Atmosphere Flashcards
What is the atmosphere?
The thin layer of gases that surround the earth
What are the most abundant gases in the atmosphere?
Nitrogen and oxygen
What is water vapor?
Water in its gaseous form
How does the atmosphere make conditions on earth livable?
It contains oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water necessary for life - It traps heat - It protects us from the sun - It protects us from meteors
Know all the layers of the atmosphere in order and what is special about that layer.
Exosphere- thinnest and least dense layer
Thermosphere- contains the ionosphere
Mesosphere- breaks up meteors
Stratosphere- most commercial airlines fly here
Troposphere- layer where weather occurs
Know what ozone is and why it is important.
Ozone is gas that protects us from UV rays
Know what the ionosphere is and why it is important.
The ionosphere is a layer that has electrical charge and helps transmit radio waves
Know the three types of thermal energy and examples of each
Radiation- transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
Conduction- transfer of energy by contact
Convection- transfer of energy by movement
Know what visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation are.
Visible light- majority of sunlight is in the form of a mixture of all the colors you see in the rainbow
Ultraviolet light- has short wavelengths and can break chemical bonds
Infrared radiation- forms of energy with wavelengths longer than visible light and is not visible but can be felt as heat
What are greenhouse gases?
Gases in the earth’s atmosphere that traps heat
What is the greenhouse effect?
Greenhouse gases allow sunlight to pass through, but prevent IR energy from escaping - warms the earth
What are unstable conditions? What are causes and effects?
positive bouyancy
When a parcel of air is warmer than the environmental air and rises on its own due to positive buoyancy - caused by strong moving air (produces thunderstorms)
What are stable conditions? What are causes and effects?
Weak circulating air (causes pollutants to become trapped near ground level)
What is temperature inversion?
A layer in the atmosphere in which air temperature increases with height (can trap pollution)
What is the Coriolis effect?
Global winds following a curved path
What are the three types of global winds?
Trade winds- steady winds that flow from east to west between 30oN latitude and 30oS latitude
Polar easterlies- cold winds that blow from east to west near the north and south poles
Westerlies- steady winds from west to east between latitude lines 30oN and 60oN and 30oS and 60oS
Jet streams- near the top of the troposphere, a narrow band of high winds
What is a sea breeze?
The cooler air over the ocean is flowing over the land surface to replace the rising
What is a land breeze?
The denser cool air over the land is flowing offshore to replenish the buoyant warm air
What is air pollution?
Contamination of air by harmful substances including gases and smoke
What is point-source pollution?
Pollution that comes from an identifiable source (such as large factories, power plants, volcano eruption)
What is nonpoint-source pollution?
Pollution that comes from a widespread area
What is photochemical smog?
air pollution - air and sunlight
Air pollution that forms from the interaction between chemicals in the air and sunlight
Why is ozone bad at ground level?
It can damage tissues of plants and animals
What does AQI stand for?
Air quality index
What is particulate matter?
Mixture of dusts, acids, and other chemicals that can be hazardous to human health