Attachment Flashcards
What is an attachment?
A two way emotional bond that develops over time between two people, shown in their behaviour.
What three behaviours might show that an attachment has formed?
Stranger anxiety, separation protest, and secure-base behaviour
What is stranger anxiety?
Distress in the presence of unknown individuals
What is separation protest?
Distress at the absence of a specific person - need for proximity to an individual
What is secure-base behaviour?
Regular return to the attachment figure, e.g. infants when playing
What is bodily contact as a type of carer-infant interaction?
Close proximity helps to form an attachment bond
What is interactional synchrony as a type of caregiver-infant interaction?
Mother and infant’s actions and emotions mirror each other, and they do this in a co-ordinated, synchronised way
What is reciprocity as a type of caregiver-infant interaction?
A description of how two individuals interact. It is a two way process when each person responds to the other and elicits a response from them (turn taking/ question and answer). Most likely led by the adult.
What type of attachment is desirable to have?
secure attachment
What did Klaus and Kennell find in 1976?
Compared babies who had several hours of contact with those that only had contact during feeding with mother in the three days after birth.
One month later the mums that had the greater physical contact were more likely to cuddle their babies and maintain better eye contact.
Effects were noticeable one year on, therefore suggesting that greater physical contact creates stronger attachment bonds
What did Melzoff and Moore find in 1977?
Found infants aged 2-3 weeks mimicked adults’ specific facial expressions - this was then seen in infants less than three days old, therefore suggesting that infant mimicry is an innate biological device to facilitate attachment formation
What did Isabella find in 1989?
Observed 30 mother and infant relationships, finding high levels of synchrony between mother and infant were as sociated with better mother-infant relationships, therefore suggesting that synchrony between mother and child is a feature of attachment formation
What did Le Vine et al find in 1994 to criticise Isabella’s research?
Found that interactional synchrony is not found in all cultures - reported that Kenyan mothers have little physical contact or interactions with infants, however, a high proportion of these infants do form secure attachments, suggesting that interactional synchrony is not necessary for attachments to form
What are the strengths of using observations to study attachment?
They are controlled procedures
take place in a lab and recorded
filmed from multiple angles, babies don’t realise that they are being filmed, and the footage can be analysed at a later date to check the accuracy of the recordings.
This all helps the validity of the research
What are the weaknesses of using observations to study attachments?
Can be subjective due to a lack of verbal ability in children and so assumptions or inferences about behaviour are re lied upon, leading us to question if the infant’s action was really deliberate?
Therefore, research may lack accuracy and validity.
They can also be unreliable if there is only one observe
What is a strength of using questionnaires to study attachment?
large sample size as easy to distribute
Can use open and closed questions
What is a weakness of using questionnaires to study attachment?
Social desirability bias may be present as a mother may fall into the please you effect as she describes her attachment with her child.
This can therefore lead to the results being inaccurate and thus not valid
What is a strength of using interviews to study attachment?
Can use open ended questions to gain rich in depth detailed information, increasing validity
What are the weaknesses of using interviews to study attachment?
Social desirability bias and interviewer bias may be present, leading to inaccuracy in results and a lack of internal validity.
Inaccurate responses may be given as the mother cannot recall the information needed, reducing validity.
Usually uses a smaller sample size, reducing reliability
What are some possible issues with attachment research?
Ethical issues
Parental consent needed, children will not exercise their right to withdraw and need to be closely monitored for distress. Confidentiality and privacy issues may be raised
Practical issues
Babies are often asleep or being fed
Attachment research is often socially sensitive because it has implications for the wider public
e.g. working mothers feeling they can’t go back to work because of the importance of what research says about the attachment bond
Who put forward the four staged of attachment in 1996?
Schaffer and Emerson
Asocial Stage
0 to 6 weeks
Infant begins to form bonds with carers.
A slight preference for humans over non-human objects is shown, though this increases from 6 weeks old, and this preference is shown by smiling at faces, particularly those of familiar adults.
Indiscriminate Stage
6 weeks to 7 months
Distinct preference for familiar adults but will accept com fort from any, no anxiety towards strangers and no separation anxiety
Specific Stage
7 to 9 months
Infant shows separation anxiety and stranger anxiety.
Baby has formed a specific attachment to one caregiver, in 65% of cases, the mother.
This is the primary attachment figure.
Multiple Attachment Stage
10 months +
Infant forms secondary attachments easily with other caregivers, e.g. grandparents, once they have formed the initial primary attachment
Out of all the attachments the infants formed, they varied greatly in strength and value/importance to the child.
Schaffer and Emerson - Aim
To identify stages of attachment/find a pattern in the development of an attachment between infants and parents
Schaffer and Emerson - Procedure
Longitudinal study of 60 new-born babies and their mothers from working class backgrounds in Glasgow.
Completed naturalistic observation and interviews each month for a year, and then again at 18 months.
Attachment was measured by separation protest and stranger anxiety.
Self report method used as mothers were asked how their children behaved in everyday situations
What were the results of the Schaffer and Emerson 1964 research?
6-8 months - separation protest shown
9 months - stranger anxiety shown
10 months - 39% of infants formed multiple attachments
18 months - 87% of infants had formed multiple attachments (5+ attachments)
Mothers who were strongly attached responded quickly to their infant’s needs and interacted well, i.e. they showed sensitive responsiveness (opposite for weakly attached).
However, this didn’t have to be the mother - it could be another caregiver
What conclusions were drawn from the Schaffer and Emerson 1964 research?
There is a common pattern of attachment to all infants, suggesting there is an element of biological control to attachment formation, therefore supporting Schaffer’s stages of attachment.
Sensitive responsiveness was shown to be key to making strong attachments - quality time” is needed
What are the strengths of Schaffer and Emerson’s 1964 research?
High levels of mundane realism
Everyday life condition - high ecological validity
Infants’ behaviour is not likely to be affected by observers
Reduces experimenter bias, in creasing internal validity
Longitudinal design - The same children were followed up and observed regularly.
This reduces individual differences being a confounding variable, thus increasing the validity of the study