Atypical sex chromosome patterns Flashcards
Turners syndrome characteristics
1 in 2000 girls
due to a gene mutation occurs at puberty
only one X chromosome (xo)
Turners symptoms
Shorter, wide necks, weaker bones, infertile, under-functioning ovaries.
Difficulty with learning or learning advantages (e.g reading)
How to treat turners syndrome
hormones- oestrogen and progesterone
Kleinfelters syndrome characteristics
men born with an extra x chromosome (xxy)
Kleinfelters symptoms
May be unable to produce testosterone, may produce breast tissue and have less body hair and body fat.
Emotional, aggressive, low sea drive, hard to control temper
Kleinfelters treatments
testosterone (tablet, gel, injection)
Doesn’t account for higher processes like social effects (e.g the bio social model).
Small sample sizes- exaggerated findings.
We draw conclusions from the most severe cases so ‘typical’ symptoms may be distorted
Boada- prospective study of XXY individuals and found lots did not show these symptoms.
Practical benefits
Leads to management of the syndrome
Study shows that those who treated Kleinfelters from a young age, experienced benefits with managing it.