AvMed Day 3 Flashcards
Where is the heart located?
The centre of the sternum slightly to the left
What happens when the heart speeds up?
Pumps more oxygen around the body
What’s a sinus node?
Gives off electrical charge to make it beat
What does the heart need?
Electricity, blood and oxygen
What do red blood cells do?
Carry oxygen
What do white blood cells do?
Fight infection
What do platelets do?
They form clots
What makes up 60% of the blood volume?
What do arteries do?
Carry oxygenated blood around the body
What do the veins do?
Carry blood with less oxygen to the heart
What are the capillaries?
Tiny bloody vessels between the arteries and veins
What’s Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?
Where blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs, groin and upper parts of the arm
What causes DVT?
Long periods of time immobile
What’s the risk factors of DVT?
-Cramped seating position
-extremes of heights
-Aged over 60
-Recent major surgery
-Personal/family history of DVT
-Heart disease
-Trauma or surgery of lower limbs
-The oral contraceptive pill
How can you prevent DVT?
-Place hand luggage in over head locker
-Don’t sit with legs crossed
-Simple exercises
-Elevate legs where possible
-Short walk every 2-3 hours
-Avoid excess alcohol and sleep tablets
-Watch the health video
What percentage of DVT are symptom free?
What’s the treatment for DVT?
-Raise legs on seats to level of body, do not elevate the legs
-AVPU every 10 mins
-Complete IIOR
-Give casualty reassurance and stay with them
What does PE stand for?
Pulmonary Embolism
What’s the signs and symptoms of a PE?
-Sudden chest pain
-Coughing up blood
-Signs of shock
-Abnormal pulse rate
How should treat a PE?
The same as a heart attack
What’s Angina?
Reduced amount of oxygen to the heart usually when heart is over worked
How is Angina caused?
From heart disease where there’s a build up of plaque in the arteries and blood can’t get through quick enough
What’s helps reduce the symptoms of Angina?
GNT spray
What does GNT spray do?
It expands all blood vessels
How do you give GTN to a passenger and why?
2 sprays under tongue as it gets to the blood stream quicker
What’s the signs and symptoms of Angina?
-Chest pain that may feel tight, heavy and dull which may spread to your arms, neck, jaw and back
-Feeling of anxiety
What’s the treatment for Angina?
-Rest casualty in reclined seat to reduce pain
-Time angina attack
-Administer PO and call MedLink
-Loosen tight clothing and open air vents
-Encourage casualty to take GTN
-Monitor and record AVPU and pulse every 10 mins
-Complete IIOR
-Give reassurance and stay with them
What should you do if the Angina attack lasts longer than 15 minutes?
Don’t resolve with rest and medication (or if it’s casualty’s first experience of this type of pain) treat as a heart attack
What’s the signs and symptoms of a heart attack?
-Severe chest pain with feeling of heaviness, tightness and squeezing
-Can spread into both arms, jaw, back, tummy
-Persons body language
-Abnormal breathing and pulse rates
-Shortness of breath
-Pale, cold and clammy skin or sweating
-Nausea and vomiting
-Casualty may feel a sense of ‘impending doom’/over whelming anxiety
-Get med history
What’s the treatment for a heart attack?
-Rest casualty in reclined seat (don’t move unnecessarily
-Never make casualty aware of defib
-Call MedLink
-Loosen tight clothing and open air vents
-Check AVPU, pulse and breathing rates every 10 mins
-Fill out IIOR
-FSM will make a PA for a MQV
When would you use an ECG?
To help diagnose and monitor conditions affecting the heart
Once you have the reading from the ECG what would you do?
Send them to MedLink
Where is the ECG kept?
At L1
What app on your IPad to you use to get the readings?
What’s shock?
The inability of the circulation system to supply the cells of the body with enough oxygenated blood to meet their needs
What’s the causes of shock?
-Severe bleeding
-Severe vomit to f and Diarrhoea
-Severe fractures
-Severe burns
-Heart attack
-Severe infection
What’s the common causes of a cardiac arrest?
-Heart attack
What’s the chain of survival?
-Early help
-Early CPR
-Early AED
-Early hospital
Early help
-Notice signs
-Call 99
Early CPR
Perform CPR ASAP
Early AED
Use defib
Early hospital
Depends on day
When you do a 10 second breathing test and the breathing is not there what does this indicate?
A cardiac arrest
What would indicate not normal breathing?
-No sound
Once you have done you DRAB assessment and have determined a cardiac arrest, what do you shout?
“Cabin crew delta foxtrot to (location)” x2
When giving CPR how far should you push down?
Push down to a 3rd of their chest (on average 5-6cm)
Where is the AED located?
What’s the minimum age of a person you can use a AED on?
1 years old
When you use the AED who should you notify?
What’s in the AED prep kit?
-Pocket mask
Once the AED is on what will it look for?
The ventricle fibrillation (VF) rhythm
What is the Ventricle Fibrillation (VF) rhythm?
The electrical activity in the heart
What’s the minium age of a casualty to use an I-Gel?
8 years old
Where does the I-Gel live?
In the EMK in the blue module
What happens when you insert the I-gel?
CPR stops
What do you do once the I-Gel is inserted?
Get a PO, remove bayonet and attach resuscitator mask to the I-Gel
How many attempts do you have to fit an I-Gel?
On casualty’s aged 1-18 what should you do before starting treatment?
You should give them 5 initial rescue breaths
What kind of chest compressions should you do on a child?
1 handed
How should you place the AED on a child?
1 pad on the front one on the back
How do you check for alertness for an infant?
Rub belly and foot
How do you do head tilt, chin lift on an infant?
Lift head neutrally
If you think you see signs of life what should you do?
Stop and do 10 second breath check
If after the 10 second breath check they are alive, what should you do?
-Put them in the recovery posistion
-Leave I-gel in and put PO mask on top
-Cover casualty with a blanket
Can you still use an AED on a pregnant casualty?
Where should you position your hands when performing CPR on a pregnant casualty?
Higher up to accommodate
Who will come to assist once you’ve landed if there has been a death on board?
PORT Health
What will the AED say if there is no sign of life?
No shock advised
How long are you expected to perform CPR for?
30 minutes
At what time should you start to prepare the family in a bad outcome?
25 minutes into CPR