
•vendor/manufacturer qualifications;
Key components
• purchase agreements;
Key components
•receiving, inspecting, testing, storing, and handling of materials;
Key components
all purchased material should be inspected and appropriately tested to ensure that specifications are met.
Key components
Policies should be established for storing and handling m delivered to the laboratory.
Key components
•tracking materials to individual patients;
Key components
the management system must allow for tracking materials to individual patients;
Key components
that is, the laboratory should be able to identify specific test materials used fo r performing tests on any given day, so that if there is a problem with a patient result, the laboratory will know what reagents were used.
Key components
•assessing and maintaining inventory;
Key components
•controlling expiration periods;
Key components
•dispatching supplies to satellite laboratories
Key components
It is very important to set expectations and build and maintain relationships with providers of materials and services.
Selecting vendors
Laboratories that purchase directly should look very carefully at vendors’ and manufacturers’ qualifications, examining such things as specifications and methods of transport.
Selecting vendors
Laboratories that receive reagents and supplies from a central stores area managed by their government should interact with those managing the central stores area to accomplish these same objectives.
Selecting vendors
define criteria for supplies or materials to be purchased;
Selecting vendors
look for the best price, taking into account the qualifications and credibility of the supplier;
Selecting vendors
consider the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing “brand name” vs. “generic” products
Selecting vendors
is it better to purchase specific pipette tips for a specific pipette, or is it just as effective to use generic pipette tips that cost less?
Selecting vendors
It may be useful to seek information from other laboratories when considering quality, reliability of supply, and cost.
Selecting vendors
It is equally important to evaluate vendors afte r purchase.
Selecting vendors
Consider such factors as whether the vendor delivered the specified goods, or whether the central procurement body assured that user specifications were met.
Selecting vendors
•understand any local or national government requirements that need to be accommodated in the contracts;
considerations when setting up procedures for purchasing
•negotiate for the best price without undermining quality;
considerations when setting up procedures for purchasing
•carefully review all contracts to make sure the laboratory’s requirements are b eing met;
considerations when setting up procedures for purchasing
(Contracts should clearly address payment mechanisms and provisions to assure reliable availability and delivery of reagents and supplies. Ask if there are penalties for ending a contract.)
considerations when setting up procedures for purchasing
•determine how payments will be made, and how the vendor will assure reliable availability and delivery of supplies and reagents.
considerations when setting up procedures for purchasing
In establishing an inventory control program, there are a number of factors to consider.
Implementing an Inventory Management Program
A system should be designed so that the laboratory can closely monitor the condition of all supplies and reagents, know what quantities are available, and be alerted when there is a need to reimplementation
Implementing an Inventory Management Program
assign responsibility. without this, nothing may get done
Implementation steps
•analyze the needs of the laboratory;
Implementation steps
•establish the minimum stock needed for an appropriate time period
Implementation steps
•develop needed forms and logs;
Implementation steps
•establish a system for receiving, inspecting, and storing supplies;
Implementation steps
•maintain an inventory system in all storage areas, and for all reagents and supplies used in the laboratory.
Implementation steps
A laborator y needs a process for analyzing its needs for materials; and for determining how many kits for a particular test should be on hand.
Analyze needs
The laboratory should make a list of all the tests it performs and identify all the supplies and reagents that are needed fo r each test.
Analyze needs
It is wise to use all available information to help estimate the usage of supplies and reagents for the period of time between ordering new materials.
Analyze needs
•storage space and conditions– will the order take a day, week, or will a bulk order use too much storage space? Does the item require storage in a refrigerator?
Analyze needs
•length of time required to receive a delivery mon th to arrive?
Analyze needs
•the priority or importance level the item has in doing the work of the laboratory is it used every day or only once a month?
Analyze needs
•approximate usage per month (quantificati month; on), for example, 6 boxes used per
Analyze needs
•the package count or number of units in which the item is supplied, e.g., a kit can include 12 tests or 100 tests and pipette tips can be packaged as 100 per box, or 1000 per box;
Analyze needs
•a complete description of each item used;
Analyze needs
How can a laboratory determine how much of any particular item to order?
is a ver y important process that can help calculate how much is required of any particular item for a given period of time, and it is an essential part of a successful inventory management program.
•ensure essential supplies will be available when needed;
•prevent overstocking, which can lead to wastage of expensive materials.
provides information for:
•estimating annual budget requirements;
•allowing for better planning;
•making decisions and monitoring performance of the inventory management system
is performed when making annual plans for the laboratory and this planning will take into account the usual usage of supplies and reagents.
There are times whe n it is important to consider how new demands on the laboratory will create a need for greater testing volume.
This often occurs when new health programs are being implemented, and in preparation for epidemics, either identified or potential.
The two frequently used methods are
consumption-based quantification and morbiditybased quantification
Laboratories most frequently use the consumption their experience over time.
Consumptionbased quantification
This method is based quantification and based method, drawing on based on actual consumption, so there are a number of factors to consider.
Consumptionbased quantification
For example, to determine the actual usage, it is important to also estimate how much wastage has occurred and how many expired or spoiled reagents and supplies have been discarded .
Consumptionbased quantification
For planning, it is a good idea to consider whether any supplies or reagents have been out of stock for more that 15 days during any time of the year.
Consumptionbased quantification
This may mean that supplies are not ordered in sufficient quantities, or that the wastage or expiry is higher than predicted.
Consumptionbased quantification
In using the morbidity based quantification method, the laboratory must take into account the actual number of episodes, illnesses, and health problems that require laboratory testing.
Morbidity-based quantification
In other words, the laboratory needs to estimate an expected frequency of the disease in question how many cases will occur per unit of population (per 1000, per 10,000, etc).
Morbidity-based quantification
Then, considering how many people the laboratory serves, it can estimate the total number of cases the community might reasonably expect to observe.
Morbidity-based quantification
Using standard guidelines for diagnosis and treatment and considering how well health care providers adhere to these guidelines can help to estimate how many laboratory tests will be performed.
Morbidity-based quantification
A good m orbiditybased quantification method is more accurate than the quantification by consumption method, but it depends on accurate data.
Morbidity-based quantification
Developing an appropriate record keeping system is an important step for inventory management.
Developing forms and logs
Good tools for managing the stock include:
For any system that is used, the following information should be recorded:
will provide a way to keep track of all supplies and reagents that are on hand at any given time.
stock logbook or card system
In addition to information mentioned above, it is a good idea to record:
•date reagent or set of supplies are received;
information should be recorded at any system
•lot numbers for all sup plies, reagents, and kits;
information should be recorded at any system
•pass or fail acceptance criteria;
information should be recorded at any system
•date the lot number or box of supplies was put into service, or if not usable, the date and method of disposition
information should be recorded at any system
•name and signature of the person receiving materia
•date of receipt;
•expiration date;
•quantity of the material received;
•minimum stock that should be on hand;
•current stock balance.
•shelf number or name;
Additional information to record
•destination, for example, to ls; 20oC freezer, to media room. It is a good idea to keep the stock logbook in the storage area.
Additional information to record
A system should be established so when supplies are received, personnel know what is expected.
Receiving and inspecting supplies
All supplies and reagents should be inspected as they arrive in the laboratory to be sure that they are in good condition, and to verify that what is received is what was ordered.
Receiving and inspecting supplies
Receiving and inspecting supplies
•create or update logbook records.
Receiving and inspecting supplies
•store new shipment behind existing shipment;
Receiving and inspecting supplies
•date each item received; •note expiration date;
Receiving and inspecting supplies
•sign their name ver ifying receipt of goods;
Receiving and inspecting supplies
[?] of reagents and supplies is a very important part of inventory control
•keep the storeroom clean, organized, and locked to protect the inventory;
•make sure storage areas are wellventilated and protected from direct sunlight;
•storage conditions are in accordance with manufacturer’s instruct ions, paying particular attention to any temperature requirements or other specifications such as safety requirements.
use good shelving strong enough to support items, and organize items carefully on the shelves to prevent movement shifts or falls; shelves should be attached firmly to support walls to prevent tipping
items should be easily accessible to staff;
sturdy step stools should be available for reaching higher shelves;
heavier items should be stored on lower shelves;
laboratory staff should n ot be required to lift heavy items
when storing, put the new shipment behind existing materials that are already in the laboratory;
organize the reagents and materials so that the older materials get used firstitems with the first expiry dates are the first used
is a useful tool for storing inventory and will help to systemize and organize storage space
Labeling shelves
•Assign a number (or name) to different areas of the shelves;
Organization of shelves
•Record in the log book what shelves are used for which reagents and supplies.
Organization of shelves
This system helps to avoid “losing” a product, and will save staff time that might be used for hunting through a number of shelves.
Organization of shelves
Even someone who is not familiar with the storeroom can find a product if this system is in place.
Organization of shelves
It is also useful to numbr cold rooms, refrigerators, and freezers for the same purpose.
Organization of shelves
Establishing a system for labeling reagents will be very helpful.
Labeling reagents
It is important to label reagents with the date they are opened, and to make sure the clearly visible
Labeling reagents
Procedures should be developed and put in place for continuous monitoring of the inventory.
Continuous monitoring of inventor
•assign the responsibility for thi someone must be in charge; s task to an appropriate person or persons;
Continuous monitoring of inventor
•be sure that all supplies and reagents in the laboratory are covered by the system and maintain inventory management in all of the storage areas;.
Continuous monitoring of inventor
•conduct weekly physical counts of reagents and supplies in order to check the system, and as a part of the monitoring process;
Continuous monitoring of inventor
•make sure that all records relevant to inventory management are updated and maintained.
Continuous monitoring of inventor
In many laboratories, a simple comput management of inventory.
Computerized inventory management