AUD 4.9 - Written Representation Flashcards
When should the auditor obtain a management representation letter?
At the conclusion of fieldwork
Who prepares the management representation letter?
The client prints it on client letterhead and it is signed by the clietn
The three primary purposes of the management representation letter are:
- To confirm representation explicitly or implicitly given to the auditor
- Indicate and document the continuing appropriateness of such representations
- Reduce the possibility of missunderstanding
The management representation letter should be dated when?
Same date of the auditors report
Is the management representation letter mandatory to issue an unmodified opinion?
Who signs the management representation letter?
Members of management with overall responsibility for the financial and operating matters (usually the CFO and CEO)
The management representation letter should include the following representations:
Financial statements
Completeness of information
Laws and regulations
Uncorrected misstatements
Litigation and claims
Related party transactions
Subsequent events