Astronomy B ( fall 2015) Flashcards
a supernova is the explosion of______
a nebula
A star is born when___
nuclear fusion starts
What creates sunspot storm on the sun
a change in temperature on the surface of the sun caused by strong magnetic fields
Where do baby atoms come from?
Helium through iron is formed in the cores of stars
What is located at the center of our galaxy?
A huge black hole
What fuels the sun?
Where is the asteriod belt located
Between Mars and Jupiter
What are Oort Clouds
Distant comets 50,000 - 100.000 AU from the Sun
What is the Kuiper belt
Short period comets just beyond Neptune
How far back in time was the flash of light from the Big Bang?
13.8 billion years ago
What do the first four outer planets have in common?
They are much larger than the Earth and are made mainly of hydrogen and helium
Both reflecting and refracting telescopes are designed to
gather and focus visible light
What is the convective Zone
the layer of the sun that surrounds the radiative zone where energy moves as flowing cells of gas
What is the core?
extremely hot center of the sun where nuclear fusion takes place
What is Plasma?
High energy, high temperature form of matter; electrons are removed from atoms, leaving each atom with a positive electrical charge
What is the radioactive Zone?
The layer of the sum immediately surrounding the core; energy moves atom to atom
The solar system formed from___
a giant cloud of gas and dust
What is the name of our galaxy?
The MIlky Way
What force assembled the Asteroid Belt?
The gravity of Jupiter
What color are the coolest stars?
Because of the Doppler Effect, Stars moving away from us are______
red shifted and measure more red than the true star
How are Venus and Earth alike?
Their size and density
Know the stages of the life cycle of the sun from first to last
Know the stages of the life cycle of the sun from first to last
When a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere it is called
a meteor
Know the star groupings from smallest to largest
Know the star groupings from the smallest to largest
What do all of the inner planets have in common?
They are small and have rocky surfaces
How do reflecting telescopes differ from refracting telescopes?
They use a mirror instead of an objective lens
Besides Earth, which inner planet once had liquid water on its surface
What is distinctive about Jupiter?
It is the largest and most massive planet
Why are many large optical telescopes located on mountains?
to be above part of the atmosphere
Know the stages of the life cycle of the largest stars in order from first to last
Know the stages of the lifecycle if the largest stars in order from first to last
What process consumes the fuel of the sun?
Nuclear fusion
Large stars use up their hydrogen fuel_____
in a shorter time than a small star
The sun has enough hydrogen to last another____
5 billion years
What is the Kuiper Belt?
Comet debris orbiting past pluto
The Milk Way galaxy is an example of
a spiral galaxy