Attitude Flashcards
Attitude: Cognitive component:
Cognitive component: Thorough weighting of pros and cons (rational)
Attitude: Affective component:
Affective component: based individual values or through conditioning and is difficult to change by rational arguments
Construction of attitude: Multi attribute model
The main attitude towards an object is the sum of multiple weighted components
The valuation of a component is based on the higher value of a means-end-chain
Good affective attitude vs Bad affective attitude
Associative network
Good affective attitude: Lego Haribo: remembering childhood —> fun with lego // NOT: Lego good/bad, but years of learning to have fun with lego
Bad affective attitude: party XY religion
Purchase probability: increases exponentially with strength of positive attitude
Situation dependency of attitude
Situation dependency of attitude
Cognitive embossed attitude and the weak networked affective attitude are strongly dependent on the context and situation
Change of attitude
By dissonance
By persuasive communication
Change of attitude by dissonance:
Change of attitude by dissonance:
If the own behavior is against the own attitude and there is no external reason, then cognitive dissonance is created, which can be resolved through change in attitude
Speech about dangers of smoking, but smoking your self —> probably stop smoking, because of the dissonance (counter-attitudinal advocacy)
Yale attitude change approach:
By persuasive communication:
Yale attitude change approach: WHO says WHAT to WHOM
Characteristics of communicator: believability (suit), interactiveness, status
Characteristics of the message: Length, Quality of arguments, one-sided versus two-sided arguments (immediately invalidate own argument weakly), primacy versus recency effect (begin & end of message important), recognizable persuasion attempts
Characteristics of the receiver: intelligence, need for cognition, age etc.
Elaboration likelihood model
Elaboration likelihood model — when do which factors effect how strongly
Persuasive Communication: does the consume a have the ability and the motivation to look at it (check the statement)?
Central route – Peripheral route
Central route in the elaboration likelihood model
Central route: arguments are compelling (+ interest and motivation) —> attitude change is long-lasting and resistant to change
If we are motivated to watch arguments, then we take the central (relevant for us) // bad mood
Peripheral route in the elaboration likelihood model:
Peripheral route in the elaboration likelihood model: Peripheral cues are a compelling (length, attributes of the communicator, social status, attractiveness) —> attitude change is temporary and susceptible to change
If we are distracted, tired or exhausted we take be peripheral route // good mood
High need for cognition:
High need for cognition: if we like to think about things naturally, we take the central route even with persuasive messages (—> Solution: Alcohol)
Affective versus cognitive attitude
Affective versus cognitive attitude
Fight fire with fire: emotional attitudes with emotional arguments and rational attitudes with rational arguments (Donald Trump)
Emotions —> evaluative conditioning