Aviation Medicine Orientation Flashcards
What does Army Aeromedical Activity (AAMA) do?
•Flight physical reviews (FDME and FDHS)
• Recommends waiver to component approval authority
What does the US Combat Readiness Center (CRC) do?
• Conducts accident investigations
• Class A and Class B
• Safety training
• Writes all safety policies for the Army
Who is considered a rated crew-member within the medical healthcare team?
Flight Sugeon
Who is the SME for human factors related to accidents?
Aeromedical Psychologist
What is the primary purpose of the aviation medicine program?
Preventative Medicine
What is a class 1 physical?
Comprises the initial entrance physical examination standards for pilot applicants.
What is a Class 2 flight physical?
Class 2 covers Rated aviators, flight surgeons, APAs and AMNPs.
What is a Class 3 flight physical?
For non rated crewmembers. Flight medics, aeromedical psychologist, flight engineers, crew chiefs, stewards and door gunners.
What is a class 4 flight physical?
Annual FDME for Air traffic controllers, UAV operators, DACs and contract ATC personnel.
What is FDME?
Flying duty medical exam
What are the types of FDME?
• Initial (18 months) performed for accession purposes of- WOCS
• long flight physical
• Novosel FDME comprehensive - 24 moths
What is a comprehensive/long FDME?
Performed every 5 years on classes 2-4.
What is a short flight physical (FDHS)
A condensed version of the long flight physical completed during the interim years between comprehensive FDMEs.
How long is your birth month window regarding your flight physical?
Three months ending on the last day of your birth month.
How long is a flight physical extension and how many times can you get an extension in one year?
1 month, once a year
After deployment FDME extension how much time is allotted to complete your flight physical upon return to home base?
90 days
What is a temporary disqualification?
•Medical condition that is not permanently disqualifying per the APLs or AR 40-501
• likely to result in re qualification within 365 days
What is permanent disqualification?
Medical condition that impairs the safe performance of aircrew duties and is expected to last longer than 365 days.
Who is the waiver approval authority for Active Army and Reserve?
Who is the waiver approval authority for National Gays?
What does 40-8 cover?
Temporary duty restrictions due to exogenous factors
What is class 1 medication?
Over the counter medications, used in short term
What is a class 2 medication?
Requires a prescription, no ETP/Waiver required
What is a class 3 medication?
Requires a waiver and a prescription.
What is a class 4 medication?
Mandatory disqualification, incompatible with aviation status and strictly prohibited.
-Herbal and diet supplements-
Short term effects of some of these preparations are dangerous, use can result in ___________ ___________ in flight
Sudden incapacitation
Regarding supplements what is class 1?
Can be used without the approval of FS/APA
EX: protein shakes
Regarding supplements what is class 2?
Used with prior approval of a FS/APA and must be stated in FDME
EX: creatine
Regarding supplements what is class 3?
Not specifically listed and are disqualifying for aviation duties.