axial muscles origins and insertions Flashcards
temporalis origin
temporal bone
temporalis insertion
Coronoid procress of the mandible
masseter origin
zygomatic arch
masseter insertion
ramus of the mandible
medial pterygoid origin
pterygoid process
medial pterygoid insertion
remus of the mandible
lateral pterygoid origin
pterygoid process
lateral pterygoid insertion
ramus of the mandible
anterior belly of digastric origin
mental protuberance
anterior belly of digastric insertion
hyoid bone
posterior belly of digastric origin
mastoid process
posterior belly of digastric insertion
hyoid bone
stylohyoid origin
styloid process of temporal bone
stylohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
mylohyoid origin
body of mandible
mylohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
sternohyoid origin
manubruium and clavicle
sternohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
omohyoid origin
superior border of scapula
omohyoid insertion
hyoid bone
stenocleidomastoid origin
maunubrium and clavicle
sternocleidomastoid insertion
mastoid process