Autism Therapies Flashcards
What is ABA based on?
The ABC Model (all behaviours have triggers and consequences)
How does ABA work?
Through operant conditioning - complex skills are broken down into smaller steps which create a hierarchy (good behaviours are rewarded)
What happens to unacceptable behaviours in ABA?
They’re ignored and given no reinforcement
What is discrete trial training in ABA?
Teaches skills, communication etc.
How does ABA account for individual differences?
Because it’s individually tailored so it’s more effective for the child
Give 2 pieces of supporting evidence for ABA
- Lovaas - 47% achieved normal educational functioning compared to 2% in the control group
- Can involve parents so they’re helping and continuing training outside of sessions
Give 2 pieces of conflicting evidence for ABA
- Warren et al - reviewed studies of ABA. 13 good vs 90 poor
- Only shows benefits for a short period of time
How is ABA socially controlling?
Because the child’s behaviour is being changed against their will
What is the problem with prompting in ABA?
Behaviour may not always be shown outside of sessions
Why might extinction be a problem in ABA?
Because once the rewards stop this may occur - not long term so not useful
Why might discrimination be a problem in ABA?
Because behaviours can’t be generalised so may only work in one scenario - less useful
What does CBT treat in children with autism?
How does CBT work?
New skills are learnt to help when in anxious situations - alters thought processes
How is CBT adapted for children with autism?
Focuses on social coaching and teaching thought skills
Give 2 pieces of supporting evidence for CBT
- Wood - 78.% improvement in anxiety after 16 CBT sessions
- Sofronoff - children experienced less anxiety after CBT (parental self report)