What does the volumetric air meter test measure?
The air in the mortar fraction of the concrete?
Why doesn’t the Volumetric Air Meter test need an aggregate correction factor?
The equipment/test is NOT AFFECTED by the air inside the AGGREGATE PARTICLES
What % of alchohol needs to be used?
B__, A__, P__
What are the 3 materials a volumetric air meter can be made out of?
1) Brass
2) Aluminum
3) Plastic
0.07_ ft^3?
What is the volume of the bowl?
0.075 ft3
Do you vibrate or rod ONLY when using the volumetric method?
How much % larger must the top-section be vs the bowl section?
AT LEAST 20% larger
What is the required (2)range and (1)graduation % ranges for the sight glass?
(1) At least 0.5%
(2) Range: 0-9%
5/_ inch +- 1/_ inch
What is the diameter of the tamping rod used for testing?
5/8 inch
1/6 inch
How much longer than the depth of the mold must the tamping rod be?
At least 4 inches
What is the MAXIMUM size a tamping rod can be for the volumetric air meter?
24 inches
S___, P___
What are the materials for the 2 types of strike-off bars avaliable?
1) Steel
2) Plastic
1/_ inches?
What is the MINIMUM thickness required for a steel strike-off bar?
1/8 inch
What is the MINIMUM thickness required for a PLASTIC strike-off bar?
1/4 inch thickness
3/__ inch
What is the width of the strike-off bar for volumetric pressure meter?
(EITHER bar material)
3/4 inch
How long must the strike-off bar be for volumetric field testing?
12 inches long
Air Content - 9%
What is a calibrated cup used for when doing a volumetric pressure test?
Used to add water to the meter when the air content is GREATER THAN 9%
How big is the measuring cup for measuring alchol?
What are the MINIMUM measurment divisions for the alchohol vessel?
4 oz
What is the MINIMUM size for the syringe?
What size is the MINIMUM for the vessel that pours water?
AT LEAST 1 quart
_.25 lbs +- 0.5 lbs
What is the WEIGHT of the mallet used for the volumetric pressure testing?
1.25 lbs
What is the correction factor when 2 PINTS of alchohol is added?
What is the correction factor when 3 PINTS of alchohol is added?
What is the correction factor when 4 PINTS of alchohol is added?
What is the correction factor when 5 PINTS of alchohol is added?
How often do you calibrate the volumetric air meter?
Calibrate anually
-1.00 +- 0.0_%
What is the volume of the calibrated cup?
+- 0.04%
If concrete contains aggregate that would be retained on a (1) 1 _/_ inch sieve, wet sieve over a (2) _ inch sieve?
1) 1 1/2 inch
2) 1 inch
1/_ inches?
How much concrete do you want above the rim of the measure?
1/8 inches
How much water do you add through the funnel once you insert the funnel into the top section?
1 pint
What is the time limit for how long the meter can be inverted?
5 Seconds
How long are you supposed to preform the invert the meter process?
45 seconds
_5 Degrees
After inverting process –> to what degree do you tilt the meter?
45 Degrees
1/_ - 1/2 turn
What fraction of a full turn are you supposed to rotate the meter?
Occasionaly rotate 1/3 of a turn
1/4 - 1/2 turn
How long are you supposed to repeat the tilting and rotating process of the volumetric pressure meter?
Minimum of 1 minute
Water level does not drop more than 1/_% in _ minutes
What is the criteria for a “stable reading” when the initial pressure is released to to be read?
Water level does not drop more than 1/4% in 2 minutes
What is the time limit for the initial reading to become stable?
6 Minutes
You cannot have more than _% divisions of froth above the water level?
When air content is over _%
When must additional calibrated cups of water be added to the site glass in order for the water line to be visible?
(When water line is not visible in the site glass)
When air content is over 9%
What must happen if you empty the bowl and there is still concrete left in the bowl?
The test must be thrown out and repeated
Air% = MR - AC + Number of calibrated cups of water if over 9%
What is the equation for Air% when more water is needed to be added to get the water in sight line?
Air% = Meter Reading - Alcohol Correction + Number of calibrated cups of water if over 9%