Axial Skeleton Flashcards
The Axial Skeleton can be divided into three groups, what are they?
The Skull
The Vertebral Column
The Bony Thorax
The Skull is composed of 2 sets of bones, what are they?
The Cranium - encloses and protects the brain
The Facial Bones -
Which is the only bone in the skull not joined by interlocking joints (sutures)?
the Mandible - the only freely movable joint
How many bones in the skull?
8 Cranial
14 Facial
Name the Cranial Bones
Name the Facial Bones
Sphenoid Ethmoid Nasal Vomer Zygomatic Maxilla Mandible Nasal Concha Lacrimal
Name the sutures of the cranial bones
Sagittal Suture - donw the medial line
Lambdoid Suture - the transverse suture above the occipital bone
Coronal - the frontal bone suture
Squamous - The temporal bone sutures
What is the Mental Foramen ?
Foramen on either side of the mandible
What is the Infraorbital Foramen?
Foramen on either side of the maxilla
What connects the mandible to the temporal bone
Mastoid Process of the Temporal bone
What are the Superior and inferior orbital fissure ?
slit opening on sphenoid bones
What are Alveolar Processes ?
Teeth cavities
What is the External Accoustic Meatus?
Ear of the temporal bone
What is the Crista Galli?
Spine like process on top of the Ethmoid bone
What is the Cribiform plate?
Process on either side of the Crista Galli on the Ethmoid bone
What are the Jugular Foramen
Foramen on either side of the Foramen Magnum
What is the Zygomatic process?
a process found on the temporal bone that articulates with the zygomatic bone
How many vertebrae are in each column?
Cervical - 7 (Atlas, Axis, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7) Thoracic - 12 (t1- t12) Lumbar - 5 (L1 - L5)
Where is the Hyoid Bone?
inferior to the mandible in the anterior neck. does not articulate directly with any other bone assist with swallowing and speech
What are the 4 curvatures of the spine?
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar and Sacral
What are the features of a typical Cervical Vertebrae (C3 - C7)?
smallest vertebrae
shorter spineous process - bifid (split at the tip)
each transferse process has a transverse foramen for vertabral arteries
What are the identifying features of Vertebrae C1 and C2?
Atlas (C1) - Superior and Inferior Articular Facet for the skull to rest on and articualtion with c2
Axis (C2) - dens for articulation with c1
superior articular facet
What are the features of a typical Thoracic Vertebrae?
sites for rib articulation medium sized "looks like a giraffe" spinous process is long and points sharply downwards Vertebral foramen is circular
What are the features of a typical Lumbar Vertebrae?
Make larger body
“looks like a moose”
Spinous processes are short and flat
vertebral foramen is triangular
How many Ribs are there?
12 pairs
7 true ribs - attach directly to sternum by individual costal cartilage
4 false ribs - either attach indirectly to sternum or have no attachment
2 floating ribs - no attachment
There are 3 notches at the top of the sternum, what are they?
Jugular notch and 2 clavicular notches
What makes up the thoracic cage?
Ribs, sternum, Xiphoid Process
What connects ribs to sternum?
Costal Cartilage
What does the head of a rib articulate with?
The corresponding vertebrae?