Aviation Weather Services Flashcards
What does this Wind Barb indicate?
Pennant = 50
Long line = 10
Short line = 5
Circle = 0
What is the primary source for preflight weather information? How can they be reached?
Flight Service Station
Only available in Alaska, this weather information source is a recorded broadcast over selected L/MF and VOR facilities
Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWEB)
A _______ __________ _____ _____ service provided through the ______ service network. Some information available on it is…
Flight Information Services-Broadcast
ground information data link
-AIRMETs, SIGMETs, convective SIGMETs
-TFRs, Special use airspace updates -NOTAMs
A continuous broadcast of…
Updated _______, normally ___ minutes past the hour.
Special updates issued _______ the regular hourly cycle when needed.
ATIS is published over the radio and, in locations with _______, via data link (______).
Automatic Terminal Information Service
local weather and NOTAMs
Automated weather reporting system that broadcasts weather data and is updated _______.
Automated Weather Observing System
More sophisticated than AWOS, a weather reporting system that broadcasts surface observations updated by the _______.
Automated Surface Observing System
What are the different types of weather briefings?
What is a Standard weather briefing?
A full briefing
What is an Abbreviated weather briefing?
A shortened version of the standard briefing
Update to a standard briefing
What is an Outlook weather briefing?
For departures 6 or more hours away
Used for flight planning
Who would you contact for an Inflight weather briefing?
Flight Service Station
What is an AIRMET?
- An advisory of significant weather less intense than what’s required to issue a SIGMET. May affect all aircraft but especially small aircraft
How long is an AIRMET valid for?
6 hours
What are the different types of AIRMETS?
Sierra - IFR, mountain obscuration
Tango - moderate turb, surface winds 30 or greater,
non-convective LLWS
Zulu - moderate icing, freezing levels
What is a SIGMET?
An unscheduled advisory of non-convective weather potentially hazardous to all aircraft
AIRMETs advise of weather potentially…
hazardous to light aircraft and aircraft with limited operational capabilities.
How long is a SIGMET valid for?
What about a SIGMET for a hurricane?
4 hours
6 hours
A SIGMET is issued when the following is expected to occur:
- Severe icing not associated with t-storms
- Severe or extreme turbulence or Clear Air Turbulence not associated with t-storms
- Dust storms or sandstorms that lower inflight or ground visibility below 3 miles
- Volcanic ash
What is a Convective SIGMET?
An inflight advisory of convective weather significant to the safety of all aircraft.
Convective SIGMETs are issued _______ at ____ minutes past the hour for the western (W), eastern (E) and central (C) U.S.
How long are Convective SIGMETs valid for?
2 hours
On a METAR, what does AO2 mean?
Automated station with precipitation discriminator
What does “SLP201” mean on a METAR?
Sea-level pressure
1020.1 millibars
What does “SLP954” mean on a METAR?
Sea-level pressure
995.4 millibars
A Convective SIGMET contains either an ___________ and a __________ or only a __________.
observation and a forecast
What does the COR modifier on a METAR mean?
A corrected report has been issued to replace an earlier report that had an error
What does the COR modifier on a METAR mean?
A corrected report has been issued to replace an earlier report that had an error
What does R35LVR4500FT mean on a METAR?
Runway 35L visual range is 4,500 feet
What does VC mean on a METAR?
Within 5 to 10 miles of the point of observation
What does VV008 on a METAR mean?
Vertical Visibility is 800 feet
RAB05 on a METAR?
Rain began at 5 minutes after the hour
Snow ended at 20 minutes past the hour
RAB05 on a METAR?
Rain began at 5 minutes after the hour
Snow ended at 20 minutes past the hour
The Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) is a forecast for weather conditions within a _____ radius from the center of a selected airports runway complex. Is issued _____ times a day at 00, 06, 12, and 18 Zulu for a ____ or ____ hour time period.
5 sm
24 or 30
What does WS020/35035KT mean on a METAR/TAF?
Wind shear at 2,000 feet, wind from 350 at 35 knots
Is VV008 considered a ceiling?
Forecast Change Indentifiers
FM = ______. A rapid, significant change is expected occurring in less than ____ hour
BECMG = ________. Gradual change expected occurring for less than _____ hours
TEMPO = _________. Temporary fluctuations expected to last for less than ____ hour during less than _____ of the time period
Winds at BIH at 9,000 feet?
BLH at 30,000 feet?
FAT at 6,000 feet?
BIH = 130 at 12kts, -2*C
BLH = 230 at 66kts, -42*C
FAT = 130 at 8kts, 8*C
** Minus sign is omitted above 24,000 feet**
What are winds and temp at JAX at 34,000 feet?
What are the winds and temp at BIH at 6,000 feet?
What does this mean in the remarks section of a METAR?
First Number:
5 = atmospheric pressure
Second Number:
123 = increasing pressure in last 3 hrs
4 = pressure stayed the same
5678 = pressure decreased in last 3 hrs
Last two numbers are the amount. 12 = .12