This class was created by Brainscape user Anika Van. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

the self
Self concept,
Distinctiveness theory,
Multiple selves
22  cards
interaction effects
2  cards
organization of the self concept
Content of self concept,
What is the self concept,
Self complexity
20  cards
culture and the self
Individualistic vs collectivistic...,
Self concept and culture
16  cards
culture and the self 2
Expressive interdependence in lat...,
Assertive interdependence in arabs,
Emotional experience in usa vs ge...
16  cards
illusions about the self
Most people have which three illu...,
Self enhancement,
Evidence for overly positive self...
15  cards
illusions about the self 2
How do we know that people s self...,
What are the two self enhancement...,
Give an example of a protection s...
20  cards
self presentation
Self presentation theory,
How do we want others to see us,
Social intelligence task
13  cards
being perceived by others
Target vs perceiver,
Why do we make errors in perception,
Expressive accuracy
26  cards
the self under threat
Self integrity,
What is threatening to the self,
Examples of threats to the self
20  cards
Summarize the person situation de...,
Person argument,
Personality consistency paradox
22  cards
motivation and goals
What is a common assumption about...,
30  cards
unconscious motives
Auto motive model,
Adaptive automation,
Automotive model vs implementatio...
12  cards
the need to belong
The fundamental need to belong,
What determines a fundamental need,
Need to belong and emotions
20  cards
Bowlby s attachment theory,
What are the four main characteri...
21  cards
Three part model of empathy,
Affective emotional empathy,
Emotion sharing emotion contagion
24  cards
Early measures of racism,
Implicit attitudes test iat
18  cards
gene x environment interactions
Diathesis stress model,
Serotonin transporter 5 htt gene,
11  cards
psychology of social media
How many people worldwide use som...,
Who uses social media the most,
Moving target problem
28  cards
psychology of conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theory,
How common is belief in conspirac...,
Why are conspiracy theories so co...
12  cards
What are the two types of happiness,
What are the three factors that c...,
Set point theory
20  cards

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