attachement Flashcards
an emotional bond with a specific person that is enduring across space and time
more than just a connection:
- desire for regular contact
- distress upon separation
Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
children are biologically predisposed to develop attachment to caregivers as a means of increasing chances of their survival
attachment is crucial for children’s psychological well being and forms the basis of personality development
what are the four main characteristics of attachment system
1 proximity seeking and maintenance
2. separation distress
3. safe haven
4. secure base
proximity maintenance
is caregiver near, attentive, responsive?
yes = secure base behaviour
no = separation distress = proximity seeking = safe haven
secure attachment style
60% - infant distressed when mom leaves, but plays on their own and seeks comfort upon reunion with mom
avoidant attachment style
15% infant does not display signs of distress upon separation, played by themselves, and disinterested in mom upon reunion
anxious/ambivalent attachment style
10% infant extremely distressed upon separation, difficulties playing on their own, but not reassured upon reunion with mom and resist parent’s attempt to soothe
disorganized attachment style
15% behaviour is contradictory - seems to want to approach caregiver but also sees them as a source of fear - frequently appears dazed and dissociated
characteristics of parents of children with secure attachment
available/responsive to child’s needs - child learns that proximity seeking is a good strategy to soothe distress
characteristics of parents of children with avoidant attachment
consistently unavailable - child learns that proximity seeking is not a strategy to soothe distress - deactivation of attachment system
characteristics of parents of children with anxious attachment
inconsistently responsive or overbearing - child learns that proximity is sometimes a good strategy to soothe distress, but not always - hyperactivation of attachment system
internal working models
mental representations of the self, attachment figures, and relationships in general that is constructed as a result of experiences with caregivers
anxious avoidant pair
anxious partner wants more closeness than avoidant is willing to provide
avoidant partner partner wants more independence than anxious partner is willing to provide
relationship is stable because anxious partners have a strong desire for closeness that leads them to persistently pursue avoidant partner and avoidant partners eventually cave into anxious partner’s pursuit (don’t know if i agree w this)
safe haven in adult attachment system
securely attached adults are more likely to seek comfort when stressed, but avoidantly attached adults are less likely to seek comfort when stressed
secure base/separation distress in adult attachment systems
when separated from partner, both anxious and avoidant ps (vs secure) showed elevanted heart rate and blood pressure during a stressful task
- suggests that insecurely attached adults do not use their partner as a secure base
does the adult attachment system function similarly to infants’ attachment system?
- avoidant attachment still sometimes shows anxiety at separation from partner
- dissmisive styles are able to to deactivate both overt attachment behaviours and covert attachment system (no physiological response)
- but fearful styles can only deactivate overt attachment
infancy to adulthood study
longitudinal study from childhood to age 18
- avoidance predicted by lower maternal sensitivity and not living with father
- anxiety predicted by maternal depression
however, across studies correlation is low
how can internal working models lead to self fulfilling prophecies?
confirmation bias - we pick people who are consistent with our expectations, deepening reliance on early attachment experiences
can attachment style change?
studies have shown that attachment styles can change depending on who we are with
-study measured stability in adult attachment style over a few weeks -70% same attachment style, 30% changed (mostly anxious and avoidant people)
changes are usually due to major life events and 25% of these events led to an enduring change in attachment style
aging and attachment
people become less anxious and maybe less avoidant as they get older
- people seek security naturally
- people build more secure working models of self and of others over time, reducing reliance on the attachment system and allowing for corrective experiences
- therapy
attachment as an associative network
people have different attachment styles with different people, suggesting that attachment is an associative network - behaves differently in different situations or with different people
fluctuates based on recency of activation, general attachment style = frequency of activation