attitude Flashcards
Cognitive dissonance theory
inconsistencies between a person’s thoughts, sentiments, and actions create an aversive emotional state that leads to efforts to restore consistency
Cognitive dissonance theory
attitude change can occur as a result of an inconsistency between attitude and behavior
1)changing behaviors or if that’s not possible or desirable 2 )changing attitude to bring it in line with the new behavior
Dissonance #1:induced forced compliance
Subtly compelling individuals to behave in a manner that is inconsistent with their beliefs, attitudes, or values, which typically leads to dissonance and to a change in their original attitudes to reduce their dissonance
Festinger and carlsmith (1959) experiment on forced compliance
Dissonance #2:Spread of alternatives
people reevaluate their chosen item more positively and their rejected item more negatively
Go ahead, rationalize. Monkeys Do It Too!(Egan,Santos, and Bloom, 2007)
1)monkeys show equal preferences to 3 colors of M&M’s(red,blue,green)
2)they’re given a choice vs no choice conditions:Monkeys given option to choose Red or Blue(Chose Red, rejected blue)
3)Critical test: which one would monkeys choose?They reliably pick the novel option
If the monkeys were given blue or green, they will choose green because they rejected blue previously
Are we satisfied with choices we can reverse or choices that are irreversible?(Gilbert & Ebert, 2002)
1 week later participants rated how much they liked the painting, people who could not return were more satisfied with their choice
Dissonance #3 Effort justification
Tendency to reduce dissonance by rationalizing why one has devoted time, effort, or money for something that turned out to be a failure, disappointing, painful
examples of effort justification
Aronson and Mills “initiation experiment”
sunk cost fallacy
Self affirmation theory
when people experience threat to their self-image, they may restore their self-worth by affirming themselves in an unrelated domain
Just world belief
JWB allow individuals to maintain a sense of purpose and control-bad things couldn’t happen to me
People have the desire to believe the world is orderly, predictable, people get what they deserve
one consequence of just world belief
blaming victims
Blaming the victim experiment
Participants watch another person experience misfortune or suffering
Restore justice (RJ) condition: Participants (or someone else) can help the victim
Participants were allowed to help victim overcome the challenge
JWB condition: participants (or someone else) cannot help the victim
RJ condition: positive evaluation of victim
JWB condition:derogation(blamed the victim of their misfortune) of victim
Less of a positive opinion of victim
When you help the victim you restore justice, fix the problem, when you cant help the victim your rationalize by thinking they deserved it anyways
Victim blaming is less likely
If victim can be helped
Fate similarity