Do you wet sieve aggregate for tempature?
In Inches
What aggregate size dictates that you wait 20+ minutes for temp. of batch for it to become homogenous?
3 inches or larger
2 things that it does
What are reference thermometers used for?
Use to calibrate and verify field thermometers.
In Inches
How deep must the field thermometer be inserted into the concrete?
3 inches
In Inches
How much space must the thermometer have on each side around the thermometers when taking temp.
3 Inches
How much bigger must the concrete cover be? _ times the nominal size of the aggregate?
30-__ Degrees F
What is the temperature range of field thermometers? Accuracy Range?
30-120 F
+- __?
What is the accuracy of field theremometers?
+- 1 Degrees F
+- __?
What is the accuracy for reference thermometers?
+- 0.5 Degrees F
Every __ Months
How often must a digital thermometer be verified?
Every 12 Months
How often must “liquid in glass” be verified?
One Time
The _ _ _ _
What orginization must verifications be reported to?
Digitial thermometers are verified at __ temperatures –> that are at least __ degrees apart.
1) 2
2) 30 Degrees F
Do you use OIL or WATER when verifying a digital thermometer?
+- __?
What is the tolerance temperature of the reference oil?
+- 0.5 Degrees F
When verifying/calibrating thermometers – what is the procedure for each?
1) How long must both thermometers be kept in oil?
1) 5 Minutes
When calibrating thermometers – make sure the thermometers equal the ___?
Equals the reference thermometer temperature
+- _ Degree
What must the reading between tested and reference thermometers be?
+- 1 Degree F
Not less than __ minutes – No more than __ minutes
What is the time range a thermometer must be left in the concrete sample?
No less than 2 MINUTES
Not more than 5 MINUTES