AUD 3.3 - Identifying, Assessing, And Responding To Risk Flashcards
Risks that relate pervasively to the financial statements as a whole and potentially impact many relevant assertions:
Financial statement level risks
Financial statement level risks include weaknesses related to:
The process used to prepare the financials
Overall control environment
Lack of qualified personnel in financial reporting roles
The selection and application of significant accounting principles
Risks that relate to specific transactions, account balances, or disclosures at the relevant assertion level
Assertion level risk
Risks that require special audit consideration
Significant risks
A significant risk exists when:
Inherent risk is exceptionally high
Factors that may be indicative of significant risk include:
Related party transactions
Improper revenue recognition
Accounting estimates
Complex transactions
In order to reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level, the auditor should develop the following responses to the assessed risks of material misstatement:
An overall response to address financial statement level risks
A response at the relevant assertion level
A response to significant risks
This includes both the purpose (test of controls vs substantive procedures) and its type (inspection, observation, reperformance, etc.) of an audit procedure:
The nature
The higher the assessed risk of material misstatement requires what of audit evidence?
The more reliable and relevant audit evidence must be
If the auditor uses information provided by the entity’s information system, what must be tested?
The accuracy and completeness of that system
This refers to the quantity to be performed, such as the number of observations to be made or the sample size to be used of an audit procedures
The higher the assessed risk of material misstatement requires what of audit procedures?
The greater the extent of audit procedures should be
The higher the assessed risks of material misstatement, the closer or further to period-end substantive procedures should be performed?
Closer to year-end
Audit tests may be performed at interim if? Audit tests may be performed at year-end if?
Interim if strong controls
Year-end if weak controls
The auditors specific approach to identified risks at the relevant assertion level may consist of either:
Substantive approach only
A combined approach
When would a substantive approach for relevant assertions an risk be performed?
When there is a maximum control risk because:
There is no effective controls relative to the assertion
The implemented controls are ineffective
It’s not efficient tot test the operating and effectiveness of controls
Why would there be a maximum control risk?
There is no effective control related to the assertion
The implemented controls are ineffective
It would be inefficient to test the operating effectiveness of controls
When would a combined approach for relevant assertions and risk be performed?
If controls are operating effectively, less assurance will be required from substantive procedures
The combined approach uses what tests?
Tests of operating effectiveness of controls and substantive procedures
Test of controls are usually required when?
A business uses IT
Audit assertions are related to highly automated processing
Audit evidence is obtained electronically
When a test of controls is performed concurrently with a test of details on the same transaction
Dual purpose test
When the status of internal controls is: None or weak
What is the control risk assessment set at?
Would the auditors perform a test of controls?
Would the auditors perform substantive procedures?
Control risk assessment: high
Perform control tests: no, unless heavy use of IT
Reform substantive procedures: yes - maximum reliance
When the status of internal controls is: there are some
What is the control risk assessment set at?
Would the auditors perform a test of controls?
Would the auditors perform substantive procedures?
Control risk assessment: medium
Perform control tests: yes
Perform substantive procedures: yes - a medium reliance
When the status of internal controls is: strong
What is the control risk assessment set at?
Would the auditors perform a test of controls?
Would the auditors perform substantive procedures?
Control risk assessment: low
Perform control tests: yes
Perform substantive procedures: a minimum amount of reliance