Axial skeleton 2 Flashcards
Nasal sinuses
cavities contained within certain bones of the skull that are lined with mucus membranes.
Ethmoid sinuses
air cells that lie in the ethmoidal labyrinth of cavities btwn the medial wall of the orbit and lateral walls of the upper nasal cavity.
* Separated from the orbit by the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone.
Functions of sinuses
i.To add resonance to the voice
ii.To lighten the head
Bones where sinuses are located.
- The frontal bone
- The maxilla
- The ethmoid bone
- The sphenoid
What divides the halves of the mandible.
mylohyoid line divides the mandible to upper and lower half( inner surface.)
Alveolar process
contains the teeth
- bone of the lower jaw
- mental foramen lies 2.5 cm laterally from the symphysis menti.
Frontal sinuses
- Found between the inner and outer tables of the frontal bone
above the nose and medial part of orbits. - Triangular in shape
groups of ethmoid air sinuses/cells.
- anterior group
- medial group
- posterior group.
what structure is found below the mylohyoid line.
submandibular fossa.
Why are frontal sinuses of different sizes.
the septum that divides them does not pass on the midline.
Sphenoid sinuses.
- 2 in number on each side of the midline.
- Separated by a thin bony septum.
- Located in the body of the sphenoid behind the upper nasal cavity.
- Superior there’s the sella turcica and the optic chiasm.
The orbital process
extends superomedially to contribute to the medial rim of the orbit.
The zygomatic process
continuous with the zydomatic arc
Maxillary sinuses(antra)
- Largest paranasal sinuses.
- They have a body of 4 processes.
- Orbital process
- Zygomatic process
- Alveolar process
- The palatine process
prominent processes on the ramus.
- Coronoid process
- Condylar process
between them is the mandibular notch.
Hyoid bone
U-shaped bone lying below the floor of the mouth at the front of the neck.
The palatine process
forms the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavity’
Features that make up the hyoid bone.
- The body
- 2 greater cornua
- 2 lesser cornua
the cornuas are processes
Lesser cornua
are attached to the styloid processes by the stylohyoid ligament.
Frontal bone
forms the anterior portion of the skull
vertical portion of the frontal forms
forehead and the anterior part of the vault
Horizontal portions form
roof of the orbits
How is the grabella formed
Arches superficial to the orbits that meet to form the grabella.
Parietal bone
Has 4 margins and internal and external surfaces
margins of the parietal bone.
- The upper margin articulates with the parietal bone of the
opposite side at the suture. - The anterior margin articulates with the frontal bone at the
coronal suture. - The posterior margin articulates with the occipital bone.
- The inferior margin articulates with the greater wings of sphenoid bone.
The temporal bone
Forms the lateral walls of the skull.
4 parts of the temporal bone
- The squamous part
- The petromastoid part
- The tympanic part
- Styloid processes
The squamous part of the temporal bone.
- Forms the anterior and upper part of the bone.
- The superior margin of the articulates with the parietal bone and anteroinferior margin with the greater wing of
the sphenoid
The squamous part of the occipital
found behind and above the foramen magnum.
Occipital bone
- Found at the posterior and inferior part of the cranium.
- Encloses foramen magnum
The petromastoid part made of
- Mastoid part; Lies behind the external auditory meatus and forms the posterior part of the bone.
- The petrous part; Triangular in shape and contains the organs of hearing and balance.
styloid process
- The styloid process is a slender pointed process of bone about
2.5 cm long which projects downward and forward between the
tympanic plate and the mastoid process.
The tympanic part
curved plate of bone which lies in front of the mastoid process and forms most of the bony wall of the
external auditory meatus.
Parts of the occipital bone
- The squamous part
- The basilar part
- The 2 condylar parts
Condylar parts
- Found on either side of foramen magnum.
- On their inferior surfaces are occipital condyles which articulate with the atlas at the atlanto-occipital joint
the basilar part.
Rums upwards from the foramen magnum.
- below the magnum foramen is the pharyngeal tubercle that attaches the pharynx.
The sphenoid bone
- Lies at the base of the skull in anterior to the occipital bone.
- It is comprised of a central body with a greater and a lesser wing
on either side. - The pterygoid process projects downwards from the junction of
the body and each wing.
greater wing of sphenoid
made of medial horizontal portion that forms part of the floor of the middle cranial fossa
lesser wing of sphenoid
triangular in shape
and projects laterally from the upper anterior part of the body
of the sphenoid
ethmoid bone
composed of an upper horizontal plate called the
cribriform plate, a perpendicular plate, and two structures called the
ethmoidal labyrinths which extends downwards from the lateral
edges of the cribriform plate