AUD 4.3 - Cash Cycle Flashcards
What are two common cash fraud schemes?
Lapping and kiting
A fraud scheme in which todays cash receipts cover yesterdays theft
When an employee withholds funds received by a customer for personal use and fails to apply these receipts of cash or checks to the customers receivable balance. The unrecorded receipt is covered by applying a subsequent receipt.
Safeguards against lapping include:
Comparison of recorded cash receipts with funds actually deposited
Separation of incoming receipts from receivable remittance advices
Comparison of the details of bank deposits and the details of remittance credits
Provision of timely statements
Confirmations sent to customers
The best method to guard against lapping is
A lock box system
This system has customers send payments directly to the bank which prevents company employees from having access to payments received:
Lockbox system
A cash fraud in which cash recorded in two places at once
Occurs when a check drawn on one bank is deposited in another bank and no record is made of the disbursement in the balance of the first bank until after year-end. It results in an overstatement of cash in the financials as the cash is simultaneously reflected in two different bank accounts.
The detect kiting effectively:
A bank transfer schedule should be prepared
To ensure that kiting has not occurred:
Evidence should exist that all deposits in transit and outstanding checks listed on the bank reconciliation at year end cleared in the next period
What assertions are tested when auditing the cash balance?
Valuation and allocation
When auditing completes, valuation and allocation, and existence for the cash balance, the auditor should:
Send a bank confirmation to all banks the client has done business with during the year
Obtain a year end bank reconciliation
What assertions are tested when auditing for cash receipts and cash disbursements?
Valuation, allocation, and accuracy
Existence and occurrence
Understandability and classification
When testing the completeness for cash receipts and cash disbursements, the auditor should:
Cash receipts: Trace a sample of remittance advices to the cash receipts journal and deposit slips
Cash disbursements: trace a sample of canceled checks to the cash disbursement journal
When testing the cutoff for cash receipts and cash disbursements, the auditor should:
Verify the cutoff of cash receipts and disbursements shortly before and after year end for recording in the proper period
When testing the valuation, allocation, and accuracy for cash receipts and cash disbursements, the auditor should:
Cash receipts: sample daily deposits and foot the remittance advices and entries on the deposit slip and agree to the cash receipts journal and bank statement
Cash disbursements: sample voucher packets and agree the PO, receiving report, invoice, cancelled check and disbursement journal
When testing the existence and occurrence for cash receipts and cash disbursements, the auditor should:
Cash receipts: Vouch a sample of entries in the cash receipts journal to the remittance advices, deposit slips, ad bank statement
Cash disbursements: Vouch a sample of entries from the cash disbursements journal to canceled checks, the voucher packet, and the bank statement
When testing the understandability and classification of cash receipts and cash disbursements, the auditor should:
Examine a sample of remittance advices and canceled checks for recording in the proper account