What were the 2 races still extant?
tarpan and Przewalskis
Equine reproduction
seasonally polyestrous, long day breeders
Estrous cycle
entire cycle from OV 21+/- 2 days
Estrus cycle
portion of cycle leading up to OV and 1-2 days after OV where mare is sexually receptive to stallion (5-7 days)
Gestation period
342 +/- 20 days (11 months)
Period of anestrus
no “cycles”/ovulations or estrus behavior
Artifical lighting
Requires 16L:8D for at least 60 days prior to desired breeding (start no later than Dec. 1st)
Differences between Colorado and Missouri Style AV
Colorado retains water temperature longer in colder weather, more durable under extreme use, liner is cheaper to replace, allows stallion to ejaculate well clear of heated liner
Missouri style is available from MAI, cheaper to purchase initially, lighter, allows for addition of air to make the liner tighter, less direct manual stimulation of the penis
1st & 2nd trimester
NBC requirements of maintenance, unless mare is lactating (1st trimester), regular deworming protocol, Pneumobort (EHV 1-abortus strain) at around 5, 7, 9 months
3rd trimester
mare should be dewormed 4-6 weeks prior to foaling with ivermectin/prazaquental (Equimax or Zimectrin Gold) or moxidecting/prazaquental (Quest plus) and should be vaccinated with a 6 way (WEE, EEE, W. Nile, Flu, Rhino, Tet) and rabies
What is indicated if udders begin to fill prior to 4-6 week before foaling date?
Why is it important mares get vaccinated, dewormed, and rabies vaccination before foaling?
important for colostrum quality
Foaling Stage One
Last 30-45 minutes
Frequent urination/defecation
Lying down/getting up
Looking at flank
Kicking/biting at sides
Foal rotates into position
Foaling Stage Two
Begins when “water breaks”
Ends when foal is expelled
Last 10-20 minutes
Foaling Stage Three
Umbilical cord should break naturally when mare stands
Tie up the exposed portion of the placenta above the hocks
Dip the foals umbilical stump in diluted nolvasan
No longer than 2.5 to 3 hours (if longer administer oxytocin)
1-2-3 Rule of Foals
Standing within one hour
Nursing within two hours
Pass meconium within 3 hours
If a foal does not pass mecinum by 3 hours administer
standard saline enema
Uses of Horses in the past
recreation and sport
Tarpan scientific name and where were they found
E. callabus callabus
in eastern Europe until the middle of the century
Scientific name for Przewalski & where did they inhabit
E. callabus przewalskii
the remote Steppe region between China and Mongolia
How many chromosome pairs does the Equus Callbus and an Equus Asinus have
32 & 31
Primitive markings of donkeys and burros
dorsal stripes
shoulder cross
leg barring
lower face mask
male donkey and female horse
Mules are infertile due to
chromosomal mismatch
female donkey and male horse
Equus zebra
32 chromosomes
Cold blood breeds
Where did Arabian horses originate
among the desert tribes of Arabian Peninsula
Why were Arabians used
they were bred by the Bedouins as war mounts for long treks and quick forays into enemy camps
How did Arabians evolve in harsh desert conditions
large lung compacity and endurance
Genetic Makeup of QH
Spanish Barb (from Chickasaws) + English stock (draft) + Thoroughbred (England) + Mustang (west of Miss.)
Origins of Thoroughbreds
stock of Arab and Barb horses was introduced to England in 3rd century
What became the foundation of Thoroughbred breeding in the US
a son of the Darley Arabian was imported to Virginia in 1730 and during the following 45 years 186 th were imported from england
Comanche Indians
finest horsemen on the Plains, favored loud-colored horses and had many among their immense herds
Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s paint horses were called a variety of names
pinto, paint, skewbald, piebald
What year was the APSHA established
What are the 3 specific coat patterns of paints
overo, tabiano, tovero
APH Tobiano
dark color covers one or both flanks
all 4 legs white at least below hocks and knees
predominantly dark or white
tail is often two colors
APH Overo
white will usually not cross the back of the horse between its withers and tail
one or all four legs are dark
head markings are bald, apron, or bonnet faced
tail is usually one color
APH Tovero
dark pigmentation around the ears and mouth
blue eyes
smaller spots that extend forward across the barrel and up over the loin
spots at base of tail
What hormones are produced in the hypothalamus?
GnRH and Oxytocin
What does GnRH do
signals release of LH & FSH
What does oxytocin do?
uterine contractions milk letdown
What hormones are produced in the anterior pituitary?
What does FSH do
initiates a new follicular wave
What does LH do
initiates ovulation
What hormones are produced in the ovary
P4 & E2
What does P4 do
maintain pregnancy
What does E2 do
suppresses FSH, responsible for behavioral signs of estrus
What type of uterus do a cow, ewe, mare, sow, bitch have?
What is the difference between duplex and bicornuate uterus?
Duplex has 2 cervix, no uterine body, & can have 1 or 2 vaginas
Where do bulls and sheep ejaculate vs where do boars ejaculate?
Bulls & sheep ejaculate in vagina and boars ejaculate in cervix
What are the three parts of the oviduct
1st part: isthmus
2nd part: ampula
3rd part: infundibulum
Where does fertilization occur?
In the ampulary-isthmic junction
Uterotubal junction
junction between the uterine horn and oviduct
“door” for the sperm
Gametogenic in the ovary produces
and endocrine produces
What are the three basic structures of the ovaries
Corpus luteum
Corpus albicans
What are the protective, supporting structures of the male reproductive tract
Spermatic cord
External cremaster & Tunica dartos muscle
Pampiniform plexus
What is pampiniform plexus necessary for and not
necessary for spermatogenesis not testosterone production
Describe the epididymus
tube leading from the testis
collects & stores sperm
divided into head, body, tail (caput, corpus, cauda)
Vas Deferens
- tubal passageway for sperm/ejaculate mix
- connects epididymus and urethra
What species have a fibroelastic penis and which ones have a vascular penis?
bull, ram, boar
stallion, dog, cat, man
Accessory sex glands all contribute to
seminal fluid volume, support nutrition of sperm, pH buffers
Sperm production is controlled by
Testosterone production is stimulated by
LH (luteinizing hormone)