Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
What makes up the pectoral girdle?
The clavical and the Scapular
Where does the clavical meet the scapular?
at the acromio-clavicular joint
Where does the clavical meet the sternum?
at the sterno-clavicular joint
How can you differentiate the superior and inferior aspects of the clavical?
The superior side is smooth the inferior side has ridges
what are some features of the scapular?
The coracoid process - (the finger) helps anchor the bicep muscle
the Acromion - the enlarged, roughened triangular projection lateral to the spine
The spine - spinous projection
glenoid cavity - shallow fossa - articulates with the humerous
Infraspinous fossa - fossa under the spine
Supraspinous fossa - fossa above the spine
Where is the greater turbercle of the humerous located?
next the head
The humerous has 2 necks, what are they called?
anatomical neck and the surgical neck
What are some features of the humerous?
medial and lateral epicondyles located above the condyles at the distal end of the humerous
trochlea - projection below the olecranon fossa
olecranon fossa - were humerous articulates with ulna
coracoid fossa - were humerous articulates with ulna
What are some features of the ulna?
The olecranon - “head” of the ulna articulates with the humerous
radial notch of the ulna - were the ulna articulates with the radius
head of the ulna - at the distal end of the ulna
Coracoid Process - were the ulna articulates with the humerous
What are the 3 bones of the hip bones?
What is the pubic symphysis?
the meeting point of the 2 pubis bones
What makes up the pelvic girdle?
The sacrum
the coccyx
the hip bones
What are some features of the Illium?
Illiac crest
illiac fossa
How can a pelvic girdle help identify the gender of a skeleton?
the pelvic arch is more accute in males and the illiac crest is higher in males
The bones of the Pelvis are usually thicker and heavier
What are some features of the Femur?
the greater and lessor trechanters - projections located below the head (sights of attachment for thigh and buttock muscles)
medial and lateral condyles and epicondyles and the distal end
intercondylar fossa - distal end between condyles
What is the knee bone called?
the patella
What are some features of the Tibia?
Intercondylar eminence - articulates with femur
medial and lateral condyles at proximal end
medial malleolus - at distal end - large medial projection
What are some features of the Fibula?
Thin bone
superior and inferior tibiofibular joints
Lateral malleolus - at distal lateral end
What is the heel bone called?
What is the Talus
The large bone on the superior side of the foot, articulates with tarsals