Aunt Julia Flashcards
Aunt Julia spoke Gaelic
Word choice of Gaelic suggests that aunt Julia is different and stands out as she speaks a rare and dying out language
Very loud and very fast
Word choice of “loud” has connotations of standing out and wanting to be heard showing that she was quite extroverted and proud of her culture as she wants it to be heard.
I could not answer her -
I could not understand her
Repetition emphasises speakers helplessness
She wore men’s boots
Word choice of “men’s” suggests that the boots are designed and usually worn by a male - this shows that Aunt Julia is unconventional.
I can see her strong foot
Word choice of strong has connotations of power and independence showing she is a very tough and burly character.
Her strong foot stained with peat
Word choice of peat suggests the tightly packed dirt used for lighting fires. Since her feet are stained by peat we can see that she in inextricably linked to the landscape - it is her and she is it.
While her right hand drew yarn marvellously out of the air.
Word choice
Word choice of “marvellously” has connotations of awe and amazement suggesting the speaker was incredibly impressed at his aunts ability to draw the yarn.
While her right hand drew yarn marvellously out of the air
Literally drawing something out of the air is a form of magic - creating something out of nothing, like magic the speaker thought that his aunts ability to draw yarn out of nothing was a form of witchcraft - emphasising how incredible he found it.
Only house where I’ve lain at night
Word choice of “lain” suggest relaxed lying down, since he is so comfortable at his au te house even at night when people are typically scared showing just how safe he felt in his aunts house.
She was buckets and water flouncing into them
This metaphor compares the speakers aunt to buckets and water moving vigorously within. Literally buckets are basic frugal items and water flouncing is bold brash movements of water. Like water flouncing in buckets and Julia is very bold and powerfully also she lives a rudimentary lifestyle.
She was winds pouring wetly
Metaphors conveys power and strength of Aunt Julia
She was brown eggs and black skirts
Brown and black relate to bleak landscape showing how she is one with the nature of the island.
Black could possibly wan she is widowed
Silenced in the absolute black
Black has connotations of death and bleakness.
But I hear her still
Inversion, still has been moved to the end of the line to emphasises the word still showing that even now he remembers her emphasising his care for his Aunt.
Welcoming me with a seagulls voice
Seagulls voice is harsh and screechy but despite this writer still feels welcome showing how much he cared for his aunt.
Getting angry, getting angry
Repetition emphasises his anger, this anger is aimed at both the loss of his aunt and the loss of the culture she represented.
So many questions unanswered
Enjambement emphasises that his questions will never be answered and when someone dies there skills, knowledge and stories die too