Autopilot Flashcards
What is auto flight
Figure 1
The auto flight consists of an automatic flight control system (AFCS) and an autothrottle system. The auto flight includes the computers and servo systems that compute and automatically control the flightpath of the aircraft. The computers use data from different sources and feedback circuits to control direction, heading, attitude, altitude, and speed.
What’s in the auto flight system
Automatic Flight Control System
The automatic flight control system (AFCS) consists of the flight director, autopilot and yaw damper functions. Flight Director The flight director (FD) supplies the calculated steering commands to: • Electronic flight instrument system (EFIS): The pilot and copilot PFDs display the FD command bars and mode indications • Autopilot: If the autopilot is engaged, it uses the steering commands to fly the aircraft automatically. If the autopilot is not engaged, the pilot uses the FD command bars on the PFD to fly the aircraft manually Mode select pushbuttons on the guidance panel (GP) set the flight director mode of operation. Autopilot The autopilot (AP) operates the flight control surfaces to fly the aircraft automatically. The autopilot uses steering commands from the flight director and operates the servos to make the aircraft fly the correct pitch/roll attitude to follow a specific flightpath.
Yaw Damper
The yaw damper (YD) provides stability augmentation about the yaw axis (Dutch roll) and turn coordination. The yaw damper uses signals from the flight guidance computers (FGCs) and moves the rudder linear actuators (yaw dampers) to control the yaw of the aircraft.
What is auto throttle system
Autothrottle System
The autothrottle (AT) system supplies speed and thrust control through the automatic adjustment of the throttle levers, during the full range of the flight. It also sends the mode of operation and status to the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS). The autothrottle system also provides an electronic engine trim system (EETS). The EETS provides limited authority EPR trim, N1 and N2 synchronization over the full flight regime.
Is the Vision a Vnav aircraft
Where is FGC
It’s a card in the IAC
When swapping IACs
Dont forget the tray position is indented to the IAC
What is TCS
Touch control steering
On control spectacles
What does Master Disconnect do on control wheel
Press to disconnect everything on autoflight
What does AFCS consist of
The automatic flight control system (AFCS) consists of the flight director (FD), autopilot (AP), including automatic pitch trim and yaw damper (YD) functions. The automatic flight control system (AFCS) is a dual-channel, two axis, Category II flight control system. The major AFCS functions contained in the integrated avionics computer (IAC) work with other AFCS components to perform the necessary actions. The dual system architecture of the AFCS is configured in a active/standby arrangement. The active system provides control functions while the standby system operates in a backup mode as a “hot spare”. In the event that the system in control fails or detects a failure, priority is automatically switched to the other system.
What does Flight Director do
Flight Director
The flight director (FD) supplies computed steering commands to the flight crew and to the autopilot system. The flight crew can manually fly the aircraft from the FD, using indications shown on the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) displays. If the flight crew engages the autopilot, the autopilot uses the FD commands to fly the aircraft automatically. The flight director is automatically enabled when aircraft is powered and attitude/ altitude data is valid.
What does Yaw Damper do
Yaw Damper
The yaw damper provides stability augmentation about the yaw axis (Dutch roll) and turn coordination. The yaw damper operates independently of the autopilot. The yaw damper uses signals from the flight guidance computers (FGCs) to make small rudder movements and decrease the yaw of the aircraft. The yaw damper is automatically engaged on the ground when the right conditions are met. The yaw damper is always on when the autopilot is engaged. A pushbutton on the guidance panel lets the pilot engage or disconnect the yaw damper.
What does Autopilot do
The autopilot operates the flight control surfaces to make the aircraft fly the correct pitch/roll attitude. When engaged, the autopilot monitors the FD steering commands and operates the servos that keep the aircraft at the necessary pitch and roll attitudes. A pushbutton on the guidance panel lets the pilot engage or disengage the autopilot.
What are PFD controllers
PFD Controllers
The PFD controllers provide independent selection of short-range and long-range navigation sources for display on the PFDs. The flight director uses the selected navigation source data from the coupled PFD to position the command bars.
What are MFD controllers
MFD Controllers The MFD controllers interface with the flight director to select the type of command bars format that is displayed on the PFDs.
The command bars may be displayed as a single cue (SC) or a cross pointer (CP) format. The format may be selected from the MFD menu, using the joystick and the ENT key of the MFD controllers.
What is Flight Director logic
Flight Director Logic
The flight director (FD) is powered on in the standby mode when the aircraft is powered and valid aircraft attitude/altitude data is received. Sensor Management Flight director (FD) modes utilize coupled side PFD sensor data for references. The FD utilizes onside and/or cross-side sensor data for calculations and monitoring. A sensor voting method is used to average the data to select the “good” data for use in the case of a single flagged failure. Flight Director Data Management Each FD can utilize either onside or cross-side short-range NAV and long-range NAV (FMS) data. Both FDs use the NAV data displayed on the coupled side PFD. Both FDs use the coupled side ADC input as the reference for all vertical modes (except glideslope). The altitude hold target, airspeed target, vertical speed target, and selected altitude are all computed in the IACs. Flight Director Couple Switching The flight directors (FDs) for pilot and copilot are coupled to the same PFD. Pressing the CPL pushbutton switches the coupled PFD and resets all selected FD modes to basic roll hold and pitch hold modes. The pilot must then reengage the FD modes he wants active.
What is CYAN
Does the system Capture signals
Yes, it knows where it is
What does autopilot do
The autopilot (AP) consists of two integrated avionics computers (IACs) 1 and 2, a guidance panel, two dual servos, two servo brackets, two control columns and the throttle quadrant. The autopilot is a function of the flight guidance computers (FGCs) located in IACs 1 and 2. The system employs dual servos in the pitch and roll axis. One servo on each dual servo unit is dedicated to FGC 1 or 2 for redundancy. The autopilot provides attitude stabilization and tracking of pitch and roll steering commands from the flight director. The AP also provides a pitch trim function that interfaces to the flight control units (FCUs). Pitch trim works to maintain aircraft pitch attitude against long-term attitude disturbances such as fuel burn and passenger movement.
What components are in autopilot
Figures C1, C2 and C3 The autopilot consists of the following components: • Integrated avionics computers (IACs 1 and 2) • Guidance panel • Elevator/aileron dual servos • Servo brackets • Control wheels • Pitch disconnect switch • Throttle quadrant
What voltage is configuration module
5 volts
Is yaw damper heated
Yes, just dampens any input to rudder
Does yaw damper have to work to bring on autopilot
Yes, will not come on otherwise
What is auto throttle
The autothrottle system (ATS) consists of two integrated avionics computers (IACs) and the throttle quadrant assembly (TQA). The ATS provides full flight regime thrust management through automatic positioning of the throttle levers by operating servomotors in the throttle quadrant. The throttle lever position then sets a rotary variable differential transformer (RVDT) position which in turn sets engine power level. The ATS provides dual throttle servo control, engage status and mode annunciation, EICAS fault annunciation, integrated maintenance test and fault recording. The ATS also provides an electronic engine trim system (EETS). The EETS provides limited authority EPR trim, N1 synchronization and N2 synchronization over the full flight regime. For more information, see ATA 71 Power Plant.
What contains auto throttle computer
IACS 1 and 2
What is throttle quadrant assembly
Throttle Quadrant Assembly The throttle quadrant assembly (TQA) is an electromechanical LRU located in the cockpit center pedestal, which serves as the primary flight deck controller for engine thrust control via two lever assemblies (one for each of the two engines). Each throttle lever is capable of being driven by a servo integral to the TQA commanded by the autothrottle system (ATS) via ARINC 429 data bus. The throttle levers are usually manually operated by direct pilot input. The TQA receives digital rate commands from the active autothrottle and moves the throttles accordingly. Throttle rate is fed back to the autothrottle digitally to close the loop. The TQA provides throttle commands electronically to the EECs and FCUs via rotary variable differential transformers (RVDTs) coupled to the throttle levers. The TQA also contains the autothrottle engage/ disengage switches, the autothrottle quickdisconnect buttons and the go-around (GA) buttons.
Autothrottle engage/disengage switches- Interfaced to A/T 1 and A/T 2- Engage or disengage autothrottle- Spring forces designed to prevent inadvertent operation • Autothrottle quick-disconnect buttons- Interfaced to A/T 1, A/T 2, FWC 1 (fault warning computer), and FWC 3- Disengage autothrottle- Direct disabling of servos • Go-around buttons- Interfaced to FGC via AFCS guidance panel- Command go-around- Accept windshear guidance If necessary, the pilot can manually override the autothrottle by direct operation of the throttle levers.
What is Autothrottle interface
System Interface
The autothrottle system (ATS) modulates thrust so that the autothrottle operation is compatible with the AP/FD control at all times. The ATS provides dual throttle servo control, engage status and mode annunciation, EICAS fault annunciation, integrated maintenance test, and fault recording. FMS calculates the required EPR command from the aircraft inputs, and commands the throttle lever servo to drive the throttle to the required position. This places a power demand on the EEC, which also computes an EPR command. This command is transmitted to the IAC for comparison with the autothrottle EPR command, therefore providing closed loop control. The EEC also transmits the maximum EPR for the prevailing ambient condition, the idle EPR for engine limiter control and the actual EPR. The autothrottle system performs the following functions: • Operation over the full range of available forward thrust for two-engine operation (the autothrottle does not operate under singleengine conditions) • Hands-off operation from takeoff to landing • Engine synchronization provided by the electronic engine trim system (EETS) An integrated function of the autothrottle is the electronic engine trim system (EETS). The EETS system provides limited authority EPR trim, N1 synchronization and N2 synchronization over the full flight regime. This is accomplished via ARINC 429 commands to the EEC. The trim and sync are limited to 5% of throttle RVDT angle (TRA). The autothrottle engage/disengage and quickdisconnect functions are initiated via buttons on the throttle quadrant assembly. Selection and mode control of the EETS is done via the FMS control display unit (CDU) thrust pages.
What is EETS
Electronic engine trim system
What is TLA trim
TLA Trim
The EEC sends data to the autothrottle computer to calculate the required throttle lever angle (TLA) trim. • EPR TLA: The EPR command value calculated from the current throttle position •N1 shaft speed (for synchronization) •N2 shaft speed (for synchronization) • TRA validated When autothrottle is engaged, this data is used to adjust for any throttle positioning inaccuracies. The resultant TLA trim (in degrees) is transmitted to each channel of EEC on the ARINC 429 bus. The EEC limits the trim authority to ± 2 degrees TLA. The resultant trim value is added to the TLA value read from the throttle RVDT to generate the overall EEC EPR command. The trim will be washed out at maximum power and idle power.
What happens with wind shear
Go-Around and Windshear Upon selection of either of these flight director modes, the throttles advance to the maximum thrust position. The autothrottle go-around mode provides a fixed rate throttle advance to the maximum EPR rating. The go-around mode is also activated if the throttle is engaged and the pilot presses the GA button to accept windshear guidance.