B 2.2 Organelles Flashcards
Which 3 parts of the cell are not organelles
cell wall, cytoskeleton, cytoplasm
Advantages to membrane bound organelles
Separation of the activities of gene translation and transcription from protein synthesis, hence the mRNA matures and is packaged before contact with the ribosomes
Four advantages of compartmentalization
1.Enzymes and metabolites can be concentrated in a small space, increasing the chance for collision between active site and substrate
2.Substances that can damage cells can be isolated within a membrane, protecting remaining structures from degradation
3.Conditions, such as pH, can be maintained at an optimal value for a particular reaction
4.Large areas of membrane can become dense with proteins for a specific process
Organelles with double membrane
mitochondria, chloroplasts, nucleus
Is the cell membrane an organelle?
-double membrane,
-ATP synthesis when enzymes break down proteins,
-used to be an anaerobic bacterium,
-cytoplasm is called a matrix,
-inner bending of the inner membrane cristae
- Has ribosomes DNA and RNA
-Double membrane,
- Photosynthesis: From CO2 it takes C
-Has ribosomes, DNA, and RNA
-cytoplasm called Stroma
- coin- thylakoid
- Stack of coins- granum
- Empty space- lumen
- Connection between stacks- lamellae
Transports protein
central vacuole
Only in plant cells
Contains turger (Inner pressure) of the cell- Plumpness
Double membrane, Poor’s for RNA and ribosomes
No membrane, Produces ribosomes
golgi aparatus
Has vesicles around, Final protein maturation and packaging into vesicles
- only eukaryotic cells
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
has ribosomes, surrounds the nucleus
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Transport and passage of proteins and lipids
No membrane, Produce proteins
-Used in endocytosis
-contains enzymes ready to break down organic material
-No membrane
- during Mitotic Division
- Around the nucleus
-only eukaryotic cells
-Not an organelle
- Maintains shape and helps with movement
-Made of proteins that contract
cell wall
- Made of Cellulose
- ## Plant cells only
Stores material
helps with movement and bacterias
Small DNA vectors between cells for sexual reproduction
Hopes with cleaning out eukaryotic cells
-zlittle hairs
endosymbiotic theory
mitochondria and chloroplasts were originally prokaryotes before becoming cell organelles