Air Conditioning Flashcards
What is the air con system
INTRODUCTION The air conditioning system consists of a flow control system, the air conditioning units (the packs), a temperature control system, a distribution system, an avionics cooling system, an optional humidifier and a cabin pressure control system. The air conditioning system uses hot pressurized bleed air from the engines (temperature and pressure regulated by the bleed system), the auxiliary power unit or an external air source to provide a controlled atmosphere in the aircraft for flight crew and passenger comfort.
The air conditioning system is a dual system (two packs), each controlled automatically during all phases of operation by two air conditioning system controllers. The packs may also be controlled manually, if there is an automatic mode failure or controller failure. The packs provide cold air, which is then blended with hot air to regulate the temperatures individually to the flight deck and cabin. Individual temperature selections and system operation is controlled from the air conditioning panel on the cockpit overhead panel.
How much air is re circulated
Around 50 percent
How many outflow valves
2 , 1 at front and 1 at rear
The outflow valve at the front also receives avionics cooling air
What does ram air switch do
Used to provide ambient air to ventilate cockpit and cabin in event of pack failure
Recirc switch to isolate in case of smoke
What is AUX PRESS switch
Used to control alternate air source through the trim air system for cabin pressurisation
What are pack control switch settings
NORM- automatic
LO-low flow mode
HIGH-high flow mode
MAN-flow control valve is driven fully open
What do trim air valves do
Add hot air to raise the pack output temp which is usually around 10 degrees
Where does ram air valve supply
R/h side after pack
What happens when emerg de pressurisation button is pressed
The cabin de pressurises to 14500 ft then will maintain that setting
When is cabin rate indicator displayed
When MAN is selected
What happens with pack operation
Figures A1, A2 and A3 The two flow control systems consist of a pack inlet temperature sensor, a bleed filter, an ozone converter, a flow sensor venturi, pack inlet flow sensor, pack inlet pressure sensor and a flow control valve. The flow control system features help in maintaining a healthy cabin environment and provide improved comfort for passengers and crew. The flow control system takes bleed air from the engine, the APU, or a ground air source. The flow control system filters and controls the air to operate the air conditioning units. Pack inlet temperature sensors measure the temperature of the hot air entering the flow control system. Bleed filters separate and remove dust or dirt particles from the air entering the air conditioning system by centrifugal action. The ozone converters through catalytic effect change ozone molecules (03) contained in the air from the pneumatic system into oxygen molecules (02). The flow sensor venturis contain pack inlet pressure sensor and pack inlet flow sensor transducers to measure the mass flow of the air to the air conditioning system. The flow control valves, controlled by the air conditioning system controllers (ACSCs) regulate mass flow of air to the air conditioning units. The ACSCs use the flow control system sensors along with other operational data (control panel selections and digital data from other computers) to make these flow control calculations.
What are air con components
The filtering and flow control system consists of the following components: • Air conditioning panel • Pack inlet temperature sensors • Bleed filters • Mechanical interfaces and coupling • Ozone converters • Flow sensor venturis • Pack inlet pressure sensors • Pack inlet flow sensors • Flow control valves • Air conditioning system controllers
What does air con panel do
Figure A3 FILTERING AND FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM addition to these inputs, pack flow is also modified according to control laws within the ACS controllers. The manual position is used for manual pack temperature control. Pack Inlet Temperature Sensors Figures A2 and A4 The pack inlet temperature sensors (PITSs) measure the temperature upstream of the cooling pack. The temperature signals are sent to the air conditioning system controllers through the electrical connector of each sensor. The sensors are installed in the aft equipment compartment upstream of the bleed filters. The PITS provides a dual air temperature measurement to its associated ACSC. Bleed Filters Figures A2 and A4 Controls are provided on the air conditioning panel for the following flow control functions: •L/R PACK P BAs • PACK CONTROL selector L/R PACK PBAs The L/R PACK PBAs control the flow control valves (FCVs) which in turn control the flow of bleed air into the ACUs. These PBAs are normally on, thus enabling pack operation to start immediately upon the supply of bleed air. An integral white OFF legend, when illuminated, indicates the pack has been manually selected OFF. The amber FAIL legend indicates that the pack has experienced a failure that has shut off the flow control valve. PACK CONTROL Selector The PACK CONTROL selector provides three flow control modes: low, normal and high flow. In addition to these inputs, pack flow is also modified according to control laws within the ACS controllers. The manual position is used for manual pack temperature control.
What are pack inlet temp sensors
Pack Inlet Temperature Sensors Figures A2 and A4
The pack inlet temperature sensors (PITSs) measure the temperature upstream of the cooling pack. The temperature signals are sent to the air conditioning system controllers through the electrical connector of each sensor. The sensors are installed in the aft equipment compartment upstream of the bleed filters. The PITS provides a dual air temperature measurement to its associated ACSC.
What are bleed filters
The hot bleed air from the bleed air supply system flows through a bleed filter, which separates dust by centrifugal action. Inside the stainless steel body of the bleed filters dust collects in a chamber. Suction is applied to a fitting on the filters through a tube that comes from the ram air outlet duct. The suction removes the dust collected in the chamber. The bleed filters are installed in the aft equipment compartment between the pack inlet temperature sensors and the ozone converters.
What is ozone converter
The ozone converters change the ozone in the bleed air into oxygen (by catalysis effect). This is to permit flight in high altitude conditions. The body has two flanges and two mounting brackets. The ozone converters are installed in the aft equipment compartment between the bleed filters and the flow sensor venturis. The component manufacturer must eventually restore the ozone converter. Fore more information, see the Time Limits/Maintenance Checks manual (TLMC).
What flow sensor and venturis are their
Flow Sensor Venturis
Figures A2 and A5 The flow sensor venturis measure the mass flow of the air upstream of each air conditioning system. The flow sensor venturis have a light alloy body with a venturi in the middle. There are two static pressure outlets on each flow sensor venturi, one for the pack inlet pressure sensor (PIPS) and one for the pack inlet flow sensor (PIFS). The flow sensor venturis are installed in the aft equipment compartment between the ozone converters and the flow control valves.
The pack inlet pressure sensors (PIPSs) measure the pressure upstream of the air conditioning units. The sensors have a static pressure inlet, which connects to the static pressure outlet on the flow sensor venturis. A pressure-sensitive mechanism in each sensor changes the pressure to an electrical signal. This signal is sent to the air conditioning system controller through an electrical connector. The sensors are installed in the aft equipment compartment between the bleed filters and the flow control valves.
Pack Inlet Flow Sensors
Figures A2 and A5 The pack inlet flow sensors (PIFSs) measure the difference in pressure between the two pressure outlets of each venturi. A pressure-sensitive mechanism changes the difference in pressure to an electrical signal. This signal is sent to the air conditioning system controller through its electrical connector. The sensors are installed in the aft equipment compartment between the bleed filters and the flow control valves.
What does flow control valve do
Flow Control Valves
Figure A6 The flow control valves (FCVs) are electrically controlled and pneumatically operated. The mass flow to the air conditioning units goes through the flow control valves. They isolate, if necessary, the air conditioning units from the pneumatic system. The valves automatically close when there is no bleed air. FILTERING AND FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM The pneumatic actuator controls the position of the valve. The actuator has a piston assembly and a spring, which closes the valve. A microswitch sends an electrical signal to the air conditioning system controller when the valve is fully closed. The regulator (pressure-regulating valve) supplies a constant pressure to the actuator. A torque motor adjusts the size of the vent opening for the pressure. The air conditioning system controller supplies current to the torque motor to control the position of the valve. An ON/OFF solenoid on the regulator fully releases the pressure when it is energized. This will cause the valve to close fully. In addition, the compressor pneumatic overheat (CPNOH) sensor bleeds off the FCV actuator chamber pressure to reduce the FCV opening in case of excessive ACU compressor discharge temperature. The flow control valves are installed in the aft equipment compartment between the flow sensor venturis and the air conditioning units. A device on the valve is provided to manually lock the valve in the closed position for dispatch purposes.
What happens with sensor failure
Gives default reading so can still control, to keep system in operation
Abnormal Operation LEGEND HIGH Flow (lb/min) NORM Flow (lb/min) LOW Flow (lb/min) G_21_00_041_Apr08 Pack Inlet Flow Sensor Failure In case of a PIFS failure (disagree, out of range, or sensor power supply off) detected by the ACSC, a calculation of the actual airflow through the flow sensor venturi cannot be made. In this case, the ACSC controls the FCV position, depending on the pack inlet pressure and the aircraft altitude.
Air Conditioning System Controllers
Figure A7 Two air conditioning system controllers (ACSCs) are the primary computing units in the environmental control system. The ACSCs control the cockpit and cabin temperature with the functions that follow: •Heating • Cooling • Ventilation • Pack operation The air conditioning system controllers (ACSCs) control the position of the flow control valve (FCV) by modulating the current to the FCV torque motor. The ACSC measures the mass flow through the flow sensor venturi, using the pack inlet pressure sensor (PIPS), pack inlet flow sensor (PIFS) and pack inlet temperature sensor (PITS). There are two air conditioning system controllers, one for each air conditioning unit. Each air conditioning system controller has two channels, A and B. Each air conditioning system controller only uses one channel a day, channel A on odd days and channel B on even days. Channel A and channel B each have their own 28-DC power supply. The channel that is active controls the power output and supplies the drive signals for the system components. The other channel works in parallel mode, but does not control outputs. This procedure of operation makes the ACSC more reliable. If a failure occurs, the remaining channel controls the system. The desired mass flow is determined by the ACSC. This demand depends on: • Cabin and aircraft altitude • Outside ambient temperature (for ground operations) • Pilot flow selection (low, normal or high flow) • Number of operating cooling packs
• Cabin temperature error Special logic and algorithms are implemented within the ACS controller for the following: • To ensure that the FCV does not open if bleed air supply pressure is lower than 15 psig (for automatic mode) • Normal flow is selected on ground for air cycle machine (ACM) quick starting • Normal flow is selected in flight for ACM quick starting • The flow rate is controlled in case of a high pressure gradient at the flow control inlet
Flow control automatic
Automatic Control Assuming that the cockpit control switches are in their normal position, the ON/OFF solenoid is deenergized and the FCV is enabled to open. This allows flow supply even in the event of electrical failure. The flow control system can be manually switched off by selecting the appropriate PACK PBA to the OFF position. The OFF legend will illuminate. Three different flow levels (LOW, NORM, HI) can be selected by the PACK CONTROL selector on the air conditioning panel.
Flow control ground
Flow Control – Ground Operation On the ground, according to the pilot selection, the flow demand determined by the ACSC is set to: • 40 lb/min in case of HIGH flow selection (PACK CONTROL selector) • 30 lb/min in case of NORM flow selection • 20 lb/min in case of LO flow selection In order to achieve the necessary cooling and heating performance, the normal flow is increased using the following laws: • The normal flow is increased by 1 lb/min/°C for outside ambient temperature (TAT provided to the ACSC by DAU) higher than +30°C or lower than 0°C • The normal flow is increased by 2 lb/min/°C for a zone temperature error greater than ±5°C • For all cases,
Flow control flight
Flow Control – Flight Operation The flow demand determined by the ACSC depends on the aircraft altitude and selection. • If NORM flow is selected, the flow demand decreases with aircraft altitude from 30 lb/min at sea level to 18 lb/min at 51,000 feet • If HIGH flow is selected, the flow demand decreases with aircraft altitude from 40 lb/min at sea level to 23 lb/min at 51,000 feet • If LOW flow is selected, the flow demand decreases with aircraft altitude from 20 lb/min at sea level to 18 lb/min at 51,000 feet In addition, in case of single-pack operation, the high flow demand is automatically selected by the ACSC. For aircraft altitudes above 15,000 feet, if the cabin altitude increases above 9000 feet, the ACSC increases the flow rate to prevent cabin depressurization. The flow demand is increased by 2 lb/min/1000 ft for cabin altitudes above 9000 feet.
What happens with overheat
Pack Inlet Overheat In case of a pack inlet temperature (as detected by the pack inlet temperature sensor (PITS)) higher than 260°C (500°F) for more than 30 seconds or higher than 280°C (536°F) for more than 10 seconds, the FCV is driven closed by the ACSC (maximum current supplied to the FCV torque motor). At the same time, the PACK FAIL caution message is displayed. Compressor Discharge Overheat For compressor discharge temperatures (as detected by the compressor discharge temperature sensor (CDTS)) between 220°C (428°F) and 250°C (482°F), the flow supplied to the cooling pack is reduced by the ACSC by increasing the current supplied to the FCV torque motor. The FCV closing command is applied by the ACSC (maximum current supplied to the FCV torque motor) when a compressor discharge temperature of 260°C (500°F) is reached for more than 1 second. At the same time, the PACK FAIL caution message is displayed. Pack Discharge Overheat The FCV closing command is applied by the ACSC when a pack discharge temperature of 95°C (203°F) (as detected by the pack discharge temperature sensor (PDTS)) is reached for more than 40 seconds. At the same time, the PACK FAIL caution message is displayed.
How many levels of cooling
The two air conditioning units (packs) consist of a ram air inlet duct (with a water sprayer), a dual heat exchanger (primary and main) and plenum, a ram air outlet duct, the air cycle machine, a reheater/condenser unit, a water extractor, a temperature control valve and the various sensors for monitoring and control.
When do A and B controllers operate
They alternate every time used
What happens when ACM seizes
Seizure mode provides sufficient fresh air
Air Cycle Machine Seizure Mode The purpose of this mode is to provide sufficient fresh air to the cabin and the cockpit (a pure heat exchanger cooling mode) should the air cycle machine (ACM) seize. The pneumatic temperature control thermostat is set by the ACSC to the minimum precooler outlet temperature (fan air valve full open) to cool the bleed air as much as possible. The pack temperature demand is increased in order to open the temperature control valve (TCV) to maintain flow.
This logic is activated during the following conditions: • Total cooling packs flow (left and right packs) is lower than 23 lb/min • The aircraft altitude is > 15,000 feet • The measured flow through the venturi is < 80% of the pack flow demand, or pack inlet pressure, measured by PIPS, is < 25 psig
What components in temp control system
The components of the temperature control system consist of the following: • Air conditioning panel • Hot air shutoff valves (HASOVs) • Trim air check valves • Hot air check valve • Trim air valves (TAVs) • Duct temperature sensors • Mix manifold temperature sensors (MIXTSs) • Ventilated temperature sensors • Air conditioning system controllers
What happens trim air valves selected off
Cold air to cabin
How many temp selectors
Three temperature selectors are provided for the COCKPIT, FWD CABIN and AFT CABIN. These selectors provide a variable relative temperature selection between COLD (15°C) (59°F) and HOT (35°C) (95°F).
What is HASOV
Hot Air Shutoff Valves
Figure C3 The hot air shutoff valves (HASOVs) control the hot air from the bleed air system that goes to the trim air system. The shutoff valves have an electric actuator that opens and closes a butterfly valve. The butterfly valves have three positions, fully open, fully closed, and half open for normal and auxiliary pressurization modes. A switch on each valve supplies the air conditioning system controllers with an indication of which position the valve is in. The air conditioning system controllers control the position of the hot air shutoff valves. When power is removed, the shutoff valves stay in their last position. The shutoff valves are installed in the aft equipment compartment.
What are duct temp sensors
Duct Temperature Sensors
Figure C4 The duct temperature sensors measure the temperature of the airflow in the supply ducts to the flight compartment and the aft and forward passenger compartments. The sensor output signals go to the air conditioning system controllers which monitor temperature changes, temperature limits and overheat warning. The aft and forward duct sensors are connected to ACSC 1, and the cockpit duct sensor is connected to ACSC 2. The sensors have a temperature transducer in a protective housing. The housing lets the air go around the transducer and prevents damage to it. The sensors are installed sufficiently away from the mix manifold to let the hot air and the cold air mix.
What do controllers do
Bmc1 talks to dau3
Bmc2 talks to dau4
Which then talks to dau 1 and 2
What are recirc fans
The recirculation system uses two recirculation fans to pull the air from the passenger compartments back into the mix manifold. During normal operation, the air in the distribution system is approximately 50% recirculated and 50% from the air conditioning system. Two ice filters are installed in the fwd and aft cabin discharge duct of the mix manifold to prevent ice pellets in the cabin distribution network.
The air conditioning system controllers control the recirculation fans to high or low speed, depending on phase of operation and temperature sensor inputs. Electrical heaters are used to heat the feet of the pilot and copilot.
Where does recirc fan get power from
And filters are black in colour
The recirculation fans get electrical power from the ACPC. The recirculation fan gets an input from the air conditioning system controller to change the speed of the fan. When the RECIRC switch/light on the bleed air control panel is set to OFF, the recirculation fans stop.
Where does gas per air fan get its power from
Gasper Assist
Fan The gasper fan power is provided automatically when 28 VDC from DC 1 CABIN FEED contactor is available. A 10-A overcurrent fuse is installed in line with the feed power from the completion CCBP. On A/C 9140 and subs, power to the gasper assist fan is supplied by SPDA 2 DC BUS 1 SSPC when the RECIRC PBA on the air conditioning panel is ON and DC CABIN PWR is NOT off via the EMSCDU EMERGENCY CNTL selection.
What does ACSC do
The ACSC performs failure detection functions. When a failure is detected, the software performs the following actions: • Corrective action; for example, if channel A fails, channel B will be used • Generate EICAS message • Generate a CAIMS message
What happens if pack output temp is over 60 degrees or 60 degree split
Pack filter is blocked, THC filter will need changing
What is avionics cooling
The avionics cooling system consists of an avionics exhaust fan and fan converter, an avionics rack fan and filter (Global 5000 only), avionics components mounting tray fans (such as TCAS, IRS, SATCOM etc.) and piccolo ducts. The avionics cooling system also includes TRU cooling in the forward equipment compartment. A forward equipment compartment cooling installation is also available for Global 5000 and Global Express XRS. The avionics cooling system ensures the ventilation of the cockpit display units, the avionics equipment in the lower avionics bay and the above floor avionics rack in the Global 5000. The avionics rack supply fan draws air from under the floor through a filter and blows it over the rackmounted electronic boxes via piccolo tubes. The avionics exhaust fan removes the heated air produced by the cockpit display units, the avionics equipment in the lower avionics bay and above floor avionics rack (Global 5000) through the piccolo tubes and ducts. The fan exhausts the air out of the main avionics compartment through the forward outflow valve.
Where does avionics fan exhaust air
Through fwd outflow valve
How many speeds with avionic fan
There is one avionics exhaust fan converter. The avionic exhaust fan converter controls and monitors the avionic exhaust fan speed. This speed is controlled at two different levels (low and high speed). It converts the 115-VAC variable frequency electrical supply of the aircraft generation system to controlled frequency electrical power for use by the AVFAN electrical motor. The speed control unit monitors for overheat, underspeed and overcurrent. The converter is found in the main avionics compartment.
How is avionics rack fan controlled
The avionics rack fan is controlled by the left ACSC (on, off and speed commands). The power source and monitoring is provided by SPDA 4 (28-VDC bus 2) and by DAU 3.
When do cooling fans work
AC power only
How many fan starts allowed
3 attempts then fail message
What is the humidifier
The optional humidifier system consists of a humidifier boiler, control unit, water feed, shutoff and drain valves, a hot air shutoff valve, humidifier level and temperature sensors, cabin humidity and temperature sensors and the required ducts. The optional humidifier system (located in the baggage compartment) adds humidity to the pressurized part of the aircraft interior.
The humidifier boiler (an air/water heat exchanger) uses hot air from the air conditioning trim air duct to evaporate water supplied by the onboard potable water system (produce steam). The steam is injected in the air conditioning system at the mix manifold outlet. The humidifier control unit monitors the system sensors and controls the valves maintain water levels in the boiler and supply hot air to regulate humidity levels. After each flight, as the aircraft descends, the control unit opens the drain valve to remove all water from the humidifier to prevent freezing. There is also a manual drain valve.
When does it purge
What is HCU
Humidifier control unit
Cabin press system
The cabin pressure control system consists of two cabin pressure controllers, two outflow valves, two safety valves and a pressurization panel. The system controls air pressure in the flight, passenger, and baggage compartments during flight and ground operations. The cabin pressure control system controls air pressure by allowing the flow of air from the air conditioning system to be exhausted overboard. Two cabin pressure controllers (with automatic and manual operating modes) control two electrical outflow valves to regulate cabin pressure. Only one controller controls both outflow valves on alternate days while the other controller is in standby. There are two outflow valves installed in the aircraft. Each outflow valve has three motors, two automatic motors (controlled via the cabin pressure controllers) and one manual motor (controlled via the cabin pressure control panel). Two safety valves are installed to prevent excessive cabin pressure differentials. The safety valves operate pneumatically and are unaffected by electrical failures.
How many safety valves
2aft bulkhead
What happens during pressurisation
Cabin Pressurization Panel Figures G3 and G4 The PRESSURIZATION control panel is installed on the overhead panel in the flight compartment. It contains the switches necessary to control the cabin pressure control system in both AUTO modes and in MANUAL mode. Four relays, two relays for emergency depressurization and two for cabin altitude limitation protection are secured behind the panel. The control panel includes an integral lighting panel and the switches that follow: • AUTO/MAN switch/light to do the selection of AUTO mode or MAN mode • MAN ALT switch for the control of cabin pressure. The switch controls both outflow valves • LDG ELV switch for the selection of the manual landing altitude from –305 to 4267 m (–1000 to 14,000 ft) • RATE switch for the selection of the fixed rate limit • EMERG DEPRESS switch/light for cabin depressurization • OUTFLOW valve 1 and 2 switch/lights to manually close each outflow valve • DITCHING switch/light for safety in case of ditching
How many cabin press controllers
There are two cabin pressure controllers installed in the underfloor avionics compartment. One is installed on the left side and one is installed on the right side. Each cabin pressure controller has two assemblies, the automatic controller and the manual controller. The assemblies are in a metal case with mounting tabs and a metallic cover. The cabin pressure controllers have an interface with the systems/components that follow: • Air data computer (ADC) • Engine electronic controller (EEC) • Flight management system control display unit (FMS CDU) • Landing gear electronic control unit (LGECU) • Data acquisition units (DAUs) • Engine indication and crew alerting system (EICAS) • Central aircraft information maintenance system (CAIMS) • Pressurization control panel
How many outflow valves
Outflow Valves
Figures G5 and G6 There are two outflow valves installed in the aircraft. The aft outflow valve is installed at the bottom of the rear pressure bulkhead (FS861.00). The forward outflow valve is installed at the rear pressure bulkhead (FS556.74) in the avionics compartment. The outflow valves each have an actuator and a butterfly valve. Each actuator has three DC motors, one for AUTO 1, one for AUTO 2, and one for MAN. The MAN mode motor has microswitches to limit travel (0-90 degrees). The outflow valves control the cabin pressure in the AUTO and MAN modes. In AUTO 1 and AUTO 2 modes, the outflow valve sends its position to the cabin pressure controllers. In the MAN mode, the outflow valve shows its position on the EICAS display through the DAUs. An outflow valve travel limiter limits the valve opening to 50° when the differential pressure is higher than 7 ± 0.5 psid. The travel limiter is a mechanical device located in the valve. The body and the butterfly are made from glass fiberreinforced thermoplastics. The outflow valves communicate with the cabin pressure controllers via RS-422 links.
Outflow valve travel limiter
Travel Limiter This device consists in a plunger actuated pneumatically by a sense line connected to the aircraft outside ambient air. The vacuum generated pushes the plunger into the extended position to limit the travel of the butterfly. The position of the plunger is monitored by each cabin pressure controller (CPC) by means of a sensor. The travel limiter position information is relayed to both of the CPCs via the associated RS-422 serial data buses.
When is outflow valve master
During normal operation, OFV 2 is master on day 1 and 2, and OFV 1 is master on day 3 and 4 in a 4-day cycle.
When does pressurisation begin
Engine start up
Automatic Prepressurization Sequence on Ground Figure G10 The purpose of automatic prepressurization is to avoid cabin “bump” at takeoff. When the LGECU indicates an airplane weight-onwheels condition and both thrust lever angles are higher than 20° the prepressurization sequence is initiated.
What pressurisation modes are there
Automatic Primary and Secondary Modes There are two modes of operation while the CPCS is controlled in AUTO, the primary mode with FMS and the secondary mode without FMS.
The primary mode uses information from the FMS to minimize cabin altitude pressure rate and maximize cabin comfort. In primary mode the CPC uses time to go, time to top of climb, cruise flight level, and landing information from the FMS to compute the cabin pressurization schedule for the flight. The CPCS operates in primary mode when FMS information has been programmed, landing elevation source is selected to FMS, VNAV is the active vertical mode and the autopilot is on. In all other cases, the system defaults to secondary mode.
What is cabin alt normally set to
- The normal differential pressure (10.33 psid) providing a cabin altitude of 5670 feet at 51,000 feet and below takeoff airfield height
What is landing gear elevation
Landing Elevation Figures G20, G21 and G22 Landing elevation information is transmitted by the FMS or from the manual selection on the PRESSURIZATION panel. The value used for pressurization control by the CPCs is displayed on the STAT page. The LDG ELEV is displayed on the STAT page when all of the following conditions are met. • LDG ELEV FMS/MAN selector is set to FMS • Landing destination information is programmed in the FMS • Flight plan is activated
When the LDG ELEV FMS/MAN selector is set to MAN, the LDG ELEV selection is made from the PRESSURIZATION panel. A message is displayed on the EICAS and remains posted until an UP or DN selection is made.
What are system safeties
System Safeties Overpressure Relief Overpressure relief is ensured pneumatically by each identical SFV and overrides the operation of both the AUTO and MAN mode. When maximum differential pressure is reached, an overpressure valve located on the safety valve, opens to outside pressure. The differential pressure shall not exceed 0.1 psi during taxi and takeoff and 1.0 psi upon initial landing. At 10.63 ± 0.1 psi, the safety valve opens. At 10.85 psi, the CABIN DELTA P message is displayed on the EICAS and the digital readout on the STAT page changes to red.
Negative Pressure Relief Negative pressure relief is ensured pneumatically by each identical SFV and overrides the operation of both the AUTO and MAN mode. During an emergency descent without cabin airflow, when the outside pressure becomes slightly greater than cabin pressure, the SFV opens to control negative pressure at a value lower than or equal to –0.5 psid. A warning message is displayed on the EICAS and the digital readout on the STAT page changes to red.
Door Open Sequence This sequence prevents cabin pressurization if the aircraft doors are not closed and fully locked. The following table summarizes the outflow valve positions.
What is altitude limitation
Cabin Altitude Limitation
Figure G24 The cabin altitude limitation is ensured from the manual indicator module, included in the cabin pressure controller, driving the manual channel of the electrical outflow valve. When the cabin altitude reaches 14,500 ± 500 ft, the CPC cabin altitude limitation signal is active. This closes the outflow valve through the manual channel of the outflow valve actuator until cabin altitude becomes lower than 14,500 ft ± 500 ft. This signal also overrides the manual mode operation and closes the outflow valve through the manual channel of the outflow valve actuator.
What are outflow valve control switches
OUTFLOW VLV Close Switches
Figure G24 Two OUTFLOW VLV switches on the cabin pressurization control panel close the associated outflow valve (OFV). In both AUTO modes and in manual mode, when the OUTFLOW VLV switch is selected, the associated outflow valve is directly driven (through the manual drive mechanism of its actuator) to the closed position. The controllers receive the command and provide the status to EICAS. The appropriate OUTFLOW VLV 1/2 CLSD status message will be displayed.
What is ditching
Safety in Case of Ditching
Figure G26 Safety in case of DITCHING is achieved through an automatic sequence in both AUTO modes and through a manual sequence in manual mode. Safeties ensure that the cabin is fully depressurized and then the outflow valves fully closed. The automatic sequence is generated automatically from the DITCHING switch selection: • ECS flow is shut off
• Cabin is depressurized
• The outflow valves (OFV) are driven to the closed position The automatic ditching sequence is inhibited above 15,000 ft. When the DITCHING function is selected, the EICAS displays FWD and AFT outflow valves (OFV) position indications.
What is emergency depressurisation
Emergency Depressurization When the EMERG DEPRESS switch is selected ON, a fast depressurization is performed in AUTO or MAN mode by commanding both OFVs to open. Cabin altitude limitation functions override this function and does not allow the cabin altitude above 14,500 ± 500 feet. The cabin rate of climb limitation is inoperative during the emergency depressurization mode of operation.
What is emergency descent
Automatic Emergency Descent Mode (SB: 700-22-003 or 700-1A11-22-001) The automatic emergency descent mode (EDM) is used to initiate an autopilot-controlled descent in the event the flight crew has become incapacitated due to loss of cabin pressure. The mode is automatically enabled if the autopilot is engaged, the aircraft altitude is above 25,000 feet and the cabin altitude has exceeded 14,500 feet. The mode may only be canceled by disconnecting the autopilot. Once enabled, an EICAS warning message of EMERGENCY DESCENT is displayed and an aural mes
How long on manual pressurisation toggle switch operation
2 secs max to change alt